Berry Viburnum: what helps and what properties it has

A very healthy berry, already little known to modern city dwellers, is viburnum. But in the villages these shrubs are still grown and berries are used to treat and enhance immunity in the winter. Just like that, not everyone can eat it because of the specific bitter taste. But in many traditional medicine recipes

viburnum helps him
viburnum is used. What helps this berry, you need to know, because it is very useful. It is no coincidence that so many songs about viburnum red have been created among the people.

Useful properties of viburnum

People have long believed that it helps against 99 diseases. One of the few berries that can be harvested in winter, replenishing vitamins, is viburnum. From what she helps, all the housewives knew before. In case of any disease, brewed aromatic tea from twigs and fruits of viburnum. It has anti-inflammatory properties, treats coughs, reduces blood pressure and fights neurosis and insomnia.

Viburnum fruits contain many vitamins, natural organic acids and tannins useful for digestion. Therefore, viburnum is used as a vitamin remedy to increase immunity and normalize metabolism. It is also very useful to make masks from this berry: they rejuvenate the skin, treat inflammation and acne. Much more can be listed properties that viburnum has. What else does she help from?

Decoctions and juice of viburnum are taken for neurosis, insomnia and headaches. It has general strengthening properties, enhances immunity and even helps with cancer. A decoction of fruits and twigs perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and stimulates the muscles of the intestines.

Viburnum broth
viburnum helps with pressure

Kalina heals many diseases, but not everyone can eat it fresh, since it contains a bitter glycoside. Therefore, most often it is used as a decoction. To prepare it, you need to grind the berries and pour hot water. On two spoons take a glass of water. Heat the resulting solution for 15 minutes, best in a water bath. You need to do this in an enameled bowl.

Chilled and filtered broth is mixed with honey and drunk like tea. You can take up to three glasses of infusion daily. Best of all, it helps with neurosis and vasospasm. Constant intake of a decoction with honey can cure incipient hypertension, as viburnum helps with pressure. If the broth is also done with the addition of plant branches, then it treats a persistent cough and hoarseness.

How to save viburnum for the winter

what helps viburnum red
The taste of viburnum softens when frozen, so it is recommended to hang it on the veranda and eat it after the first frost. The only berry that tastes better after freezing is viburnum. From what it helps, it becomes clear if you find out that it contains a large amount of vitamin C. A tablespoon of berries provides a person's daily need for it.

It is recommended to prepare more viburnum for the winter by freezing it or making juice with honey. You can not just eat it or drink juice, delicious seasonings and sauces are obtained with the addition of viburnum. Nowadays, women should remember why viburnum red helps, and more often include this amazing berry in the diet of their family.


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