What is “know”? Meaning of the word, synonyms and interpretation

It is not surprising that the meaning of the word “know” is difficult. A few dozen years of the dominance of Angloisms, and we generally forget those words that are native to us. For our part, we will do everything to prevent this from happening. Therefore, let's get down to business soon.


know the meaning of a word

The Explanatory Dictionary, our eternal companion in linguistic searches, says that the verb “know” means the following:

  • Similar in meaning to the verb “know”:

I don’t know where your keys to the car, where I put it, take it from there .

The stylistic inconsistency in the phrase is specially designed so that the reader understands with all the evidence that such use is currently considered obsolete.

  • Do not represent, do not understand:

They do not know what they are doing .

  • The same as experiencing, feeling, experiencing:

He explored all the dark and vile secrets of the human soul .

  • Manage something:

This is a question for the wife, she in our family knows the economic part, as well as the calculation of income and expenses .

As you can see, the object of our study passes through the department of either book or obsolete vocabulary. But the word is beautiful anyway.

Not too much effort has been expended in revealing the meaning of the word “know”. We pass to its replacements.


When the verb “know” is no longer a secret for us, we can fix the result by turning our eyes to what can replace it, if necessary. So:

  • to manage;
  • know;
  • test;
  • feel;
  • understand;
  • to lead;
  • to govern;
  • feel.

And separately phrases that are close in meaning:

  • be aware of;
  • to be in charge;
  • enter into subtleties;
  • have an idea, a concept.

If before that the reader could have any doubts about the meaning of the word “know”, then the battery of synonyms shattered them to smithereens. At least we would like to believe in it.

The root of the Vedas

know the meaning

Of course, experience suggests that the verb considered in this article is not such a hoary antiquity. The root from it is used in such words:

  • introduction;
  • agency (and variation);
  • witch;
  • manager (and variation);
  • to visit (find out how you are doing or how you feel);
  • various specialists or fields of knowledge that are called using the root of the Vedas, for example, “art critic” or activity - “art criticism”.

Naturally, we cannot give the whole spectrum of words in Russian where this glorious root would be used. Our task is to provide the reader with a certain idea so that he becomes knowledgeable (the adjective is not randomly chosen) in his native (or studied) language.

Witch and witch

what does it mean to know

What we write is probably no longer a secret for the general public, but suddenly someone else does not know. There is a popular satirist in Russia M.N. Zadornov. He is famous for telling the population how ignorant it is for the most part (this is especially noticeable against the background of foreigners), but at the same time terribly quick-witted.

In addition to the humorist struggling with our national flaws, trying to get people to reflect on their behavior, he is engaged in amateur studies that relate to history and language. The official science of his achievements does not recognize, but some facts suitable for us can be borrowed from him. Of course, the following will refer to the meaning of the word “know.”

For example, before the adoption of Christianity, there were sorcerers in Russia. They were responsible for herbs and, in a broad sense, communication with nature. The sorceress is a good, revered young lady or grandmother. When Russia was baptized, everything pagan was recognized as indigestible for a new ideology and began to pass through the ministry of evil spirits or even the Devil himself.

Such a sad story, but from the point of view, we will not be afraid of the word, politics, it is quite ordinary.

Now what does it mean to know? As the reader can be sure, we involuntarily used a lot of words with the root of the Vedas, but this still says something, doesn’t it?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C448/

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