Wine made from cherries at home. Recipe Features

Today, in supermarkets and grocery stores, wines are presented in a wide assortment, however, as before, many prefer to use a home-made product, since the likelihood of poisoning is minimized. Moreover, if you correctly follow the recipe for its preparation, you can pleasantly surprise even the most demanding gourmet with the quality of a noble drink.

Cherry wine at home

Wine can be made from different fruits, but the alcoholic product made from cherries is still popular.

There are a lot of varieties of this stone plant. Each of them has a different degree of suitability for preparing a noble drink. Of course, many will be interested to learn about how to make wine from cherries at home.

It should be noted that it is ideal to use such dark-colored varieties as "shpanka", "lyubskaya", "Vladimir". Thanks to them, the product will turn out fragrant and thick.

Before proceeding to the consideration of how to make wine from cherries at home, it is necessary to say a few words about the juice that this berry emits. It is incredibly thick, it contains a lot of acid - up to 2.2%, and glucose - 12.8%. There are also tannins - 0.1%, which give the alcoholic beverage astringency.

Before making wine from cherries at home, check out the following tips:

a) Only whole and ripe berries should be used, which should not be overripe. Note that the fruits are suitable for making wine within three days from the time of harvest.

A simple cherry wine recipe

b) Before making wine from cherries at home, remove the seeds from the berries, otherwise the drink will be bitter.

Remember that you can not neglect the above rules, otherwise the quality of the drink will suffer.

So, the easiest wine recipe from cherries. The following ingredients will be required:

1) cherry juice - 1 liter;

2) water - 0.5 liters;

3) sugar - 350 grams.

The above components are called a must.

First of all, it is necessary to wash and chop the berry using a meat grinder, and then place it under the press. The result is a crushed cherry, which winemakers call pulp.

Then you need to get the juice from the crushed berries, which is diluted with water. To make the wine strong, add sugar, but it is very important not to overdo it, since the fermentation process can slow down.

Making homemade wine from cherries

The next step is fermentation. In order for it to proceed properly, experts use special wine yeast. If they are not, then you can buy ordinary ones. Some recommend raisins as an ingredient for good fermentation.

After the fermentation is complete, you should take a ten-liter glass container and fill it with ¾ part of the must. The bottle neck is corked, and the wine is placed in a dark place. However, the production of homemade wine does not end there. After three days, the drink will actively ferment. The above process will last about three weeks. 15 days after the end of fermentation, you can begin to clarify the wine material, which is done artificially. Then the wine is poured again into glass containers, sealed and placed in the basement for storage.

As a result, it turns out that making home-made wine from cherries is not so complicated, however, it requires certain skills.


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