Althaea officinalis: description, properties, application in traditional medicine

Marshmallow is a medicinal plant that has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. It is currently part of syrups, herbal teas and lozenges. The plant is used in herbal medicine for infectious and viral diseases of the respiratory system.

Althaea officinalis. Description

grass description

The marshmallow belongs to the Malvov family. Mention of its healing properties can be found in ancient chronicles. This plant is native to the Mediterranean regions and also grows in the steppe regions of western Asia. In Russia, wild marshmallows can be found very rarely. However, it is often grown for medicinal use.

Description of Althea officinalis is presented below. The plant reaches a height of about 1.5 m. The stems and leaves are pubescent with soft short hairs. Heart-shaped or ovoid leaves 7-10 cm long, with wavy or corrugated edges. Marshmallow blooms from July to August. Its flowers are quite large, pink and located in the axils of the leaves on the tops of the stems, collected one or more. These flowers consist of 5 petals. The cylindrical root of the plant is long and reaches up to 3 cm in diameter. The roots have a tan peel and a slightly honey aroma.

Collection and drying

dry plant raw materials

Medicinal raw materials of the plant are flowers, leaves and root. Flowers and leaves without stalks should be collected on a dry day, in the late afternoon, from June to August. After they need to be spread out in a thin layer in a dark place or in a grass dryer, oven with fan at a temperature of 40 ° C.

The roots are dug up for 2 years of growing the plant. The procedure is best done after sunrise, in late autumn (in this case, much more useful components have been accumulated than in spring). Immediately after digging, the roots should be washed, peeled, cut and dried at a temperature of 40 ° C. Dry raw materials must be stored in a tightly closed container and in a dry, dark place.


The roots of Althea officinalis contain:

  • pectin substances;
  • starch;
  • sucrose;
  • asparagine;
  • betaine;
  • glycosides;
  • phenolic acids;
  • coumarins;
  • lecithin;
  • tannins;
  • mineral salts (calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, selenium, potassium, manganese);
  • vitamins (B1, B2, B3, A, C, D, E).

Leaves and flowers also contain pectin, organic acids (calcium oxalates), flavonoids, essential oils, coumarins and mineral salts.

Cold remedy

cold remedy

Due to its beneficial properties, Althaea officinalis has a wide range of uses. Syrup from a plant is an excellent cough suppressant, therefore it is readily used in the treatment of colds, flu, sore throats, sore throats and even bronchitis, that is, diseases that accompany coughing and the accumulation of mucus in the body. The components of the plant have an expectorant and protective effect on the respiratory tract. Medicines from the herb soften the secretions adjacent to the walls of the pharynx and larynx, thereby reducing irritation and pain.

Marshmallow is often used as a component of cough syrup for children, because it does not contain very strong ingredients and tastes good. It affects the upper respiratory tract receptors, blocks their work and reduces the cough reflex. Herb infusions are recommended for inflammatory diseases of the throat, oral cavity and larynx. It must be remembered that it is not necessary to take funds from this herb simultaneously with other drugs, since the components of the plant delay the absorption of the substances contained in them.

The consumption of products containing the plant is recommended for overweight people and those who have problems with high cholesterol and lipids in the blood. Consumption of marshmallow infusion will give a feeling of satiety, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger.

Scientific studies have confirmed that the aqueous extract of marshmallow medicinal has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, therefore, is useful in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections of the respiratory tract. To treat the infection, you can use ready-made pharmacy syrups and chewable tablets with this herb or prepare your own medicines from the plant.

What else helps marshmallow?

In addition to the beneficial effects of treating cough and sore throat, the herb has many other medicinal uses. The components of the plant have a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The active substances of the grass cover the mucous membranes with a thin layer and protect them from the harmful effects of external factors. Due to this, damage to the esophagus and stomach is eliminated.

Marshmallow is recommended for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal problems. Grass eliminates excess hydrochloric acid in the stomach, so it can ease the symptoms of reflux esophagitis.

A warm infusion of plant leaves helps with inflammation of the bladder. Powder from its root, mixed with water, is useful for persistent constipation. It swells and accelerates intestinal motility. As a remedy for constipation, you can apply an enema with a decoction.

Altai and skin changes

a compress on the skin

Althaea officinalis is used externally for skin inflammation. The grass not only relieves irritation, but also has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions from the plant are recommended in the form of compresses and for washing with inflammatory diseases of the skin, eyelids and conjunctiva, as well as with sunburn. From the grass, you can prepare an ointment for purulent skin lesions.

Syrup from the marshmallow. Indications and dosage regimen

Herb syrup is available at the pharmacy without a prescription and is relatively inexpensive. The syrup is often used as directed by a doctor in case of mild forms of inflammation of the respiratory tract. It can be used by adults.

