Hair loss after childbirth - causes and features of treatment

The birth of a child is a joyful event in life, but at this time a woman undergoes some changes in the body. Moreover, many of them lead to unpleasant consequences. Often observed after childbirth, hair loss. This phenomenon in medicine is referred to as postpartum alopecia. The causes and treatment of this ailment are described in the article.


Normally, a person has 100-150 hairs per day. But this does not become a cause of baldness, since new ones form in the places that have fallen. But when the "old" fall out actively, the new ones do not have time to appear, therefore thinning occurs.

Hair loss after childbirth

To stop this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine the cause. It can consist of simple factors that can be eliminated on their own, or be a medical problem when you need to consult with a specialist. The causes of hair loss after childbirth can be varied.

Changes in the hormonal system

During pregnancy, almost all processes in the female body are controlled by hormones. Due to this surge, the skin, hair and nails will be in excellent condition, but after that everything will return to its original place. Hair follicles do not nourish the bulbs, which causes hair loss.

Nervous stress

When a child appears, new problems and fears arise. In addition to the fact that childbirth is a serious stress, many women have to look after the baby on their own. Sleepless nights come. Unrest for the health of the baby can adversely affect the condition of the strands. Hair loss after childbirth is observed.

How to stop hair loss after childbirth


During pregnancy in women, blood viscosity decreases and its volume increases, because of which the hemoglobin level decreases and iron deficiency anemia appears. The situation can be aggravated by concomitant pathology that occurs when the child is born, or a lot of blood loss. Often, medicines with iron cannot be taken during lactation, so there may be hair loss after childbirth.


During breastfeeding, women restrict their diet, exclude products that cause allergies in the baby. But the mother's body may require many vitamins and minerals.

There are other cases - young mothers who eat only fresh and wholesome food during pregnancy begin to eat pickled, smoked, salty foods. As a result, vitamin deficiency, worsening the condition of the skin and curls, follows. Often, hair loss after childbirth occurs precisely for this reason.

Endocrine disorders

The causes and treatment of hair loss after childbirth are interrelated. Often this phenomenon occurs due to endocrine disorders - polycystic ovary syndrome and an excess of male hormones in the blood. The signs of this condition include:

  1. Hair falls out more than during the year.
  2. Excess weight does not go away.
  3. Irregular menstruation.

With such problems, you need to contact a specialist. This will allow you to timely bring the hormonal system back to normal, stop the process of loss of curls.

Hair loss after childbirth causes

How to stop hair loss after childbirth? To prevent alopecia, an integrated approach combining internal and external agents is required. If simple remedies do not bring results, you need to see a doctor, since, probably, the causes of this phenomenon are related to health problems.

Proper nutrition

Treatment of hair loss after childbirth should begin with the restoration of the regimen and diet. Of course, it will be easier to do if there is help with the child. Food should be balanced. The diet must include vitamins E and D, as well as trace elements - calcium, selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids.

If a woman is breast-feeding a baby, then before using a certain product, you need to check if there are any unwanted reactions in the baby. Sometimes a replacement is required. Sour-milk products are needed to saturate the body with calcium, but they cause colic in babies up to 1 year old, so green vegetables should be used instead.

The following products are useful for hair:

  1. Fatty fish. For example, salmon is rich in vitamins that strengthen curls.
  2. Linseed oil. It should be consumed in 1-2 tbsp. l in a day.
  3. Green vegetables. They include vitamin A and C, as well as iron, calcium.
  4. Legumes Beans and lentils are rich in protein, iron and zinc.
  5. Nuts. They have zinc, which is necessary for strengthening hair.
  6. Bird. Such meat is rich in protein, iron.
  7. The eggs. Product includes protein, biotin and vitamin B12.
  8. Whole Grain Products. There is zinc, iron, vitamin B.
  9. Dairy. Contain calcium, protein.
  10. Carrot. Vitamin A gives hair shine.


Taking vitamins from hair loss after childbirth will help solve this problem. Multivitamin complexes saturate the body with valuable components. The following remedies are allowed during breastfeeding:

  1. Vitrum Prenatal
  2. "Alphabet: Mom's Health."
  3. "Elevit Pronatal."
Postpartum Hair Loss Treatment

The doctor may prescribe other complexes that are allowed during this period. Before taking a consultation with a specialist and studying the instructions are mandatory.

