Koktebel (cognac): reviews, prices

Favorable climatic conditions in Crimea allow you to grow unique grape varieties to create wines and cognacs. Crimean wineries are recognized as one of the best in the world and are in no way inferior to French or Spanish. In this article you will learn about the Koktebel vintage wine factory and how to choose the best Crimean cognac.

Factory of vintage wines and cognacs "Koktebel"

The history of the plant began in 1930, when the Koktebel state farm was established near Yalta. At that time, he was part of the world-famous Massandra winery. At the very beginning of its journey, the factory specialized in the production of wines from Saperavi, Muscat and Sabbat grapes . But already in 1958, cognac production, now known all over the world, began to actively develop on it.

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The first trial batch of vintage Koktebel cognac was prepared in 1967. The test was successful and it was decided to establish mass production. Since 1975, the Koktebel, Kutuzov, and Crimea cognac officially included in the assortment of the plant. To date, the plant annually produces 100 decalitres of wine and cognac products, which are successfully exported to countries near and far abroad.

Factory Assortment

A wide range of products can satisfy the tastes of even the most skeptical gourmet. Winemakers "Koktebel" use unique technologies to create dessert, strong and dry wines, vintage cognac and cognac spirit. Favorable climatic conditions make it possible to conduct established production all year round.

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Today, the ranks of the Koktebel collection are replenished with such famous names as:

  • Pinot Fran "Koktebel" - table dry red wine made from Pinot Fran.
  • Madera "Koktebel" - vintage white wine made from the varieties Albillo and Sabbat.
  • Port "Old Nectar" - dessert vintage wine with tart honey tones.
  • Muscat "Kara-Dag" - pink wine based on muscat grapes.
  • Cognac "Koktebel" - a visiting card of the wine and brandy factory.

The famous Koktebel cognac

After success in 1967 , Koktebel cognac became not only the hallmark of the plant, but also one of the most popular similar drinks in the USSR. It includes the best varieties of Crimean grapes and high-quality cognac spirits. This unique combination gives the drink a soft fruity and berry flavor with hints of vanilla. Sophisticated technology and long aging brandy make it truly valuable and one of a kind.

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Varieties of Koktebel cognac

The factory produces several varieties of the drink "Koktebel". Cognac aging for more than 10 years has the abbreviation "KS". Collectible brandy, as a rule, is stored in cellars for more than 30 years and costs much more than an ordinary one.

The number of stars in the name of different types of Koktebel cognac indicates the period of its exposure in the cellar. Cognac "Koktebel" 3 stars is considered the youngest and is made no more than three years, while a five-star is stored for at least five years, before going to store shelves.

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Production technology

For the production of Koktebel cognac exclusively Crimean grapes are used. Technologists say that if you use grapes that are taken from another locality, the taste of cognac will be completely different. For this reason, Spanish and French wines are famous all over the world, the raw materials for which are grown on the most picturesque plantations.

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The juice obtained after squeezing the grapes is sent for distillation, resulting in the formation of alcohol with a strength of about 26 percent. Repeated distillation allows you to select the purest raw materials, which will be used for aging at the Koktebel plant. Cognac has a maximum aging period of 70 years. At the same time, cognac of 30-year aging has the most intense taste, according to experienced winemakers.

During storage, only barrels made of oak core are used. This tree has long been loved by winemakers because of its porous structure, which allows cognac to "breathe" in the aging process. The first few years are the most important in the manufacture of ordinary wines and cognacs. It is in the early years that the drink changes color and is saturated with the aroma of oak barrels, due to which a unique and inimitable taste is formed.

Ready cognac is bottled in 500 or 1000 ml bottles. Moreover, the shape of the bottles is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer. Today you can find various souvenir containers of the most bizarre shapes. According to GOST, the shelf life of brandy is exactly two years. However, if sediment or turbidity does not appear in the bottle, cognac can be stored longer. This will mean that all production was carried out in accordance with the standards.

How to drink Koktebel cognac?

An alcoholic drink such as cognac is not recommended to be cooled or heated before consumption. Room temperature is optimal for revealing the taste and prolonging the pleasure of drinking a bottle of exquisite drink. While ordinary wine needs to be cooled to 10 degrees before serving, otherwise its taste can be very disappointing.

To supply cognac, it is customary to use special glasses, which are called snifters. They can be purchased at alcohol or gift shops. Such glasses are made of thin transparent glass, which allows you to enjoy the color of cognac. And their shape is made in such a way that it is possible to appreciate the rich aroma of a long-term strong drink. But do not fill the glass to the brim. It is enough to pour 50-100 grams and stretch them over several sips. Thus, you can enjoy the exquisite aftertaste and aroma of this unique drink. After all, cognac is not customary to drink in one gulp, such as vodka. You should hold it in your mouth and evaluate the taste.

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Appetizer also plays an important role in tasting the products of the Koktebel plant. Cognac is not a drink for a magnificent feast. That is why bitter chocolate, fruit or cheese is perfect as an appetizer. Do not serve cognac to heavy meat dishes. In this case, it is better to give preference to ordinary wine.

Where to buy Koktebel cognac?

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This question is easy to answer. Today, in almost any Russian wine store you can buy Koktebel cognac (5 stars). The price for a bottle of ordinary cognac of 0.5 liters will be about 650 rubles, and for 1 liter - about 800 rubles. This affordable price makes cognac affordable for almost any connoisseur of elite alcohol.

Collectibles will cost no less than 12,000 rubles. However, you can appreciate the taste of such cognac at a wine tasting, which is held annually in the Crimean resort cities. The cost of tasting with a lecture by an experienced winemaker will cost no more than 300 rubles. For this amount, you will be offered to try the most famous varieties of wines and brandies directly from the cellar of the famous factory.

Reviews about cognac "Koktebel" (5 stars)

Cognac as a strong drink with a rather tart taste has its admirers all over the world. Vintage and collection alcohol, first of all, is a men's drink, which will be an elegant addition to a friendly conversation. Therefore, if you decide to purchase an inexpensive, but high-quality product, feel free to give preference to the brand "Koktebel".

Cognac, reviews of which are very numerous, really has all the necessary taste. In addition, the form of release of Koktebel cognac allows you to present it as a gift.

Reviews on the network prove that over the long history of production at the Koktebel plant, cognac still has the same rich taste and tart aroma as in the distant 70s. At the same time, many note the expansion of the range of alcoholic products of the plant, which allows tasting new varieties of wines and cognacs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44855/

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