What herbs can be used for cough inhalation

A variety of diseases can be accompanied by a cough. This misfortune bothers with a cold, it is necessarily observed with flu. Cough is a faithful companion of bronchitis, laryngitis. To cope with it, people came up with a lot of medicines and no less than healer recipes. The benefits of plant products have long been known. Often, healers and doctors are advised to do inhalation for coughing. The herbs used for such procedures are diverse. Consider them in more detail, and also analyze the general rules for inhalation.

Event Features

Previously, doctors allowed to use herbs for cough inhalation only when the patient's temperature was not higher than 37.5 degrees. Currently, such a limitation is a thing of the past. Modern devices allow treatment with atomized vapors and at higher temperatures. If a person suffers from a dry cough, while there is no heat, then inhalation becomes almost the most classic and recommended way to fight the disease. First, prepare a decoction of the medicinal herb, pour it into a container, bend over it, covered with a towel, and breathe for several minutes - up to a quarter of an hour.

Such activities are permitted for the treatment of children from one year of age and older. There are no upper age limits for such a procedure. The classic version of the herbal mixture is Pshat, which occupies a third of the total volume of the mixture, three times smaller amounts of mint foliage, chamomile and calendula inflorescences, linden "wings". Twice as many as chamomiles add coltsfoot flowers. If desired, you can introduce additional pine pollen in the same amount as mint greens. You can add pine needles. All ingredients are mixed, poured with boiling water and boiled for several minutes. The liquid is ready for inhalation.

herbs for inhalation dry cough

About the pros of the procedure

When planning to use a decoction of the described herbs for inhalation from a cough, it is worthwhile to understand that the procedure has a complex effect, while at the same time it involves minimal risks. According to many who have done it at least once, it perfectly relieves not only cough, but also nasal congestion, a runny nose, including a chronic one. This is due to the characteristics of the herbs used to prepare the broth. All ingredients contain anti-inflammatory substances, and the total effect is strong, pronounced. The composition contains essential oils that soften the mucous membranes, ease their condition, and are especially effective if the cough is dry.

Experts in such procedures advise avoiding the use of sage to treat dry cough. Some believe that eucalyptus, which is widespread for inhalation in various diseases of the respiratory system, is not suitable. Such ingredients can dry the mucous membranes, making a dry cough heavier. If the condition progresses and the cough turns into a productive one, it makes sense to introduce sage, eucalyptus herbs in the described collection, excluding chamomile inflorescences and lime blossom.

what kind of herb inhalation cough

Inhalation: how to do?

There are two options for using herbs for cough inhalation. You can use a nebulizer, you can use a simple steam rising from a hot liquid. The first option is safer, well suited if the mucous membranes are hypersensitive. Nebulizers can treat infants, young children. During operation, the product distributes water vapor with a temperature corresponding to the heating of the air in the room. Spraying is due to the influence of ultrasound or air pressure. No burns, no irritation. Since nothing boils, the beneficial ingredients found in herbs are not broken down. But the steam version is more accessible, since you do not need to buy anything.

Extracts, decoctions made using natural products have a pronounced healing effect. True, it is necessary to select a set of plants so that it is effective with the existing reason for coughing. A poor choice will cause treatment failure or organ failure.

What to try?

If you ask the doctor what herbs to use for cough inhalation, try using it, the doctor can advise a proven composition of chamomile blossoms, eucalyptus foliage, calendula flowers and coltsfoot, yarrow. Licorice rhizomes, dried sage, mint, St. John's wort, lime blossom, anise are also added here. It is possible to introduce rhizome rhizomes and elderberry flowers, sorrel and verbena into the product. The effectiveness of plantain, thyme, thyme in the fight against various types of cough has long been known. You can use gentian and thermopsis, anise. All of these ingredients are mixed in any combination. To prepare the broth, a couple of large spoons of the plant product are combined with a glass of boiling water and insisted for a third of an hour. Then the liquid is filtered and used for the procedure using a nebulizer.

Vegetable oils are no less useful. They are combined with a heated liquid, saturating the respiratory system with warm healing steam. Some oils can provoke an allergic reaction, swelling of the larynx, therefore, choose the means for the procedure as carefully as possible. The ability of a number of essential oils to activate the course of inflammation and irritate the tissues of the mucous membranes, making them drier than normal, is known. To exclude such consequences, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Most often, essential oils are used to combat cough: chamomile, eucalyptus, lavender, cedar, fir, mint, pepper, rosemary, anise, cypress. Useful oils are thuja, cardamom, frankincense. Often used essential products of tea tree, pine. To prepare the liquid, add two or three drops of oil to a liter of water.

cough inhalation herbs

Available to everyone

Not everyone will have at hand a set of dry herbs suitable for preparing a decoction for inhalation. Not every home has a sufficient selection of essential oils to find something useful for coughing among them. Moreover, it is not always possible to visit the store to purchase such goods. In this case, you can do with improvised means. The easiest way to do inhalation with potatoes. The tubers are boiled in their skins, the water is drained. The product is cut into two parts and bent over the container, covering his head with a thick towel. Breathing in rising steam is necessary until the potatoes have cooled.

