What is the best operating system for a netbook?

Today, such small devices as netbooks have become quite popular among the population, and this is due to the fact that people are simply uncomfortable using bulky laptops in everyday life. The developers are well aware of this and therefore are working tirelessly to finally dispel the debate, what is the best operating system for a netbook?

However, before moving on to discussing which operating system is the best for a netbook, we will try to explain exactly what the netbook itself is. A netbook is a mini-computer, a mini-laptop. Roughly speaking, a netbook is a smaller laptop that must cope with tasks that do not require large capacities. Perhaps few people already remember, but it was precisely for these purposes that laptops were once developed: mobility, the possibility of battery life, small size, good performance for solving simple problems. It is clear that laptops were not designed to play games on them, and there is no reason for this, it is another matter when you are using the laptop on the Internet or browsing documents. However, time passed, the twenty-first century came, technology both developed and developed, and a netbook was born. Modern netbooks may have a performance that is no different from the average laptop, but at the same time, the netbook will be cheaper in price, more compact, lighter in weight and will be able to work autonomously for more time. Thanks to all these factors, netbooks began to make serious competition to their older brothers.

There are different operating systems for netbooks, so when you buy a new device, you should take this seriously and think carefully before installing any OS on the netbook. Now we’ll try to figure out which operating system is the best for a netbook.

Windows 7. What to keep in mind, this OS is the most popular operating system in the world. Most of all computers in the world work on Windows. Seven was published in 2009 and immediately became incredibly popular among users of PCs and laptops, but what about netbooks? Fortunately, the developers took care of this and released several versions of the new OS. The easiest to use and most suitable version of the seven for a netbook is Windows 7 Starter. This OS is lightweight compared to other versions of this operating system and made by Starter specifically for netbooks. There is no doubt that this is the best operating system for a netbook.

In second place is the Apple operating system , called OS X. We all know that the "apple" company produces premium technology, which is years ahead of its competitors, in their operating system this fact is obvious. The system has a very nice appearance and a very simple interface, which, after careful configuration, will be clear to everyone. However, unfortunately, you can only officially install the OS from Apple on devices of the same company, so if you are a happy owner of a netbook from Apple, you can only envy, because the products of this company are worth it, oh, how cheap. If you do not have a netbook from the "apple" company, then it is best to simply forget about the existence of this OS.

Linux Mint is the third netbook operating system we are considering. If you need a netbook mainly for solving simple office tasks, as well as for surfing the Internet, then this operating system is the best choice. The system in question is very easy to use and does not require special knowledge to configure, as it is very simple. A big plus of this OS before Windows is that this OS is free and anyone can get it. Many users use Linux Mint on their netbooks, because it is ideal for working with a netbook.

So, having examined the three operating systems for netbooks, we can conclude that identifying the best system is quite difficult, because this is a matter of taste for each person, but in fairness, it is worth noting that after all, most of the users choose Windows 7.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44814/

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