Earplugs: where are they sold, what are they intended for, and instructions for use

For many people, ear plugs are an indispensable thing. They are necessary to protect your hearing from noise. They especially help when a person is in an area where low-frequency sounds are distributed. This kind of noise is considered the most harmful to human hearing. Earplugs help people out by reducing the noise effect by 20 dB or more. As much as possible they protect from sound in 40 dB.

Many are interested in the question of where ear plugs are sold. To find a suitable option, you need to understand for what purpose they are needed. There are several types, so people often ask which ear plugs are best. To answer this question, you should find out what materials they are made of. It is important to know the differences between the models.

where earplugs are sold

What are they made of?

To find out where earplugs are sold, you need to know what type a particular person needs. You should be aware that various materials are used to make this hearing protection. Ear plugs can be of the following types:

  1. Silicone The most common model is Pillow Soft. They have high protective properties and are also comfortable to wear. They are invisible, as they are available only in flesh color. Together with this model, a special container is offered. It is convenient to store earplugs in it and not be afraid that they will be lost. The only negative of this model is that they quickly get dirty.
  2. Polyurethane foam. They are the most durable. They protect hearing well and are often used in production. The German model β€œMoldeks Pocket-Pak” has good quality. Reviews say that they are quite high quality, while they are inexpensive.
  3. Earmolds. They are usually very thin. Intex earplugs are in great demand.
  4. Rubber.
  5. Foam ear plugs. They are low cost. Noise protection for this model is low. Often these kinds of ear plugs are taken on a plane. They are distinguished by their softness, so it is convenient to fall asleep in them. The cost of this model is approximately 50 rubles.
    where are ear plugs sold

How to use ear plugs? Instructions for use

The end, which is located in the ear, it is better to moisten a little with water. In this case, it easily goes into the ear and does not require additional installation methods. Some install earplugs with a simple paper clip.

Another way to install this thing is to pull a person by the ear. It is necessary to emphasize up. The ear canal in this position gradually opens, after which the ear plugs are easily installed in the right place.

Some models can be squeezed with your fingers, after which they themselves straighten directly in the auricle. Models of this type are perfect for those who want to sleep, but the neighbors celebrate a holiday. Earplugs relieve a person of noise exposure, and he quickly falls asleep.

In places where earplugs are sold, you need to say the purpose of your purchase. In this case, it becomes possible to buy the most suitable for a particular person.

Places where you can buy them

You should know the places where earplugs are sold. It all depends on the type of model. You can buy this item in a pharmacy. It is important that a person feels comfortable in earplugs. They should not crush and rub the auricle.

which ear plugs are better

You can order ear plugs on the Internet. Different sites offer a wide range of hearing protection products. Many ask where sleep earplugs are sold. This type is best ordered online. The advantage of online shopping will be at a better price than in ordinary stores. The downside is that the goods can not be seen until you buy it.

Many people buy ear plugs in the form of fungi in online stores. They are made of silicone. You can see a lot of positive reviews about this product. Earplugs of this type cost from 108 rubles.

The best ear plugs for builders can be found in specialized stores. They must protect the hearing from loud noises that are unavoidable in the workplace.

What effect should be expected?

When a person uses earplugs, he practically ceases to hear. For example, if someone nearby speaks loudly, then the carrier hears only a whisper. He distinguishes it poorly. Before you find out where the ear plugs are sold, it is worthwhile to find out what noise level is noted next to this person.

best ear plugs

If you turn on the music in the room and use ear plugs, it will seem that the music is turned on by the neighbors. Many use these funds in the workplace at lunchtime. In order not to be distracted from food by the conversations of colleagues, a person installs ear plugs in his ears and calmly proceeds to a meal.

Precautions for using hearing protection

When installing this device, safety precautions must be observed. It is important to carefully install the product in the ear canal. Observe the recommended wear time for this product. It must be remembered that if during work you do not interrupt for lunch and do not pause for forty minutes, then your ears may get sick.

Can they be harmful?

A person can spoil his hearing even with such a harmless thing as ear plugs. If you choose a model that does not fit, then you can damage the auricle. This tool should not be installed very deeply. Earplugs may not provide adequate hearing protection from noise if you take a model that is not designed for that noise level.

how to install ear plugs

Who can use ear plugs?

They can be used by people who suffer from noise from neighbors. When the repair begins in the apartment building, the neighbors hear all the noise. Some young parents insert ear plugs in one ear while they cradle a crying baby.

where to buy earplugs

Men use ear plugs when doing home repairs. Not everyone knows that this thing can be found in a hardware store. Some take silicone earplugs to practice in sports centers. They help focus on your body. This thing is perfect for meditation, when all attention needs to be concentrated on your feelings and not be distracted by extraneous sounds.


So, we looked at what the ear plugs are for and where they can be purchased. As you can see, this is a very useful hearing protection product that can be used both at home and at work. The main thing is to make the right choice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44845/

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