Which 12 year old whiskey is better?

Whiskey, or scotch, is one of the most popular spirits in the world. Its aroma and taste are created through a variety of production processes that result in a drink for which people are willing to pay a lot of money. It is made from crops such as rye, barley, corn, wheat and even buckwheat. The strength of this drink can vary from 32 to 50%. Traditionally, it is produced in Ireland and Scotland.

Whiskey 12 years

Drink history

Where was this first strong drink made? No answer to this question was found, but Ireland and Scotland consider themselves the birthplace of whiskey and argue among themselves about who was the first in this matter. The Scots claim that they replaced the grapes with barley in the original process. The resulting drink they called "water of life." But the Irish say that their patron, St. Patrick, invented this recipe and started making whiskey on their island. Mass production of scotch tape began in the Scottish monasteries, it was used exclusively for medicinal purposes. But the farmers took the experience from the monks and began to make it for sale. This drink was more like moonshine, it could not stand, and drank immediately after distillation. In the XIX century, handicraft production was able to move to a new level thanks to the installation of Coffey, which helped to significantly increase the volume of manufactured product. From this time begins the industrial production of this product, there are companies that specialize only in its production. Nowadays, Scottish and Irish scotch tape are considered the best. Whiskey 12 years of aging is appreciated worldwide.

Whiskey Balveni 12 years

Types of "water of life"

There is such a classification of whiskey:

1. Malt - made only from barley malt, without any impurities. In turn, it is also divided into:

  • single malt (made by the same distillery);
  • Single cask (whiskey, which is taken from a single barrel);
  • Quarter cask (such a drink is taken only from a barrel made of American oak and having a small size);
  • Vatted malt (this is a mixture of scotch tape from different distilleries).

2. Grain - this is almost all blended whiskey, only a small part goes for sale at retail. This species without impurities has virtually no aroma. Most often it is used as technical raw material for the manufacture of another variety of this drink.

3. Mixed - this is a drink that is obtained by mixing (blending) malt and grain types of adhesive tape. 90% of all production falls on this particular type. If it contains a high content of malt, then this drink has the status of "Lux".

4. "Bourbon" - an American recipe, which involves the manufacture of whiskey from corn, and has a special technology.

Whiskey Chivas 12 years

Manufacturing technology

The production of this drink is divided into how many stages:

1. Preparation of barley malt - at this stage, barley is processed. It needs to be sorted, cleaned and dried. After that, it is soaked and laid out at the bottom of the malt house for up to 10 days. When the grain sprouts, it is sent for drying. So it turns out malt. From sprouted grains make grain whiskey.

2. Drying is the drying process of malt, which occurs under the influence of hot smoke from the combustion of charcoal, peat or beech shavings. So it turns out "smoked grain." This stage is used only in Scotland, which gives a highlight to Scotch tape from this part of the UK.

3. Wort production - dried malt is turned into flour and stirred in water. This mixture settles for 8-12 hours.

4. Fermentation, or fermentation - when the wort cools down, yeast is added to it and put in a warm place (35-37 degrees) for two days. The strength of the resulting drink reaches 5%.

5. Distillation - 5% of the beverage is distilled two or three times. After the first distillation, the liquid strength reaches 25-30%, after the second - 70%. For further use, they take only the drink that flows in the middle of the distillation process. The form of the distillation apparatus is unique in each distillery, as this greatly affects the taste of whiskey. The resulting drink is diluted with water, and its strength is reduced to 50-64%.

6. Aging - whiskey is aged in oak barrels. If these are sherry barrels from Spain, you get a high-quality drink. But often use barrels of American oak, which kept the "bourbon".

7. Blending - this stage is used for mixed tape. Here they merge into one malt and grain types of whiskey, which have a different degree of aging (from 3 years). After that, they are stored for a couple of months. The price of the drink depends on this period: if only a few weeks, then it is cheap, if 6-8 months - a high-quality expensive drink.

8. Bottling - the settled drink is filtered with the help of paper membranes. The temperature should be in the range of 2-10 degrees. After that, the adhesive tape is diluted with water taken from natural sources. If the mixture contains whiskey 12 years of aging, then add to its name De luxe, that is, it is a drink of the highest quality.

Whiskey Regal 12 years

Aging time

In 1860, a law was passed in Scotland, which stated that this alcohol must be aged for at least 3 years. If malt scotch tape is not intended for blending, it can withstand from 5 to 20 years. Whiskey 12 years of aging refers to the original varieties, 21 years - to collection. The rarest varieties are stored in barrels up to 50 years. In Ireland, the most common term is 5 years, in Canada - 6.

