History of Adidas, structure and activities of the company

Today it is hardly possible to find a person who would be unfamiliar with Adidas products, but only a few know the history of Adidas and how this company became so popular all over the world. The range of products of this brand allows you to easily pick up equipment for any kind of sport, representing the most stylish and comfortable things made on the basis of modern technologies together with designers and world-class stars. But the history of Adidas knows the times when no one even heard of this company. That is why many will be interested to know how the world famous brand developed.


Adidas story

The history of the creation of the company "Adidas" begins in 1920. The brand was named after its founder, Adolf Dassler, and is a combination of the initial syllables of his name and surname.

The main passion in Dassler’s life was football, which at that moment was just beginning to become widespread in Europe. After the defeat of Germany in 1918 and with the onset of a serious crisis and inflation, the country plunged into economic depression, with millions of soldiers constantly returning from the front line, continuously replenishing the number of unemployed who simply have nowhere to arrange. The Dassler family also fell into a difficult situation, which, after a large number of part-time jobs, decided in early 1920 to open their own shoe-making business - this is how the Adidas story begins.

First fruits

Dassler’s ideas were approached quite responsibly. The mother’s laundry room was used as a room for the shoe workshop. It is worth noting that Adolf showed good ingenuity by making a skin-cutting machine from a standard bicycle. The history of Adidas dates back to just such a small garage workshop. In it, the family worked on one thing: the father, along with his sons - Rudolph and Adolf - cut shoes, and the mother and daughter worked on a pattern from the canvas.

The first shoe that begins the history of Adidas is ordinary sleeping slippers made from military equipment, and the soles for such shoes were cut from discarded car tires. At the same time, Adolf was engaged in the development of new models and organized production, while Rudy sold all manufactured products.

Four years later, the Adidas story takes on a new character - twelve employees work in the workshop, and 50 pairs of shoes are produced immediately. It is worth noting that in 1924 this business was called the “Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory”.

1925 year

The history of Adidas boots dates back to 1925, and these shoes have become unique not only for Germany, but also for the entire world community. In particular, specifically for the boots, the Celain brothers forged metal spikes, and the world began to actively use sports “spikes”.


From the moment the first “spikes” appeared, the history of the Adidas company began to actively develop, and the small workshop grew into a small factory. A full-fledged building was rented for the production building, and 25 employees were hired. Every day, under this brand, up to 100 pairs of shoes were produced.

In 1928, the brand’s history really began to be created at Adidas, because the company was granted a patent for studs, and Dassler’s products began to be distributed around the world. At the Olympic Games in Amsterdam, many athletes began to wear shoes with this logo, and in 1929 the range of the factory was also expanded with football boots.


Despite the financial crisis in Germany, the company is thriving by fully buying out a rented building and laying a new, three-story production building. During the Olympic Games, a triumphal procession of the company's products around the world began. In particular, athletes who performed in Adidas shoes win Olympic medals and also set world records, which gives the organization incredible advertising.

In 1938, another factory was opened in Herzogenaurach, which begins to produce 1,000 pairs of shoes daily. With the outbreak of World War II, the company received a lot of problems. Despite the history of Adidas and the profile of activity, an attempt was made at the factories to manufacture hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers, but the idea was not realized. In this regard, it was customary to produce training shoes for the Germans, who were doing military service at that time.

The 40s

Adidas company history

In 1945, the assortment expanded at the Dassler brothers factory, and according to the terms of indemnity, it should produce specialized hockey skates for the United States, and instead receive gloves, tents, bats, as well as many other written-off materials. Thanks to Adolf’s rich imagination, they manage to produce new models of shoes from the materials received. Rudolph gets to the prisoner of war camp.

The company is trying to actively support advanced athletes, and also pays for their clothes and even gives some a salary for the fact that they act in it.


In 1946, at Adidas, the history of development came to an end, and the business had to be literally started from scratch. Rudolph was released from prison, but the brothers could no longer find a common language. In just a few years, a split of the business takes place, and two different firms appear - Adidas and Puma. The history of each of them is now maintained separately.

In 1948, after the final split of the family business, Adolf took Addas factory under his wing, while Rudolf received the Ruda factory. Over time, the name Ruda changes to Puma, and Addas turns into Addidas. That is how the Adidas and Puma brands appeared. The history of the creation of both companies began with their extremely fierce competition among themselves.

Adolf begins to make a new model - boots made of rubber, equipped with removable spikes.


Adidas company history

The story of the foundation of Adidas as an independent business of Adolf begins to develop again, and he launches many new products under his own brand, making it possible for the brand to spread throughout the world. Now this logo can be seen on bags and sportswear, and in parallel it is actively promoted thanks to the achievements of various Olympians.

Adidas company history

The history of Adidas and Puma is significantly different from each other. Adolf's company is booming, while Puma is far behind. The more successful brother launches the production of branded balls, and also makes a novelty - special shoes equipped with cast polyurethane sole. It is worth noting the fact that even today these shoes are quite widespread.


adidas and cougar creation story

In 1978, Adolf Dassler passed away, and his wife and son Horst began to engage in business development. It is worth noting that at first the business developed very successfully, and in 1983 Horst even created the first marketing company in history, which was intended for various sports events.

In 1985, Horst's mother dies, and in 1986 he died suddenly. The reorganization of the company could not be completed, so extremely difficult times came for the company, and only as of 1990 did its losses amount to a significant amount. More and more young people began to give preference to more modern brands such as Reebok and Nike. It should be noted that mainly Adidas products were manufactured in Germany, which entailed serious costs, while Reebok and Nike manufactured their products mainly in factories in China and Thailand. It was urgent to rectify the situation, as Adidas continued to be a well-known brand, and it would be foolish to just let it die.