Shampoos and balms

How to stop hair loss after childbirth? The shops sell various professional products that prevent alopecia and strengthen curls. Shampoos and balms should be used in a comprehensive manner, using products from the same manufacturer.

It should be borne in mind that funds must be changed regularly. As the hair and skin get used to their effects, the result will be less noticeable. And replacing the care products, it turns out to stop hair loss.

Folk remedies

According to reviews, hair loss after childbirth is perfectly treated with folk remedies. To do this, use vegetable oils, mustard, red pepper, dairy products, rye bread, cognac. From them create masks and perform wraps. Procedures restore blood circulation, nourish the bulbs.

Hair loss in women after childbirth

Before using masks, you need to determine your type of curls (bold or dry). You also need to check for allergies - mix the ingredients and apply a little on the elbow. If after 30 minutes there is no redness, itching and other skin manifestations, then the tool is suitable for restoring the health of curls.

Mask of onions and honey

With the help of ordinary onions, hair loss is stopped. To prepare the mask, you need 1-2 onions, chop them and squeeze the juice. It will take 1 tbsp. l juice, which is mixed with burdock oil (2-3 tbsp. l.) and liquid honey (1 tbsp. l.).

After mixing, the product is rubbed into the scalp. You need to wrap yourself in a towel and leave for 40 minutes, and then wash your hair. To eliminate a specific smell, shampoo with the addition of citrus essential oils is used.

Mustard mask

Hair loss in women after childbirth can be treated with mustard. This product normalizes the blood circulation of the scalp, so the curls grow faster. Mustard powder (40 g) and peach or burdock oil (50 ml) are required.

To these components add 1 yolk and honey (1 tbsp. L.). Everything is thoroughly mixed and some hot water is added. It should be a mixture in the form of thick sour cream. The mask is rubbed into the scalp, and after 15-20 minutes it is washed off.

Red pepper mask

To prepare a therapeutic agent, you need a tincture of red capsicum (it is sold in a pharmacy), which is mixed with the same amount of burdock oil. The mask should be applied at the roots, rubbing the mixture a little. After that, the hair is covered with a hat and a towel.

postpartum hair loss causes and treatment

Rinse off your head after 40-60 minutes. When applying masks made of red pepper and mustard, one must observe the proportions of the recipe and not prolong the exposure time, as this may cause scalp burns. If there is a strong burning sensation, then the mask needs to be washed off urgently.

Henna mask

You need colorless henna (40 g), the same amount of lemon juice, 2 yolk and low-fat cottage cheese (1 tbsp. L.). Henna is diluted with warm water, as indicated on the package. Then other components are added. The mask is applied to the head and rinse off after 45 minutes.

Rye bread mask

It is required to steam the crumb of rye bread (150 g), and then knead, add sea salt (1 tsp). The components are mixed until a creamy mass is formed. After an hour, you can rub the mixture into the scalp, cover with polyethylene and a towel. Flushing occurs after 20-25 minutes.

Infusions from medicinal plants can replace balm or conditioner - it is advisable to use burdock root, oak bark, nettle and hop cones. Get a rinse is not difficult - 1 tbsp. l chopped fruit or bark must be filled with water (1 cup), and then rinse the hair.

Postpartum hair loss reviews

To the above components are added liquid pharmacy vitamins A, E, B. Masks must be performed 1-2 times a week, alternating recipes for 1 month, and then stop the procedure for 2-3 months.


In addition to the use of vitamins, complexes, shampoos and masks, you need to follow simple rules that will reduce the physical effect on the hair, make them healthier:

  1. You need to wash your hair at least 2 times a week using natural shampoos without parabens, sulfates and other harmful components.
  2. Do not use metal combs for combing, as they tear out hair and injure the scalp. But a wooden product or a brush based on natural bristles is suitable.
  3. Hair drying should be done in a natural way, do not comb them wet.
  4. It is important to exclude a negative effect on the hair - curling and coloring.
  5. Do not use curling irons, tongs and irons.
  6. You should not pull your hair in tight "bunches".

After giving birth, many mothers experience hair loss. With proper care, it will turn out in a short time to restore the beauty and beautiful appearance of curls.


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