How to choose a haircut and hair color according to the shape of the face? A program for selecting a haircut

Hair is part of our image and perfectly complements the whole image as a whole. Beautiful and well-groomed hair is always in fashion. But what if you decide to change your hairstyle and make yourself a haircut? How to choose a suitable option? How to find a haircut that is ideal for you?

Short-haired girl with curly hair

What to pay attention to?

When choosing a hairstyle, you need to pay attention not only to taste preferences, but also your anatomical features, growth and other parameters. Moreover, professional selection of haircuts is almost impossible without a preliminary assessment of the condition and structure of your hair.

As a rule, before offering several styling options, stylists or hairdressers do a visual analysis of the structure of your hair. For this, the master will appreciate its density, length and texture. In addition, it is not superfluous to shed light on your physiological characteristics. For example, your hair gets dirty too quickly due to excessive subcutaneous fat. Therefore, they should be washed very often, which means that you can use simple haircuts with basic styling rules.

An example of choosing hairstyles online

When the hair is badly damaged

Before choosing a haircut according to the shape of the face, the stylist will definitely assess the condition of your hair. He will pay special attention to the tips of the hair. The most common case when, after improper painting, they are in poor condition.

Usually they are burnt, brittle and dry. Such ends necessarily need ruthless shearing. And already on how much your curls are damaged, the very length of the future haircut will also depend.

Sample hairstyles

"Curls curl up to the face"

Another important point on which the correct selection of a haircut depends is the presence of curly hair. In this case, we are talking about the degree of twisting of your curls. And also on what environmental conditions and other factors affect this level. For example, if your hair is very curly from moisture, you need to consider this.

Therefore, the shorter the hair, the more they will jump up and get fuzzy. And this means that in rainy weather your head will resemble a lamb. But how to choose a haircut if you have curly hair?

In this case, it is worth considering the climate of your residence, the degree of humidity, as well as the shape of your face. And then it remains only to choose the correct length of the haircut. Do not forget that curly hair tends to puff up.

An example of processing a photo program

We choose the option for the shape of the face

You can choose a haircut according to the shape of the face, as in the salon, based on the shape of your face. For example, the oval shape of the face is considered the most universal. Almost all types of haircuts and hairstyles are suitable for her. An exception is perhaps too high hairstyles that can lengthen your facial contours visually.

Owners of a round face are suitable for hairstyles that are able to visually narrow and slightly lengthen your circle. To do this, for example, haircuts with elongated bangs on one side, parting, asymmetrical hairstyles with medium hair length are suitable. For the same purpose, you can use hairstyles with an oval bangs, going straight from the top of the head. But how to choose the right haircut for the owners of a round face, if you want to wear a short hairstyle?

For chubby girls, as we said, asymmetry is just perfect. For example, haircuts with long temples, beveled bangs and a voluminous crown are suitable for you. This will allow you to stretch and at the same time narrow your face. How to choose a haircut if you have a square or triangular face?

An example of a short haircut with a long bang

What is suitable for “squares” and “triangles”?

Everyone with a square face needs to be visually rounded. For this, for example, an asymmetrical or elongated bean haircut, the notorious “ladder”, beveled or even “ragged” bangs are ideal.

Triangles boast their bright and well-defined chin. Thanks to correctly selected hairstyles, it is quite realistic to visually expand the lower part of the face. So, a haircut with a length just below or above your chin is suitable for you. The weighty long or semicircular bangs look rather interesting on such hairstyles, and haircuts with a side part are also good.

By the way, for girls with a face resembling a heart or a rhombus, you can use similar haircuts, like ladies, "triangles". They also fit milled bangs of an oblique type, hairstyles with a length to the middle of the neck, slightly curled or wavy curls. It’s not difficult to choose a haircut for yourself, as you can see, based on the type of your face.

An example of choosing a female haircut and hair color

What haircuts do “rectangles”?

The best options for women with a la "rectangle" are considered hairstyles with a large number of layers. Special attention should be paid to bangs. On the one hand, they should be moderately thick, and on the other - to cover the eyebrows. According to experts, girls with "rectangular" faces fit hairstyles for medium length hair, for example, a bean with an extension.

Vertical curls of medium intensity look very original on such hairstyles. For a greater effect on such hair, stylists believe, it is worth doing a small pile of the root zone, as well as doing styling in retro style. But how to choose a haircut for yourself, based on the individual characteristics of your face, we will tell further.

A convenient application for choosing hairstyles

If you don’t want to go to the stylist for the so-called pre-flight preparation before cutting, you can always use various tools for personal selection of hairstyles. For this, for example, the Insta HairStyleSalon application was developed. According to preliminary data, the application is free. It is specifically designed for IT devices.

With its help, it is quite possible to complete the selection of a male haircut or a female haircut without visiting a specialized salon. It is enough to install the application, select the appropriate photo (on which your face is clearly visible) and start choosing. In this case, you will have the opportunity to play not only with the length and options of hairstyles, but also with hair color.

And after you select the appropriate hairstyle, you can safely go to the salon with the finished photo and put the idea into practice. By analogy, other applications work, including, for example, Hair Style Changer app (for Android), Celebrity Hairstyle Salon, Ultimate Hairstyle Try-On and others.

An example of selecting a male haircut

The program for the selection of haircuts

An interesting idea for a simple selection of hairstyles was developed by the creators of a virtual beauty salon on the site This program makes it possible not only to choose the right hair length and hairstyle, but also to experiment with their color and even make-up. If you wish, it is quite realistic to choose a suitable female or male haircut, hair tone and even various highlighting options.

Moreover, this program for selecting a haircut allows you to save and send the finished version of the photo for printing. Indeed, you must admit that it is much more convenient to approach the stylist.

What is the difference between hairstyling programs?

All programs and applications differ not only in functionality and capabilities, but also in the need for installation. Some of them work online and do not require downloading with subsequent installation on a device or PC, while others will not work without observing these conditions. Also, many applications allow you to select haircuts and colors, try on additional accessories, and sometimes completely change the image.

It is interesting that in some programs to create the perfect image you need to take an instant photo. To do this, they have access to the user's video camera (of course, subject to prior approval). Other applications involve the use of ready-made photos, mostly of good quality. The face, eyebrows and other important parts of the body should stand out well on them. Ultimately, this will allow the program to create the perfect style for you and choose a hairstyle.

The easiest option to choose hairstyles for magazines

The oldest and not always effective option for choosing hairstyles is flipping through glossy magazines. As a rule, they always lie in beauty salons in whole stacks. And if the client is not yet ready to make a choice, she is entitled to look through several such publications.

The main advantage of this option is that even if the hairstyle you have chosen for some reason does not fit the shape of your face or for other parameters, a professional stylist can always adapt it individually for you.

Well, and, of course, if the identity of the hairstyle from the picture and the one that you want to get in the end will depend on the thickness and characteristics of your hair.

Perfect haircuts: true or fiction?

Getting to the stylists, many ladies dream of a perfect hairstyle. For most, this is a haircut that does not need to be styled daily. The only need for styling almost always depends not on the haircut itself, but on the structure and condition of your hair. Therefore, we can safely say that there are no perfect haircuts. There are those that are right for you.

Difficulties in choosing a hairstyle

As a rule, it’s quite difficult for many users to evaluate their face shape, body proportions, and also take into account other possible nuances. That is why the initial appeal to the stylist would be ideal. He knows how to choose a female haircut based not only on personal experience, but also on the knowledge, external data and the needs of his clients.

Therefore, use special programs or immediately contact specialists, decide for yourself.


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