Grog: Recipe and History

In the 18th century, there was a rather interesting law, which would now be considered completely inappropriate. According to him, the British Royal Navy sailors were supposed to drink about a quarter liter of rum per day. This was done for preventive purposes, which were believed to even save from scurvy. However, daily drinking of alcohol could not be beneficial and gradually friendly teams became a place of feud and brawl. At that time, no one knew what a grog was. The recipe for it appeared when Edward Vernon gave the order to dilute the rum with plain water. Of course, initially, among sailors, such an order caused a storm of indignation. But soon the drink became one of the most beloved.

How to make grog at home is clear from the history of the drink. But still, it is significantly different from what was offered to sailors initially. By the way, this drink is named after Vernon himself, whose nickname was precisely Grog. And she went from the cloak that he constantly wore (in English his name was like "grog"). Due to the fact that rum was diluted with water, this drink also received a second non-official name - rum in 3 waters. And only in 1970 the rule on alcoholic “prevention” was completely abolished.

There are many variations of this drink, however, one of the most beloved alcoholic drinks among the British remains the classic grog. The recipe for its preparation is simple and unpretentious.

This option is called "Siltor".

In warm water (250 ml) add rum (0.5 l) and honey (4 tbsp. L.). On low heat they heat constantly stirring, but not bringing to a boil. After that, freshly squeezed juice with 2 lemons is added, mixed thoroughly and drunk in a warm form.

To make such a grog at home is quite simple and quick. Sometimes they dispense with lemon juice and dilute pure rum with sweetened warm water. For sweetness, you can use both honey and sugar. But honey in combination with lemon juice is more delicious than a mixture of sugar syrup and lemon. It is also quite popular and love fragrant grog. The recipe for its preparation is characterized by the presence of spices that make the taste softer and more pleasant.

So, “Fragrant grog”:

Water (0.5 l) must be brought to a boil, then add spices (3-5 pcs of cloves, 3 pcs of black and allspice peas, bay leaf, 5-6 pcs of star anise, ground cinnamon and nutmeg) and dry tea (2 tbsp. l.). This composition should boil for a couple of minutes. Next, a bottle of rum is poured into it and not brought to a boil, removed from the heat. Try to make such a truly fragrant grog at home and even the most demanding friends will love it. But remember that before using it, you need to insist 15-20 minutes. Usually, the pan is placed in a warm place and tightly covered with a lid.

It is not uncommon for restaurants to offer grog brandy. The drink is strong enough, but tasty. This option is quite popular and is included in the list of the most favorite drinks with the addition of cognac. How to cook grog at home according to this recipe, we will now tell.

Grog brandy

In warmed cognac (100 g) sugar is dissolved (4 tbsp. L.). After that, without removing from the heat, pour in rum (0.5 l) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (one lemon). Mix everything thoroughly and remove from heat without boiling. If desired, you can add sugar syrup (50 ml) - it will make the drink softer.

One of the few alcoholic beverages that can be consumed both warm and chilled is grog. The recipe for which you can even invent yourself. The main thing is not to bring rum to a boil, add water or syrup to it. And the rest is a flight of imagination and preference.

So we learned how to cook grog at home. By the way, it turns out more delicious if it is cooked at home. Yes, and there will be more natural products. Although, for starters, you can try the store version. And remember: the constant use of alcohol in large doses causes irreparable harm to your health!

We wish you good health and a great feast!


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