A cold got out on my lip: what to treat at home

With the onset of autumn, we are increasingly haunted by colds. They can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the so-called weaknesses in the body - someone starts to have a sore throat at the slightest hypothermia, someone suffers a runny nose. Some people find out about a cold by a characteristic rash with liquid contents on their lips.

How to treat a cold on the lips

The cause of this manifestation is the herpes viral disease, the causative agent of which is in the body of 90% of the population of our planet. However, not everyone has a cold on their lips. This is because most infected people are only carriers of the virus. Even if you yourself are unfamiliar with such a problem, your friends or acquaintances must have asked you: β€œA cold has come out on my lip, what should I do to treat it?” In the photos posted in this article, it is clear that such rashes do not look very attractive.

Today we will talk about this disease in detail, find out the causes of its occurrence, present medications and methods for its treatment with folk remedies.

Herpes rash on the lip

Common misconceptions

All patients suffering from this disease can be divided into two groups. Some fall into panic and begin to look if a cold has come out on the lip than to treat quickly, preferably in one day, others consider the disease not so terrible and let it go by itself. Both of them are mistaken - it is unlikely to be able to get rid of the rashes in one day, although if treatment is started on time, the disease will recede in two to three days. Wrong and those who consider the disease "frivolous." It can be transmitted to other people, causing quite serious complications, so you should not postpone its treatment.

Causes of a cold on the lips

Everyone who often encounters this problem knows the disease algorithm. At first, the person feels a slight tingling and itching on the lip. Then a barely visible red dot appears on the skin, which can be inflamed and painful. At this point a little later, tiny transparent bubbles appear, filled with liquid. Sometimes herpes is accompanied by swelling, burning, ulcers. Often, the disease occurs against a background of high temperature and soreness of the lymph nodes during palpation.

Herpes virus

Such a wound heals quite quickly, since the appearance of vesicles indicates the end of the disease. However, if you start treatment at the initial stage (with the appearance of itching), open wounds can be avoided. Undoubtedly, everyone is worried about the question: β€œIf a cold got out on my lip, how to treat it and how to get rid of the misfortune?”

The main factors causing the disease

When infected with herpes, and it is transmitted by airborne droplets or sexually, the virus is fixed in the body and may not manifest itself in any way. Rashes appear only with a decrease in immunity. The most common factors causing this manifestation of the common cold include:

  • Hypothermia. Herpes quite often appears on the lip after a person has been exposed to rain, frozen, and chills at a bus stop, waiting for transport, etc. In some cases, herpes also causes a sharp temperature drop - for example, when you go out after playing sports to the street.
  • Diseases The body's defenses seriously undermine some diseases. These include AIDS, HIV, syphilis, diabetes and other systemic diseases.
  • Pregnancy. When carrying a child in women, immunity can decrease. Very often, expectant mothers complain that a cold has come out on her lip. How to treat this disease during pregnancy, we will tell a little later.
  • Damage. Various injuries, cuts and bites of the mucous membrane of the lips can provoke the appearance of herpes on the lips.

Do I need to see a doctor?

At the initial stage, when the disease does not disturb, patients who do not have a cold for the first time got a cold do not seek medical help. What they can quickly treat at home such a manifestation of herpes, they already know. Those who have rashes for the first time, it is better to consult a doctor to get the necessary recommendations and appointments. With the spread of rashes in the oral or nasal cavity, the appearance of large ulcers or blisters, redness of the affected areas and pain, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Treatment duration

It should be noted that it is impossible to get rid of the herpes virus, correctly conducted treatment can relieve the symptoms and manifestations of the disease. The result of treatment depends on how quickly treatment is started, what methods and tools were used in the treatment at home, what immunity the patient has.

A cold got out on my lip: what to treat at home

This disease requires an integrated approach to treatment - the use of external and internal means at the same time, a balanced diet. The possibilities of modern medicine allow you to quickly suppress the virus, translating it into a "sleeping" state. The actions of all currently known drugs are aimed at reducing the multiplication of viruses and relieving symptoms. For millions of people around the world, the question is urgent: β€œWhat should I do if a cold has come out on my lip? How to treat this disease at home? ”

Causes of the disease

Common drugs

According to doctors, the best cure for colds on the lips that quickly removes the symptoms of the disease is Zovirax ointment. She removes inflammation after 2-3 days. Acyclovir is an analogue of Zovirax, a cheaper drug, although it works no worse. Before using it, treat the affected area with an antiseptic.

Often, along with ointments, antiviral drugs are prescribed:

  • Penciclovir.
  • Herpevir.
  • "Acyclovir."
  • Famciclovir.

To maintain immunity at home, the following medicines are used:

  1. Tincture of Echinacea.
  2. "Immunal."
  3. "Geri-max."
  4. "Neuromultivitis."

Sometimes not one of the drugs listed is at home, and a cold has come out on the lip. How to treat her in this case? Powdered aspirin or paracetamol can be used. These drugs are almost always in the home medicine cabinet. But if it is not the first time a cold has gotten out on the lip than to treat the rash, patients usually know. That is why you should always have the necessary medicines on hand.

