Hair at the roots gets dirty very quickly: possible causes and effective methods of solving the problem

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the dream of every girl, but very often a lot of problems arise with them. Most affected are those who have to wash them often. This is due to the fact that the hair quickly gets dirty. It seems that only in the morning did the girl wash her ringlets, and already in the evening or the next morning they look untidy and dirty. In this article, we will find out why hair at the roots gets dirty very quickly and what are the ways to solve this problem.

Hair type

Of course, the degree of contamination primarily depends on the type. Dry curls get dirty very slowly and require washing no more than once every 5 days. With oily hair, the situation is completely different. They have to be washed every day, although this does not solve the problem. There is a combined type. In this case, the hair at the roots quickly gets dirty, but the tips can be normal or even dry. Based on the above, it can be concluded that frequent contamination is inherent only in oily and combination hair types.

hair gets dirty very quickly what to do

How does pollution

In order to cope with a particular problem, it is first necessary to find out its etiology. If the reason is excessive fat, then everything seems simple. However, in reality everything is completely different. Despite the fact that it is customary to talk about the type of hair, in fact, the decisive role is still played by the scalp. It contains sebaceous glands. Excessive production of subcutaneous fat leads to the fact that the hair quickly gets dirty. Interestingly, the skin of the head and face does not always have the same type. Often there are girls with dry skin, but with oily hair and vice versa.

One way or another, many factors influence the production of subcutaneous fat. These include: genetic predisposition, diet, hormones and many other factors. Let's talk about them in more detail.


What to do if hair gets dirty quickly? This question excites many women. First of all, you need to review the diet. If the hair is already prone to excess fat, too high-calorie foods saturated with many lipids can only aggravate the situation. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fatty foods and eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. In addition, the drinks that you consume also affect the health of curls. If your hair gets dirty quickly, try cutting back on coffee and alcohol. Instead, drink as much normal purified water as possible.

hair began to get dirty quickly

Shampoo Selection

Each girl has many different hair care products, but does each one benefit curls? The fact is that each shampoo is designed for a certain type of hair. For dry, a huge amount of oil is added to the composition to ensure their nutrition. If, after using this or that shampoo, the hair quickly gets dirty, then this means that it must be abandoned.

Sometimes it happens that the curl care product says that it is for normal or oily hair, however, the composition, however, contains components that increase the production of sebaceous glands. What manufacturers write on shampoo packaging is not always true. Therefore, if something worries you in such a tool, it is better to refuse it.

hair gets dirty very quickly

Try to buy shampoos for oily hair type. In many pharmacies you can also find special therapeutic agents, they not only cleanse curls of dirt, but also treat the scalp. Of course, shampoos that contain only natural ingredients should be preferred. Silicones and other similar ingredients can make your hair heavier and give it a dirty, scruffy look.

Masks and hair balms

Not only shampoos, but also other hair care products can affect the sebaceous glands. Owners of oily curls should be very careful when using hair masks. This tool, as a rule, contains a lot of fat. If you still can’t do without it, you should know some tricks. The mask should be applied only to the ends of the hair, avoiding getting to the roots. In this case, after using it, the curls will look alive and healthy, and the roots at the same time will not be so contaminated so quickly.

As for the hair balm, then, of course, you should choose a tool for the oily type. The composition of such a product will contain components that dry the scalp.

Combing hair

Who doesn't like combing their favorite strands? Of course, all the girls do this all the time. But everything should be a measure. Why is my hair getting dirty quickly? What to do? The whole reason can lie precisely in frequent combing and touching the hair. With such actions, the fat secreted by the sebaceous glands, the girl herself distributes along the entire length of the hair.

hair gets dirty quickly

This contributes to their rapid pollution. For combing, you need to use wooden combs and do this not too often. If the curls are very quickly tangled up or the weather is bad, then it is better to tie them in a ponytail or braid a wonderful braid.

Proper shampooing

It would seem that it could be easier than washing the curls. But in reality, everything is not so simple, especially if the hair began to get dirty quickly. We have already said that you need to carefully choose hair care products, and now we will learn how to use them correctly. It is customary to wash the greasy type of hair twice, especially if you use medical shampoo. The first time is necessary in order to wash away the accumulated fat, dust and dirt from curls. Unfortunately, while this is all on the hair, the healing components of the shampoo will not be able to penetrate deep into the hair. The second stage is when the hair is already clean, reapplying shampoo. Do not rub the scalp too much, as with such movements you will only increase the production of sebum.

hair gets dirty quickly what to do

In addition, carefully monitor the temperature of the water. It should not be too hot. The cooler it is, the better. This is also due to the fact that hot water enhances blood flow to the brain, and, accordingly, increases the amount of subcutaneous fat. If you use a mask or balm after shampoo, make sure that you wash it off well.

Despite the fact that oily hair the next morning after washing does not have a neat appearance, try to wash it as little as possible. The thing is that any means for curls damages the protective film located on the surface of the dermis. At the same time, it irritates the scalp. Frequent washing will only contribute to even more fat. There are some tricks to help you keep your hair clean for as long as possible.

Some tricks

In order to keep your hair fresh and clean for as long as possible, make various beautiful hairstyles. This is necessary in order to reduce the number of scratches during the day. Do not go to bed with loose hair, do a pigtail or a ponytail, and then in the morning the hair will not be so oily. It is best to wash your hair in the morning, because in the evening the sebaceous glands work more actively.

As a rule, it is bangs that become oily first. Sometimes only her untidy appearance can ruin the impression of the whole hairstyle. In this case, it can be stabbed with a beautiful hairpin that will attract attention. In some cases, you can wash the bangs separately and lay them with a hairdryer.

why hair gets dirty quickly

When there is no time to wash your hair at all, you can use dry shampoo. It must be applied to the roots and carefully distributed along the entire length of the hair with a comb. To give a better volume, the curls can be dried with a hairdryer. Dry shampoo should not be used too often, but in some cases it can be a great helper.

Home recipes

We already learned why hair quickly gets dirty, and now we will consider some useful recipes that will help to cope with this problem. As mentioned above, the main reason is that the hair becomes oily too fast, and this, in turn, is caused by the work of the sebaceous glands.

Everyone knows that fat can be controlled by either too aggressive surfactants, which we cannot use for our curls, or grass. It is the latter that have been helping people cope with a wide variety of diseases and problems for more than a thousand years. So, for oily skin, decoctions of herbs - this is a real cure. After washing the curls, they can be rinsed with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, oak bark, and onion husks. You can also add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the decoctions. This will make the water softer.

hair at the roots quickly get dirty

There are a huge number of various homemade masks. All of them are perfectly struggling with the problem of oily hair. For example, it’s very effective: one teaspoon of water, the same amount of vodka or alcohol and one egg yolk. All this must be thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the scalp. After 10 minutes, the mask can be washed off.

Does your hair get dirty very quickly? What to do? First of all, do not panic, because the nervous state is also very strongly reflected on the health of curls. Use all of the above tips, after a month your hair will become healthy again and will remain pleasant for a long time.


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