It is not more difficult to use mineral, salt water. Three liters of salt are added to a liter of boiled water to give an alkaline liquid. Within 10 minutes spray water with a nebulizer, inhaling the vapors. This procedure allows you to moisturize the mucous membranes, soften the tissue. The quality of discharge discharge improves. If you repeat the procedure regularly, you can get rid of thick sputum, make it a little thinner.

Rules for

First you need to choose a set of herbs for inhalation, coordinating the composition with your doctor. If you plan to use a nebulizer, you need to carefully calibrate the concentration of ingredients. If there is a desire to make steam inhalation, you need to make sure that the air saturated with moisture rising from the liquid should not be too hot, otherwise a burn can not be avoided. It is recommended to eat an hour or two and a half before the event. It is advisable not to drink this entire period. If you plan to use soda, the duration of the event should vary within a quarter of an hour. For simple inhalation with herbs, the optimal duration is five minutes.

After completing the treatment procedure, you need to spend some time in silence. All this period you can not eat, drink, smoke. It is advisable to refrain from singing, laughing. Do not go outside. In the early days of the disease, inhalation is done up to five times a day. With a painful cough, you can repeat the event up to nine times daily. As soon as the condition of a seriously ill person improves, the frequency is reduced. It is advised to use a nebulizer up to three times daily. The duration of the event is usually up to 10 minutes. To make the procedure safe, you need to strictly follow the recommendations on the doses of decoctions and drugs.

children cough inhalation herbs

Runny nose and cough

If you plan to inhalation with decoctions of herbs due to a combination of a runny nose and cough, it is worth taking a closer look at the healer’s tips telling about the benefits of coniferous products. Pine oils and various plant components work well together. Eucalyptus and fir are added to pine oil. To prepare the broth, dried chamomile and thyme inflorescences are also used. The cooking is quite simple. Dried plant material in the amount of three large spoons is poured 0.8 liters of boiling water. The mixture is insisted in a thermos day. You can prepare a decoction in a water bath, first boiling for 10 minutes, then insisting for another half hour. As ready, the liquid is filtered and oils are added to it. The ratio of volumes: a glass of liquid - up to five drops of oil. For one procedure, four glasses or more are needed.

Such herbs for inhalation for children and adults are strictly contraindicated if a person is allergic to any component. The duration of the treatment course is not more than five days. If during this time the patient does not feel better, you need to contact the clinic. Steam inhalation of a liquid prepared with these additives should not be done if blood flows from the nose or there is a tendency to it, if there is a fever or a person is sick with purulent tonsillitis. A contraindication is a violation of the heart, blood vessels. If the patient is younger than ten years old, before conducting a course of inhalation, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Useful Around Us

Sometimes the townsfolk, asking the doctor what herbs to inhale when coughing, are genuinely surprised to find out how many different useful plants grow in our climate zone. There are many dozens of varieties of plant products that are more or less effective in the fight against cough. A special place in this list of unique products is reserved for conifers. Traditionally, healers recommend using pine needles, but the pronounced healing effects inherent in spruce and fir have long been known. No less productive pine buds. Needles and kidneys are used to prepare a decoction. A few tablespoons are combined with a liter of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour, then insist a couple more hours and filter the liquid. Ready broth is poured into a nebulizer. If it is not possible to get a plant product, you can use essential oil. For one procedure using a nebulizer, calculated per liter of water, you need to take no more than five drops of oil.

When choosing which herbs will be the most useful of those widely available for inhalation, it is worth taking a closer look at chamomile inflorescences. This component is one of the ingredients of almost any herbal healing collection. If there is no way to get other useful herbs (for example, marjoram, marigold), then only chamomile inflorescences can be used. They are sold dried in most pharmacies and even in simple stores where there is a large selection of herbal teas. You can prepare a camomile yourself. The rules for preparing a decoction are similar to those described above: the raw materials are combined with boiling water, insisted in a thermos, filtered and poured into a nebulizer.