Tincture of Echinacea

Pregnancy treatment

Future mothers are especially worried if a cold has come out on her lip. What to treat her in this case, because the use of many drugs for women in this position is unacceptable. Doctors say that herpes on the lip during pregnancy is not dangerous in most cases, since in most of the population this virus is present in the body, there are antibodies to it.

Danger of the virus for the baby

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the virus is dangerous only if the woman became infected with the virus immediately after conception. At this stage, life is just emerging, the heart begins to pound for the first time, and organs are laid. Any, even minor interference in this process can have serious consequences.

In the second trimester, herpes is also dangerous during primary infection, although to a lesser extent, because the baby is already fully formed. However, there remains a risk of developmental abnormalities and premature birth.

Treatment for colds on the lips during pregnancy

So, if a pregnant woman got a cold on her lip, how to treat her? Undoubtedly, the virus is dangerous and must be fought with it. And even if there are antibodies to it, rashes on the lips look unaesthetic and by themselves they will not pass without treatment. If the disease recurs, then treatment is minimized - the expectant mother will be able to cope herself, which in most cases happens. But at the initial infection, the doctor carries out the necessary treatment and provokes the production of antibodies.

Gels and ointments

If a cold has come out on my lip, how can I treat a pregnant woman? This is decided only by a gynecologist observing her condition. He prescribes safe for the child and at the same time effective drugs. These include:

  • "Panavir" is a herbal antiviral agent. Its active ingredient is potato shoot extract. It is produced in the form of a 0.002% gel or aerosol for local and external use.
  • "Penciclovir" is an antiviral synthetic drug of prolonged action. Available in the form of 5% cream for external use and 5% ointment;
  • Oxolinic ointment is an antiviral drug, which is available in the form of 0.25 and 3% ointments. The active substance of oxolin has a local effect, it does not accumulate in the human body.

Traditional medicine

In the absence of contraindications during the exacerbation of the virus, pregnant women can use folk remedies, having previously agreed upon their use with the attending physician. The following remedies are effective for treating colds on the lips with folk methods:

  • Egg film, which is located on the inside of the shell.
  • Vegetable or essential oils (fir sea buckthorn, tea tree oil, almond).
  • Pasta "Forest Balsam." It is applied to the affected area with a thin layer and left overnight. The paste has a drying, cooling, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The tool quickly removes the symptoms of the disease (burning, hyperemia, itching), the crusts dry out faster and disappear.
  • Ice cubes applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Fir oil burns rashes every two hours. This method is not suitable for people who are sensitive to pain, as when cauterized, the oil burns strongly.
  • An ointment with vaseline-based calendula extract accelerates wound healing, when used at least three times a day, and preferably every two hours. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Hygienic lipstick containing calendula or tea tree extract;
  • Cauterization of rashes with propolis tincture. The tool is applied to wounds without affecting healthy tissue 6-7 times a day. It is desirable to protect the delicate skin of the lips from drying out with a moisturizer;
  • Every housewife in the kitchen has garlic. It can be used in the fight against herpetic eruptions. Phytoncides, which are contained in its juice, have antiseptic properties that suppress viral activity. Lubricate rash several times a day with juice or rub with a cut clove.

The use of alternative medicine for rashes on the lips will help a pregnant woman reduce pain and accelerate wound healing.

Treating children

Many parents are interested in: β€œIf a cold has got out on a child’s lip, how to treat a baby?” Treatment of rashes in children, especially in the smallest, should be carried out under the strict supervision of a pediatrician. Quite often, the use of antiviral ointments and gels is not enough. You may need to take medications. Therefore, it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor in order to prevent the spread of rashes in other areas.

Weakened immunity

Pediatricians believe that if the virus is activated 2-4 times a year, then this is considered an unfavorable course of the disease requiring complex therapy. In this case, experts talk about weak immunity, which must be maintained. With regular rashes, the child is prescribed immunomodulating drugs even in the latent period, in order to avoid new manifestations. If rashes appear once a year, then this should not cause serious concern. They can be treated with local drugs. In the complex treatment of children for internal use, antiviral drugs are used. They can be in the form of tablets or injections.

Cold on the lips of a child

Perfectly recommended "Famciclovir", "Acyclovir". Multivitamin complexes are prescribed to strengthen immunity. Like immunostimulants, for example, "Interferon", "Nazoferon". These drugs activate their own immunity. They are prescribed only in cases where rashes appear several times a year. In children with good immunity, subject to all hygiene requirements, herpes may not activate for several years.

With severe itching and a large lesion area, antihistamines are prescribed (Tavegil, Suprastin). For topical use, ointments are used that act on the site of infection. When the virus is weak, these funds are enough. Ointment "Zovirax" is prescribed even for newborns. "Acyclovir" is often prescribed because of the effectiveness of the drug and the low price, which is important for young parents. Oxolinic ointment is used to treat children older than two years. These funds must be used at the first signs of the disease, preferably before the onset of rashes with edema and redness. Apply ointments every four hours, or as prescribed by your doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44838/

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