It is from this crisis that the competition between Nike and Adidas begins. The history of the company as a result did not end after all, when its losses significantly exceeded the income received, 80% of the total number of shares went to a French investor named Bernard Tapi. Oddly enough, but after this transaction in a very short time, the brand’s profitability almost doubled.

Since 1993, the company of specialists gives birth to a new brand history, while talented managers from the main competing organizations - Reebok and Nike - are moving into it. Production capacities are gradually beginning to be transferred to those countries in which wages are much lower than in Europe. Over time, products under the Adidas brand completely disappear from retail, as branded stores begin to open around the world.

Modern adidas

In 2008, the company signed a 10-year agreement with the Russian Football Union, and to this day is engaged in the production of various items of shoes, clothing and all kinds of equipment for classes. Herbert Heiner is currently the CEO of this concern.

The modern concern includes such well-known brands as Reebok, RBK & CCM, Rockport and Hockey, while creating a large number of new products that differ in an absolutely revolutionary look, interesting design, and also quite high technical indicators.

Sports achivments

Adidas boots story

It is not surprising that the company gained its main fame precisely thanks to the sports achievements of various athletes who performed in equipment issued under this brand. However, not everyone notices who actually brings the popularity of this company.

It all started with how in 1928, together with the head coach of the German Olympic team, Dassler developed and produced new studded shoes, and in 1931 produced specialized tennis shoes.

In 1932, a German athlete named Arthur Jonath in running gets a bronze medal at a distance of 100 meters during the US Olympic Games, and four years later, an American runner Jesse Owen takes four gold medals and sets five world records in Berlin, speaking in shoes from this manufacturer. It is the Olympics that makes the brand famous around the world.

After the release of shoes with removable spikes, the Adidas company has already significantly advanced ahead of its main competitor, Puma. The nearest Olympiad in Helsinki, which was held in 1952, once again confirmed the advanced position of this manufacturer, since in most cases athletes performed in shoes of this particular brand.

Another triumph of the organization was the victory of the German national team, which won the World Cup, and at the same time performed in full strength in Adidas shoes. In parallel, Adolf decided to advertise his brand on signs that were hung around the entire football field, because in addition to the fans who came to the stadium, they could also be seen by those who watched the match on television. After that, three quarters of the total number of winners at the Olympic Games in Melbourne also won their titles in Adidas shoes.

The sixties were extremely successful for the company in terms of business development. First of all, she began to lead at the Olympic Games in Rome, at the World Cup in 62nd year, as well as at the Olympics in Tokyo, which took place in 1964. At Mexican games, approximately 85% of the total number of athletes played in shoes of this manufacturer, and Dick Fosbury, performing in high jumps, won a gold medal using completely new equipment that radically changed this sport. Among other things, Bob Bimon, the long-distance jumper, sets the world record , and thus, athletes in the Adidas brand outfit won a total of 35 bronze, 35 silver and 37 gold medals.

For Franz Beckenbauer for the 1972 European Championships, the company developed extremely soft and lightweight boots. Such stylish shoes made of patented leather, according to the manufacturer, could "serve until complete abrasion." After the German national football team first won the European Championship, and then took the World Cup, Adidas became the standard in football sports.

Another milestone in the history of the company was the Olympic Games in Munich, which took place in 1972. For the first time, Adidas was named the official sponsor of this event, and in total 78% of the participants acted in the outfit of this company, who won 35 bronze, 37 silver and 35 gold medals.

In 1996, after the company was once again on its feet, it was again declared the main sponsor of the Olympic Games, and after this event, total sales of products increased by 50%. Despite the fact that the main audience of this brand included residents of Europe, after the Olympics the total share of the company in the American market increased, where it began to make 12%.

In 2004, the sensational victory of Greece in the European Football Championship greatly contributed to the development of Adidas products in this country, because at that time the company acted as the general sponsor of the team. The Athens Olympic Games have become the new platform that Adidas has used as a showcase for a wide variety of products from its brand. After that, Adidas became the official supplier of equipment for the 21 National Olympic Committee, and a total of approximately four thousand athletes performed in equipment with the logo of this manufacturer.

Interesting Facts

adidas brand story

The brothers never announced why they had a falling out. The only thing that is known today is that after the collapse of the family business, they no longer spoke with each other, and their firms turned into fierce competitors.

September 21, 2008 (International Peace Day) corporate confrontation finally ended, and the leadership of the two organizations shook hands. The unifying factors of such reconciliation were football and cinema - during the event, a documentary was watched and a special match was played.

A huge number of legendary athletes won in Adidas shoes, some of which are known to people who are interested in sports:

  • Zinedine Zidane.
  • David Beckham.
  • Lev Yashin.
  • Mohammed Ali.
  • Joe Fraser
  • Lionel Messi and many others.

Naturally, a contract was signed with these athletes.

This brand is the most widespread in Russia and it is worn by the overwhelming majority of domestic football players, receiving financial rewards, respectively.

Adolf Dassler was the first entrepreneur to start attracting famous athletes to advertise his own products, while active brand advertising became one of the main elements of Adidas corporate policy. For almost any major sporting event, a variety of technologies were created that once again proved the superiority of Adidas shoes. Moreover, thanks to active cooperation with many athletes, as a result, the company made optimal shoes for almost all disciplines.

Once upon a time, people knew only Adidas sneakers. The history of this brand has led to the fact that today it is one of the best-selling and world-famous in the field of sports equipment, because under this logo everything that a modern athlete needs is produced.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44849/

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