The nuances of the combination

Effective and useful, successful in preparing a decoction for inhalation from cough, runny nose of the grass - this is not only chamomile, but also oregano, as well as linden and lavender. Cedar needles, mint greens - all this can be introduced into a dry mixture of plant products. Choosing what to use for cough, you need to take wound healing products that have anti-inflammatory qualities. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. You can buy ready-made pharmacy fees - they are available in almost any pharmaceutical outlet. You can take any attracted variety of vegetation in dried form in the amount of a couple of spoons. The ingredient is combined with a liter of water, brought to a boil, covered with a lid and allowed to infuse, then decanted water. Before using the liquid for inhalation, a small spoonful of baking soda is introduced into it, carefully stirring the product.

Others believe that the best herbs for cough inhalation for children are a combination of coltsfoot, eucalyptus oil, chamomile inflorescences and pine needles, where a little soda is added. People who often used this recipe note that improvement is observed through several procedures. The ingredients are well tolerated by almost everyone, and the use of a nebulizer avoids the risk of burns, so this procedure is applicable for treating young children.

herbs for inhalation

Honey and more

When choosing which herbs to use for cough inhalation, it is worth taking a closer look at sage, which goes well with honey. To obtain a pronounced positive effect, combine a couple of spoons of dried plant material and half a liter of pure water in a refractory container. They put the container on fire, wait until the water boils, turn off the heating and insist for about seven minutes, waiting for the water to cool. Then, a couple of large spoons of natural honey is introduced into the medicinal composition, carefully stirred. The finished liquid is an excellent product for inhalation. The duration of the procedure is one third of an hour. Up to five repetitions of the event are recommended daily.

Not the worst result is given by combinations of different herbs. For inhalation with bronchitis, for example, coltsfoot, peppermint herbs, St. John's wort, eucalyptus castings, chamomile inflorescences, sage can be combined in equal volumes. All ingredients must be ground. The components are thoroughly mixed. One large spoon of this collection is combined with a pair of glasses of water in a refractory container and brought to a boil. Then it is necessary to cool the liquid a little and inhale the vapors rising from it, covered with a dense blanket. When inhaling, the air is taken in by the mouth, and released through the nose. The duration of the event is about a third of an hour. Up to three repetitions are recommended daily.

herbs inhalation runny nose cough

Water and oil

If only herbs for inhalation with bronchitis do not give the desired effect, you can use mineral water. A glass of liquid is heated in a saucepan covered with a lid. As soon as the water boils, it is poured into a wide bowl and breathe in pairs for a third of an hour, bending over the container and hiding with a towel. To maximize the effect of the procedure, it is repeated three times daily.

Oil extracted from herbs is good for human health. For inhalation, you can use a combination of four types at once. Half a liter of water is brought to a boil, removed from the heat and five drops of lavender, cedar, mint and eucalyptus oils are added to the container, then the vapors that rise above the container are inhaled. During the procedure you need to hide in a thick towel. The duration of the event is one third of an hour. If the head begins to hurt, if the patient is sick, the procedure is stopped. You can repeat the event up to three times daily.

When studying reference books for familiarization with the herbs recommended for the preparation of decoctions for inhalation, for sure, a person should pay attention to recipes for the use of ginger for medicinal purposes. 20 g of fresh rhizome is crushed into gruel, mixed with an equal volume of onion gruel. For the preparation of medicine, ordinary onions are suitable. The plant mass is combined with a pair of glasses of boiled liquid only, four drops of fir essential oil and the same amount obtained from tea tree are added. The finished product is a decoction, the vapor of which needs to be breathed twice daily. The duration of one time is a quarter of an hour. For children, the procedure is not always shown, as it can cause a burning sensation in the eyes, irritation of the nasal mucosa. First you need to make sure that it is well tolerated.

Aloe and more

Among other herbs suitable for the preparation of infusion for inhalation with a dry cough, Kalanchoe is not the last in benefits. 1 ml of juice is combined with 5 ml of physiological saline, mixed with a glass of liquid and poured into a nebulizer. Three drops of fresh garlic or onion juice can be combined with the same volume of liquid and saline. No less effective is the option of combining a pair of teaspoons of honey with 100 ml of liquid.

Herbs useful for inhalation with a dry cough are thyme, oregano, sage. These three ingredients are combined in equal amounts.To prepare the infusion, the volumes are calculated as a large spoonful of the mixture in a glass of liquid. Ready infusion should correspond to the volume used nebulizer. Herbs are poured with boiling water and insisted in a thermos, then the water is decanted and used for treatment.

herbs for inhalation bronchitis

A good variant of the procedure is the use of decoction of rosemary with a nebulizer. You can prepare elecampane medicine or insist on mineral water calendula inflorescences mixed with chamomile and St. John's wort, as well as eucalyptus and sage greens. For one glass of mineral water you need to take a large spoonful of herbal mixture.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44745/

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