How to get started: effective methods and practical recommendations

Everyone wants to achieve something in life, so he seeks to do everything necessary to get a chance. From early childhood, everyone is told that you need to study hard to get good grades and then get a good job. And many follow these instructions. At school, they study for one five and graduate with honors, then go to a prestigious university and spend all their free time there to be the best and as a result get a red diploma. And after that they get a job in order to gradually organize their career growth.

After all, what else is needed? You have all the knowledge that the modern education system was able to give you, you have well-developed comprehensive thinking, your intelligence differs from the majority. But the increase does not come, no one wants to increase the salary, and you can only follow on social networks how threesome and truants get top positions, earn huge money and live without any problems.

What is the matter? It turns out that you are not thinking well enough to succeed. You need to act. How to start acting? This is what will be discussed in this article. You can find out exactly what steps you should take to succeed. So if you want to know how to get started, then this article is for you!

how to get started

The importance of action

But what is the matter? Why are all these people, who were no match for school and university, now achieve much more than you? As you already understood, the problem is actions, or rather, the presence of actions of these people and the absence of them in you. That is why you need to figure out how to take action, and not just think, plan, demonstrate the vastness of your knowledge and the incredibility of intelligence.

The fact is that in the modern world, where all information is available on the Internet, each person can read a dozen books and show himself as a very smart conversationalist and valuable employee. But in reality, actions decide everything, and even if a person is not very erudite, but full of energy and ready to take decisive steps at any time, he will be able to achieve more than that person who is slow in doing this, but at the same time proud of his intellect. So it's time to learn how to get started.

start acting right now

Decision time

You should understand once and for all that you need to start acting right now, without any delay. It is your indecision, constant fluctuations and thoughts about what will be better and what is worse, do not allow you to move on. Very often in such situations you spend too much time analyzing what is happening and choosing the right approach, but in the modern world everything changes very quickly, and there will always be someone who decides to do it faster than you. Or the task simply ceases to be relevant.

In general, one way or another, you need to do something about it, and the simplest method is to set up a kind of deadline for making decisions. It should be a date after which reflections will no longer be. You must make a decision without any hesitation. If you want to know how to start a change in your life, then at least this is worth doing. However, it is safe to say that one step will not be enough for you, therefore it is better to stock up on several methods at once that will help you in this difficult undertaking.

how to start a change

Small steps

If you already realized that it’s time for you to stop living the way you live, and really want to figure out how to stop thinking too much and take action, then you should not try to solve the problem in one big step. This will only lead to stress and frustration.

Of course, you most likely want to immediately achieve incredible success, but it is worth sensibly assessing the real situation. Therefore, do not try to swipe at something big, it is better to start with small but important steps. Try every day to replace your thoughts about what great deeds you could accomplish with some, at least small actions that will develop activity in you and gradually bring you closer to your goal. This is another point that will allow you to figure out how to stop thinking too much and take action. But there is still a lot of work ahead of you.

how to stop thinking too much and take action


When you try to understand how to stop thinking and take action, it can be very stressful for you, because this leads you out of the so-called comfort zone. For each person, this comfort zone is individual, and if you read this article, then for you, most likely, it is calm and an opportunity to think, reflect. Accordingly, you will have to stress your body when you act and not think. So you need to relax and not let stress take over.

Naturally, taking action is a big step, so you should not think that it will be very easy for you. But you should not give up in any case, so relaxing is a very good advice that will greatly facilitate your life and transition from thinking to accomplishments.

how to stop thinking and take action

Recording plans

When a person wants to take action, effective methods that have been tested by many people can come in very handy. For example, keeping a diary is a popular way that will allow you to act much more efficiently. How? All you have to do is write down the plans that you made for a certain day, and then try to fulfill them.

When you label something on paper, it ceases to be an abstract thought in your head. This becomes a real entry in the diary, and if it is a plan, you will have to fulfill it, otherwise it will remain a black spot on paper. Accordingly, keeping records allows you to significantly increase the efficiency in the transition from thoughts to accomplishments. And so you can quickly figure out how to get started. The methods, of course, do not end there, and you can come up with many more ways that will allow you not to live the dreams in your head, but to realize these dreams in practice.

take action is a big step


Many people who rely solely on their intellect believe that they do not need training, because brute force will not help them in their endeavors. However, this is a very big mistake, since in fact sport is not only a way to build muscle. You can start, in principle, with the muscles themselves, since their presence gives you much more opportunities in life, and also allows you to look more attractive.

But how exactly can exercise affect your ability to act? The fact is that the essence of physical culture is not only in building muscle mass. Sport stimulates all processes in the body, it makes you healthier, more alert, your body has much more energy, which means that you will be motivated to do things.

get started effective ways

Motivational books

Another point that you should pay attention to is specialized literature. Now the genre of motivational books is very widespread, and many writers are trying to convey to people a variety of techniques in a particular field of activity. Naturally, there are also books that will allow you to learn to think less and act more.

Many people think that this is a waste of time and money, and this is true if you manage to achieve your goal without any problems. But if you are experiencing difficulties, such as, in this case, the inability to move from reflection to action, then the advice of an experienced specialist can be a decisive factor. You can learn the knowledge that you can use for your own development, you will become familiar with the methods that will allow you to spend less time thinking and act faster and more efficiently.


Another aspect that you need to develop in yourself is spontaneity. All your decisions are usually very thoughtful, you spend a lot of time thinking, you can’t get down to business if you haven’t planned it from start to finish. However, as you already understand, this will not allow you to go far in life, as there will always be those people who will not be as smart and educated as you, but who will instantly make decisions, taking away all your chances. Therefore, it has already been said above that you need to set deadlines for important decisions and make them mandatory when the time for reflection expires.

But it will be much better to practice this under more extreme conditions, and spontaneity will come in handy here. For this practice, it’s better to choose not too important goals that will not affect your life. The bottom line is to make spontaneous decisions as often as possible, which you won’t spend a second thinking over. Yes, the result will not always be positive, but it will help you develop the speed of decision-making in yourself, which is a very important parameter in any modern person and is often valued even higher than the quality of decisions that are pondered over for days and weeks.

Heart to heart conversation

And finally, you definitely should find a person with whom you can talk heart to heart, that is, someone who will tell you about your behavior from the outside, help with advice and tell you when it is you who should pay more attention to actions, not thoughts. In any undertaking related to changes in your life, it is worth having a friend with whom you can talk and discuss what is happening to you.


Well, now you understand that in modern life it is very important to be able to act, not just think. A high level of intelligence is very good, but thinking will not do your job for you, which would allow you to move on. Actions give results, so you need to pay much more attention to them.


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