How to cook rapana? Recipe

It is very easy to pamper your family members in the evening, if you know how to cook raps correctly. For those who do not know, we explain that the raps are predatory mollusks that feed on oysters and mussels. They are considered a delicacy delicacy, which contains a huge amount of substances useful to the human body. And so that these substances are not lost during the heat treatment of mollusks, every housewife must know how to cook them correctly.

how to cook rapana

Beneficial features

Rapana meat contains no fat, only healthy protein, which is much more than in other types of meat. Also, it contains amino acids, iron, phosphorus, vitamins. All this gives the human body energy, maintains tone and prolongs youth. Rapana meat is digested very quickly in the stomach and is easily digested. It tastes like a combination of squid and pickled mushroom. Since this meat has a beneficial effect on the male body, every housewife should know how to cook raps properly in order to contribute to the health of the beloved man. They collect these mollusks at the bottom of the Black Sea or pitfalls (there are much more of them). In addition to gourmet meat, shells are also used, from which crafts are made or millet decorates their homes. A small-sized rapan will always be tough, so it is recommended to choose large mollusks, seventy grams each. It’s better not to take raps in the sand, since grains of sand are almost not washed out completely.

how much to cook rapana

We take the clam out of the shell

Before cooking raps , they must be removed from the sink. If the shell is not needed, it can be broken, but usually it is left. The clam is held with the left hand by the sink, and with the right index finger that they stick between its wall and the leg of the rape, make a sharp jerk. As a result, all content with a characteristic sound is taken out. This method is good in that the back of the mollusk is separated immediately. With this procedure, the fingers acquire a purple hue, so it is better to carry it with gloves.

Method number 2

We want to share the secret of how to cook raps in a shell for food . In this case, they are placed in boiling water and boiled. But the meat is cooked along with the contents of the intestine, so the taste is obtained by an amateur. True, getting it boiled from the sink is very simple. In this case, the back of the mollusk of a dark color must be separated, rinse the meat well. You can do a little different. Before you cook raps in a shell , you need to take a box, pour clean river sand into it and rub a shell with a clam on it. Before this, it is pre-soaked in warm water for ten minutes. Uncleaned areas are wiped with a cloth with sand. You need to cook the sinks for about two hours. After this time, the mollusk will fall out, you just need to shake the shell easily. Then the intestines are separated and everything is washed well in warm water.

how to cook raps in a shell

Method number 3

This is another way to remove a clam from a shell. At the same time, live rapans are frozen in the freezer, which will take about three hours. When the shell is completely frozen, the mollusks are taken out and left to thaw at room temperature. Then, using a fork, they are removed from the shell. The leg and liver are separated from the body of the mollusk and boil them for four minutes.

What to eat in raps

If the whole mollusk was extracted from the shell, this does not mean that all this can be eaten. They eat only the front of it, as well as the liver. In this case, the stomach is separated from the body, cut in half, and then the intestine is removed. If the raps were cooked in the sink, they are taken out, everything is cut out of them, leaving a leg. It should remain a black coating. Various delicacies are prepared from edible parts.

how much to cook rapana in time


Before cooking rapans, cleaned of the entrails and the film, the neck, which is the softest part of the meat, needs to be separated from the edible leg. In various restaurants, mollusks are sent to a special machine, which is filled with water and turned on. At the same time, she begins to mix rapans. Black mucus begins to come out of them. With this method, half the weight of the product is lost. The meat is then rinsed with clean water. If a decision has been made to cook shellfish at home, they are simply thoroughly washed from sand and dirt, while black coating is not removed. When this work has been done, we can move on to the question of how much to cook rapana in time . The answer is very simple - they boil for about three minutes in boiling water. It is not recommended to overtake them there, since then the meat will become stiff. Shells left over from mollusks are often polished and varnished. You can also grind them into flour, which can be added to poultry feed.

