IT profession: who is and what does he do

The subject of our research is an IT specialist - who is he and what does he do? Based on some polls on the street, people have little idea of โ€‹โ€‹what he is really doing. And if older generations, for which many modern concepts remain new, can easily confuse IT specialists with vivisectors or other unpronounceable professions, then the illiteracy of the young generation and its ignorance are amazing.

IT person who is


So, where does the name of this profession come from and what is it, or rather IT? IT means information technology. These are the methods, methods, processes of transmission, collection, storage and processing of information. If we talk about IT specialists, then the original concept is narrowed. All of the above processes are carried out using computers - electronic computers, or simply personal computers. Thus, an IT specialist is a person connected and engaged in information technology. However, in most cases, IT people are called programmers, system administrators, in general, anyone who can somehow manage computers better than an ordinary user.

IT salary

Typical image

From the point of view of an ordinary person, an IT specialist - who is he? As in any profession, there is a well-established image of an IT specialist. No matter how ridiculous, but there are several integral components of this specialist - a beard, a sweater, glasses. Often he is presented as a thin hunchbacked "nerd." Here is a quote from one of the forums. "This is such a thin, pale green man with long hair, with an earring in his ear, whose name is when a computer, or printer, or scanner, etc., is messing up. Well, sometimes, if a light bulb burns out and you need to replace it." As you can see, IT specialists are ready to use IT to solve any technical problems that may not even be related to his job responsibilities.


So what does an IT specialist do? Who is this inconspicuous person? As already mentioned, depending on his hobbies, specialty, or simply life circumstances, an IT specialist is engaged in everything related to personal computers. At the initial stage, he works as an errand boy with his older colleague, performing small tasks, such as setting up personal computers, peripheral equipment, and software. Then he can grow up and become the system administrator responsible for the entire computer network in the enterprise. They are also programmers in various computer languages. Another option for an IT specialist is people who work directly with hardware, that is, assemble and configure personal computers.

IT day

What to say about the money an IT specialist receives? The salary in the initial positions, to put it mildly, is modest, and the work in bulk. However, the higher the IT specialist climbs up the career ladder, the higher his salary and the less he has to work, as the younger employees begin to obey him. A good IT specialist is able to do his job initially so that for a very long time his intervention will not be required. Salaries range from 10 to 70 thousand rubles, depending on the position and city of residence.

Among other things, IT people are people who create and maintain databases or access control systems. In this area, career growth promises to be difficult, but the reward is worth it. Information security specialists in senior positions receive salaries of up to 100 thousand rubles.


Now that you know the IT specialist - who he is and what he is doing, it is worth mentioning that they have their own professional holiday. Since the IT specialist is a very broad concept, they have several holidays.

  • February 14th is the day of the computer man, Valentine's Day .
  • The 256th day of the year is traditionally a programmer's day.

IT day can be attributed to any of these dates ... And it is possible to both.


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