Careless man - who is this?

Probably, each of us at least once in my life heard a phrase like: "What a careless person he is, he does not think about his future at all." But, most likely, only a few thought about this, in fact, deep, meaning of this word. Let's try to figure out what a careless person means?

man careless is

Care for life

In fact, this question has several answers. In the first case, a careless person is an individual who does not worry about anything and lives only for today. Moreover, his life passes without worries and hassle. It is worth noting the fact that there are very few such natures in the world. In most cases, the carelessness of a person is manifested only in some life situations. The bulk takes care of their lives and every day solves new problems and questions.


In addition, a careless person is, oddly enough, a small child. After all, it is children who still do not know life at all, who treat all difficulties with ease. But this does not mean at all that when a child grows up, he will have this quality. Carelessness is inherent in all children, because they still do not face life's difficulties - parents decide everything for them.

what does a careless person mean

Lack of emotion

In the third interpretation, a careless person is a person who does not care about anything, and it is difficult enough to bring him to emotions. In a conversation with such an individual, you cannot see how angry or indignant he is. This fact is due to the fact that this type is completely not worried about any problems, and therefore, it is not difficult for him to control himself. It seems to be on another planet. His imagination paints only the most rainbow-colored and positive pictures.


Careless people tend to be indifferent not only to their lives, but to everything that surrounds them. Well, for example, a pipe flows in a careless person in an apartment, in most cases such a person will not take any action, naively believing that the leak will pass by itself. And only when angry neighbors knock on his door, will he finally take some action. Again, it should be said that even if he is attacked with accusations of other people's problems, it will be extremely difficult to reach the consciousness of a careless person - he never takes problems to heart, and even more so does not worry about them.

careless people

In fact, carelessness often leads to very serious troubles, which are dangerous both for the person himself and for the entire surrounding world. If you go back to the example with the same pipe, it will become clear that such an attitude to leakage will very much harm neighbors. But this is still far from the most serious consequences that such a quality of character can lead to.

Summing up, let’s say that a careless person is not a positive character at all. Despite the fact that he treats everything in life with ease, sooner or later he will have to think about how he lives. And just at that moment, the discovery of one's own life can be a real blow for him. Therefore, in order not to harm either yourself or others (in the literal and figurative sense), you need to think about your actions, words and actions.


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