Cooking secrets

Some people do not like to eat raps because mollusks have tough meat. But there are some simple secrets, thanks to which you can find out how and how much to cook the raps so that they become soft and delicate in taste. First of all, you need to choose the right shellfish. Only large individuals are suitable for food, small representatives of the species will always be tough, no matter how they are cooked. When cooking, it is very important not to digest the product, it should not be subjected to heat treatment for a long time. There is a proven recipe, thanks to which rapans are very tender.

how to cook rapana


Before cooking the raps, they are separated from the sink and washed. How to do this is described above. Then each piece is lightly beaten with a kitchen hammer on both sides. Beat one egg with a fork. In a blender, grind corn flakes. Each beaten piece on both sides is rolled in wheat flour, then in an egg and cereal. They are fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. It takes about three minutes. The finished dish turns out to be quite satisfying, soft to the taste.

Cooking Frozen Clams

Some housewives buy frozen foods for further preparation of various dishes from them, while others themselves freeze them in order to enjoy delicious dishes at the right time. Rapanov can also be frozen. To do this, they are cleaned from the sink, the meat is separated and cooked for three minutes. Then they are removed, cooled and frozen in containers or bags for further use. After thawing, such meat must be heat-treated a second time. If raps are bought at the store, after defrosting, they must be boiled for several minutes, and then various dishes are prepared from them.

Fried shellfish

We already know how to cook raps . Now consider how they can be cooked fried. After the clams have boiled, they are cut into pieces (if they are large) so that the piece fits in the mouth. Pour oil into a pan and fry finely chopped onions. Then add the clams and fry until all the liquid has boiled away. After that, fry for another four minutes. Cauliflower or kohlrabi can also be added to the pan to make the dish more delicious. All the contents of the pan are salted, pepper, stew until cooked.

how to cook rapans in a shell for food

Rapana in mayonnaise

How much to cook rapana , we already know. When they are ready, their meat is very finely chopped. Onions are fried in a pan, seasonings, chopped clam meat and mayonnaise are added. They put out all this for about ten minutes, periodically trying rapans for readiness. It is very important to catch the moment when they become soft. Then they are immediately removed from the fire. Otherwise, they will be tough, and nothing can be done about it. The taste of this dish resembles squid.

Mollusks are spicy

You can cook a variety of dishes from rapans. Here is another recipe.


- 500 grams of rapan meat;

- 200 grams of onions;

- 100 grams of lingonberry;

- 100 grams of sour cream.

Cooking Algorithm:

Before you cook the raps, you need to remove them from the sink, separate the edible parts from the inedible, boil. Peel the onions, finely chop and passer a few minutes in oil. The meat is cut into strips, put in a pan, seasoned with salt and spices, add sour cream and stew for about three minutes. Lingonberries are poured with boiling water and transferred to the mollusks, continue to simmer for a few more minutes. The finished dish is decorated with herbs and served hot, divided into portions.

Pickled raps

These clams can be a good snack, for example, with beer. You can simply boil them in salted water, or you can pickle them. In the second case, the dish turns out to be unusual and piquant.


- 100 grams of shellfish;

- 20 grams of onions;

- 1 lemon;

- seasoning for fish.


Onions, along with mollusks taken out of the shells, are cut into strips, watered with the juice of one lemon, and sprinkled with seasoning. All this is well mixed and sent for one day to a cold place. The finished dish is served with beer.

how to cook peeled rapans

Baked raps

This dish can be served not only to your household, but also to guests as a highlight of the festive table.


- rapans with a sink;

- 100 grams of mayonnaise;

- 2 cloves of garlic;

- 50 grams of grated hard cheese;

- salt.


Shellfish together with the shell are boiled in salt water for four or five minutes, the water is then drained, and the shellfish are cooled. Take the meat out of the sink with a fork, remove the stomach, send the snail back to the shell. The mayonnaise is mixed with crushed garlic, spread with this mollusk mixture and sprinkled with cheese. Spread the snails on a baking sheet and place in the oven for fifteen minutes at low temperature. Ready snails are beautifully laid out on a large dish and served on the table.

Interesting Facts

In Russia, the price per kilogram of frozen clams is about eight thousand rubles. The taste of rapans is similar to something between mushrooms and squids. In the waters of our country, these mollusks appeared in the forties of the last century, before they lived only in the Sea of ​​Japan. In the Black Sea, Rapana grows many times faster, but due to its presence there mussels and oysters began to disappear.

It is very important not to digest the rape, as its meat then becomes "rubber". Dishes from these mollusks are used as appetizers, raps are pickled, fried, added to salads and vegetables. Boiled raps are stored for a long time in a frozen form, in the freezer they can stand up to six months.


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