Bobrov Sergey - biography and creativity

In this article, a brief biography of Sergey Bobrov will be considered. We are talking about a Russian poet, literary critic, translator, artist, mathematician, poet. He was one of the founders of Russian futurism, as well as a popularizer of science. Our hero was born in 1889, on November 9, in Moscow.


beavers sergey
The poet Bobrov Sergey Pavlovich managed to get an art education. From 1904 to 1909 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Since 1911 he was a volunteer in the capital's archaeological institute. He worked in a magazine called Russian Archive. Bobrov Sergey studied the works of Yazykov and Pushkin. In 1913 he became the head of the post-symbolist group "Lyric". Since 1914, he led the Centrifuge association of futurists. His closest literary associates were Ivan Aksyonov, Nikolai Aseev and Boris Pasternak.


Beaver poet Sergey Pavlovich
Now let's talk about some creative ingenuity that Sergey Bobrov showed. About a third of his poems were published in the second Centrifuge Collection, published in 1916. However, when writing them, he used nine different pseudonyms. During the three pre-revolutionary years, the Centrifuge publishing house, which Sergey Bobrov directed, published about a dozen books. Among them, Pasternak’s work “Over the Barriers”, as well as a number of Aseev’s collections, should be separately noted. Our hero actively acted as the theorist of his groups, as well as a polemic critic. In the twenties, he was published on the pages of the journal Press and Revolution, using different pseudonyms. His speeches, as a rule, had an extremely sharp tone.


Sergey beavers verses
Around the figure of our hero in the twenties a number of myths arise in literary circles. They wander through memoir publications. Thanks to these speculations, the figure of the poet becomes odious. The thesis is expressed that he supposedly was the Black Hundred before the revolution, and after its events he became a Chekist. It was also suggested that at the speech of Alexander Blok, the writer called him dead, and the poet really soon died. Modern researchers have proven the discrepancy between the described stories and reality. Therefore, all this is just a hoax.

Further activities

short biography of Sergey Bobrov
Bobrov Sergey published his poems on the pages of several pre-revolutionary collections, which were published between 1913 and 1917. In particular, we are talking about the books "Lear", "Diamond Forests" and "Vertogradar over the vines." In these works, he combined imitation of Russian classical lyrics and the techniques of futurism. To this was added the influence of the experiments conducted by Andrei Bely. For our hero, interruptions in classical sizes are characteristic, as well as an omission of stress in three-syllables. A similar phenomenon was characteristic of Pasternak of the indicated period and Aksyonov's translations.

Our hero wrote poetry until the last days of his life. In the sixties he again began to be actively published. His works appeared on the pages of the almanacs, among which the Day of Poetry should be separately noted. The author also published 3 socio-utopian novels: Finder of Treasure, Iditol Specification, and Rise of the Misanthropes.

The poet worked at the Central Statistical Office. He was repressed and exiled to Kokchetav. After serving his sentence and returning home, Sergey Borov published two popular science works for schoolchildren. We are talking about books that are written in a fabulous form. Works on mathematics were called “Magic two-horn” and “Archimedean summer”. These books were very popular. Dvorog was repeatedly reprinted, the last time it was published in 2006.

Among the prose writings of our hero, the autobiographical novel “The Boy” should be noted. One of the interests of the poet was also poetry. He was among the first to describe dolnik, calling it "pausenik." Bobrov also published a work entitled "New on the Composition of Pushkin." He performed with a number of publications. Later he returned to the poetic studies of a new generation with Kolmogorov, as well as young Gasparov. Our hero owns a number of important studies on interruptions in rhythm, as well as word lines. He was one of the founders of this topic.

Gasparov left interesting memoirs about the poet, and also dedicated a book to the memory of Sergei Pavlovich entitled “Contemporary Russian Verse”. Bobrov is the author of a mystified continuation of the work “When the Bishop of Assyria” by Alexander Pushkin. It was published in 1918. Pushkinist Lerner called the hoax a genuine Pushkin text, after the Beavers the poet made a special self-disclosure and revealed the methodology for creating this fake.

Works - chronology

  • In 1913, Bobrov Sergey published a book of poems "Helicopter Graders over Vines".
  • In 1976, the work "Boy" was published.
  • In 1993, the work “Buber K. [from] was published. Criticism of worldly philosophy. ”


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