The syrup contains macerate of the marshmallow root, a mixture of water and ethanol, benzoic acid and sucrose. The side effects of the syrup are not known, but it is worthwhile to adhere to the recommendations of the doctor who prescribed it, or follow the instructions given on the drug insert.

Due to the sucrose content, people with diabetes should be careful when taking this medicine. In addition, syrup is not recommended for people suffering from epilepsy, with problems with the liver and bronchial asthma.

cough syrup

Syrup can be given to children after consulting a doctor:

  • babies from 3 to 6 years old can take 5 ml of the drug 3 times a day;
  • children from 6 years of age can take 5 ml of syrup 5 times a day;
  • children over 13 years old are recommended to take 10 ml 6 times a day.

The child can be given syrup both in the morning and in the evening (before bedtime). In addition, the product has a pleasant honey aftertaste.

Syrup from the marshmallow. How to cook at home?

You can make syrup from the plant at home. To do this, you need to buy the powder of the root of the marshmallow pharmacy.

Preparation: 6 tablespoons of the crushed root of the plant pour 500 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. Then let stand for 30 minutes, strain and add 300 ml of honey. You can also add 100 ml of ethyl alcohol.

Folk recipes

folk recipes

The use of marshmallow in folk medicine is very diverse.

  • Macerate from the root of the plant can be prepared in cold or warm water. To do this, you need to fill a tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiled water of the selected temperature and let stand for about 1 hour. After this time, the macerate must be filtered and sweetened with honey. Drink a tablespoon several times a day with inflammation of the stomach and upper respiratory tract.
  • Remedy for constipation: Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped root into 1/3 cup of water, mix and drink. In older people, enemas from the plant extract are performed in case of constipation or with inflammation of the rectum. In women, it can be used to flush the vagina for inflammatory diseases.
  • Compress for skin problems: 2-4 tablespoons of the crushed root of the plant pour a glass of water, cook slowly until a thick slurry is obtained. Add half a spoonful of honey, stir, transfer to linen canvas or cheesecloth and warmly apply to the affected areas of the changed skin.
  • Compress on the eyes can be made from infusion. To do this, 2 tablespoons of grass pour half a glass of boiling water and leave for several minutes. Then strain and soak cotton swabs with liquid and apply them on the eyes. Compresses on the eyes relieve irritation caused, for example, by prolonged use of the computer, and are also able to cure barley on the eyelids. The infusion can be used to wash the skin of the face and neck after sunburn to alleviate itching.
  • Milk with marshmallow: 2 tablespoons of chopped root pour 2 cups of milk, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey and slowly bring to a boil. Cook another 30–45 minutes. Take with cough and stomach ulcers.
  • The mask is regenerating. You need 1 tablespoon of the root of the plant of marshmallow, pour 1/2 cup of warm water and adhere for half an hour. Then strain and add a handful of oatmeal and a tablespoon of homemade yogurt. The product is applied to the face for 15 minutes. After rinse with warm water. The mask has a regenerating, cleansing and moisturizing effect on the skin.
  • Oil macerate: it is necessary to fill the dried plant roots with oil and insist for a month in a warm room. The product is used for dry skin of the face and head. Helps to get rid of dandruff, strengthens hair. It can also be used as anti-aging serum. It will be a good component for creams, hair products (at the tips). Oil macerate from the plant is used for skin diseases. It has antibacterial, moisturizing properties.

Pharmaceutical preparations with marshmallow

In pharmacies, there are a number of drugs, herbal and nutritional supplements with medicinal moth. Here is some of them:

  • Altai syrup (Sirupus Althaeae) - the drug is recommended for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx and bronchi, proceeding with a dry cough and difficulty in sputum discharge. Its use is also recommended for children and the elderly with inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • Breast collection No. 1 - a herbal collection, which in addition to the marshmallow root includes: Origanum ordinary grass, coltsfoot leaves. It is used to prepare a decoction or infusion, used for coughing and a chronic condition with severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
    cough mucaltin
  • "Mukaltin" - cough tablets. Contains medicinal marshmallow, soda, tartaric acid, calcium stearate. The pills help eliminate the feeling of dryness and "scratching" in the throat that accompany upper respiratory tract infections. Dilute sputum and accelerate its exit from the bronchi.
  • Tea drink "Healthy Stomach" with marshmallow - regulates the pH of gastric juice and reduces its production.

Side effects and contraindications

Contraindications Althea officinalis:

  • Due to the lack of relevant data, it is better not to use the plant during pregnancy and lactation.
  • In children, the grass can be used only temporarily and only in small doses (during teething, you can give a chew to the cleaned root of the plant).
  • Due to the decrease in absorption of other drugs, do not use herbal medicines for more than a week. Long-term use of the extract from the roots of the plant can lead to a deficiency of vitamins, mineral salts and other compounds.


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