Whiskey "Chivas Regal"

This brand delivers high-end liquor from Scotland to the market. The Chivas company was founded by two brothers, John and James Chivasa, back in 1801. They considered that in Scotland there is no such whiskey that could have the status of elite. Therefore, they decided to create such a drink with their own hands. The newly created adhesive tape turned out to be very good, and all the nobles of Scotland quickly fell in love with it. But the brothers did not stop there. The next step was to create a long-aging whiskey for export to the United States. This brand was called Chivas Regal 25 and it quickly conquered the American market. But in 1920, the Prohibition Act was introduced in the United States , which cut off trade. After its cancellation, the company returned to the market under the brand name Chivas Regal 12. Nowadays, Chivas Regal sells only a seasoned drink. Its aging period is from 12 to 21 years. Chivas whiskey is aged 12 years under special conditions and is considered the most popular. Eighteen-year-old scotch tape was created in 1997 by Colin Scott and was awarded a bunch of diplomas and medals for quality. The twenty-year-old is aged 21 years, it was created in 1953 especially for the coronation of Elizabeth II. But all the same, 12 year old Whiskey whiskey is bought much more readily due to its lower price and excellent quality.

Whiskey Macallan 12 years old

Whiskey "Macallan"

This drink is made in the Spey region of Scotland, which is famous for its distilleries around the world. This is a high-quality whiskey, it is aged in sherry barrels. Its distinguishing feature is three times distillation, while 2 laps are used as standard. The founder of this enterprise is Alexander Reed, who back in 1824 acquired a license and opened his own distillery. In subsequent years, it was bought up by various private and legal entities. In the 50s of the twentieth century, The Macallan begins to pack its product in bottles. The maximum shelf life at this enterprise is 30 years, but Macallan whiskey 12 years of aging is the most popular and beloved in the whole world.

Whiskey "Aberfeldy"

In a small village, which is located in the mountains of Grampiana in Scotland, create one of the most famous varieties of whiskey. It has a distinctive color, aroma and taste that definitely sets it apart from everyone else. The first to produce Aberfeldy whiskey were the Devar brothers in 1898. At first they planned to make ordinary malt, but then decided to do single malt whiskey. This drink was used as the basis for other brands, but since 1988 the original brand has worked only for itself. Aberfeldy whiskey 12 years and 20 years of aging conquered the world. After all, this distillery is trying to get away from modern goods and make a drink using traditional technologies using water only from local mountain sources.

Aberfeldy whiskey 12 years

Whiskey "Glenfiddick"

This Scotch whiskey (or scotch tape) is produced in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the river Fidick, near which the city of Daftown is located. Only one malt variety is produced here. This brand was created in 1887 by William Grant. He and his family built a distillery and named it after the valley in which it was built. And to this day Williamโ€™s great-great-grandchildren own this production. In 1957, this whiskey began to be poured into a unique bottle of a triangular shape. The products of this distillery are divided into a classic line, a premium class line and a limited line. The most common whiskey - "Glenfiddick" 12 years of aging - refers to the classic. Also included are drinks that are stored for 15 and 18 years. Elite drinks are aged 21 and 30, limited - 40 and 50 years.

Whiskey "Balveni"

Another venture from the Spey Valley in Scotland. It was opened in 1892 by the same William Grant and was named after the castle located nearby. In the basement, he kept his drink, on the ground floor there was a malting workshop, on the second floor was barley, which was grown in the district. In 1973, the brand "Balveni" began to produce bottled whiskey. It is divided into regular and limited. Whiskey "Balveni" 12 years of aging refers to both the first and second types. It all depends on in which barrels it was aged.

Glenfiddick Whiskey 12 years


Irish and Scots have their own traditions in the use of whiskey. The former never dilute it, and the latter adhere to a special ritual of the five โ€œSsโ€: see, smell, savor, iron and splash water. They believe that this will help to fully feel the whole taste of whiskey and get the most out of it. Whiskey 12 years of aging is very fond of and appreciated in these parts. It is very high quality, and its purchase does not hit the family budget so much.

Thus, whiskey is a drink with a unique taste and smell that won the hearts of millions of people. Scotland and Ireland are considered his homeland. This drink is stored for 3 to 50 years, on which its quality and price depend. Whiskey 12 years of aging is the most common type of this drink.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44827/

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