How to connect wi-fi in the subway? Useful Tips

The modern world can hardly do without a permanent Internet connection. This applies both to leisure and to the work process, and for the Russian capital, also to the road home or to work. And, despite the fact that a few years ago the question of how to connect wi-fi in the Moscow metro did not even arise, now it is quite logical. You can answer it now positively - Muscovites and visitors, going down to the ground, can remain online. Although for this you should know how to connect correctly and when to use a wireless network.

The principle of the Internet in the subway

how to connect Wai Fai to the Moscow metro
To solve the problem of connecting Wi-Fi in the metro, the developers were given a difficult task - to provide wireless connectivity both at metro stations and in tunnels. To do this, at first it was supposed to install access points only at stopping points and amplify the signal to such a level that they penetrate along the entire system. However, such a powerful wireless network could have a negative impact on passenger health. And the second option - access points along the tunnels every 100-200 m - would make it necessary to periodically reconnect to the network. During one trip, you would have to set up communication with your mobile device at almost every station.

The search for a suitable engineering solution was a modern version of a wireless network that provides GSM / UMTS standard communications. Radiating cables are stretched along the tunnels along which antennas are installed to receive a cellular signal. Metro trains using their receivers connect to the network, making it possible for passengers to use it. The signal is transmitted to the cars thanks to internal routers that distribute Wi-Fi.

The beginning of Wi-Fi in the Moscow metro

The decision to provide passengers with a convenient way to connect wi-fi to the phone in the subway was made several years ago. And work on the implementation of the project began on September 1, 2013. Their result was a unique system, which has practically no analogues in other cities not only in Russia but also in the world. Underground stations with Internet access are common - but Wi-Fi in moving cars continues to be a rare occurrence. The reason for this is the great depth of the tunnels, which does not allow to catch a signal from the surface.

how to connect Wai Fai in the subway
In the Moscow metro, passengers got the opportunity to connect to a wireless network throughout the journey, since the router is located inside the train. Moreover, at first the user was not even required identification. And everyone could get free access, even without watching ads.

International award

The metro’s Wi-Fi network has received recognition not only from its users, but also from the international expert community. In 2015, the program, whose task was to solve the issue of how to connect Wi-Fi in the Moscow metro, won an award at the international Industry Awards in the United States.

For the successful solution of a difficult task, an independent jury noted the system, which is used by more than 2.5 million people every day (with the total number of passengers, according to 2014 data, about 10 million a day), as the best project in the field of implementing wireless networks in urban areas. The event’s founders noted the innovative technologies used to create the wireless network, the new approach to monetization by Maxima Telecom, and the provision of a sufficiently high-quality service.

Connection Rules

Before connecting Wi-Fi to the metro (“Android” or another operating system - it doesn’t matter) for the first time, the user is required to:

  1. Find MosMetro_Free in the list of available connections.
  2. Open a mobile browser.
  3. Enter the address of any site and go to it.
  4. In the window that appears on the screen, click on the "Enter the Internet" button.
  5. Log in to the system by entering your phone number and receiving SMS with a code.

Wai Fai in the subway how to connect
After that, you should wait for the transition to the portal and start using the network. For subsequent connections, the passenger just needs to open the browser and click on the connect button. After that, the gadget automatically connects to the Internet and continues to remain online until the passenger leaves the carriage.

Network quality

The constant increase in the number of passengers whose task was to first find out how to connect Wi-Fi to a tablet, phone or laptop in the subway, and then use the network for work or entertainment, led to a decrease in throughput. And as research shows the quality of communication, sometimes it takes more than 1000 ms to send one data packet - at a rate of 500 milliseconds. And according to reviews of network users in the subway, 4 out of 5 people experience problems with access quality.

how to connect Wai Fai to the phone in the subway

At the same time, representatives of the provider of Internet access in subway trains, Maxima Telecom, argue that the severity of the problem is exaggerated. And the total capacity of the underground network has increased to 20 GB / s - with a daily traffic size of up to 50–70 TB. Moreover, to improve access, the operator offers special premium packages - paid, but they allow you to turn off ads, increase the speed of work on the Internet and automatically connect to the network.

In addition, the Maxima Telecom company checks the quality of the network using the special Traffic Light system. An interactive metro map, visible to the technical support staff of the provider, shows green areas with good access, and yellow - places where there are problems. Complete lack of communication is marked in red. The project allows the provider’s services to quickly respond to problems and quickly resolve them.

Underground Internet Issues

Despite the fact that the operating principle of the wireless network scheme in the metro looked quite simple, the implementation of the project required serious financial investments - up to 2 billion rubles. Due to the fact that the electric network in trains is non-standard (75V), and conventional equipment requires either 220V or 9V, I had to buy special equipment for the system to be installed. System maintenance is also not cheap. Moreover, the possibility of free access could lead to the fact that at the stations there would be people who need only the Internet, and not metro services.

how to connect Wai Fai in the Moscow metro
Considering that the metro is quite busy and without those who want to get into the network without paying for traffic, the provider limited Wi-Fi services. And now the way how to connect Wi-Fi in the Moscow metro is available only to passengers inside the train. Outside, at stations, you cannot enter the network.

Pay - or be without a network

After connecting Wi-Fi in the Moscow metro was as easy as in a number of other places in the capital offering free access to the network, the provider decided to block the Internet for some passengers. All users of mobile devices on which programs for blocking ads are installed, when they try to enter the browser, receive a message offering either to disable the “blocker” or to connect a paid package that saves both ads and authorization.

how to connect Wi-Fi in the Android metro

Representatives of Maxim Telecom report that access to Wi-Fi users in the metro, which millions of people know now, is limited only when using ad-blocking programs. In other cases, you can connect to the network without problems. However, many passengers report blocking the network and in the absence of applications not recommended by the provider.

The end of free wifi

One way to get rid of operator messages is a paid subscription. Having paid only 50 rubles, the user is connected to the “Like at home” service. This ensures a complete absence of advertising during the next calendar month.

The transition to the provision of network services only when advertising is shown to passengers is understandable - the operator makes money. But such restrictions create inconvenience to users who do not want to pay for the Internet, especially with a rather rare need to use it. Therefore, recommendations have already appeared on the network how to connect Wi-Fi to the metro (Moscow) both for free and without advertising.

Features of using underground Wi-Fi

how to connect Wai Fai in the Moscow metro
Despite attempts by the Maxima Telecom provider to remove the possibility of using Wi-Fi in the metro without watching commercials (sometimes annoying passengers), users have already found a way out. But since you can connect Wi-Fi to a laptop, smartphone or tablet in the metro only after receiving an advertisement on the screen, to remove it you need:

  1. Click on the appeared video.
  2. In the process of switching to the advertiser's website (approximately 3-4 seconds), close the window and use the network further.
  3. The same should be done when an offer from the operator appears on the screen - click on the picture, go to the subway website and quickly close it.

However, if the advertisement is not clicked, the method does not work. However, more often than not, it helps to save several minutes that could be spent on watching the video. And in those cases when access is prevented by a window with a message from the provider, quick clicking on the link and disconnecting may be the only way to use the network without connecting the “Like at home” service.


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