Reproach is a sharp word: interpretation and synonyms

Do you like being scolded? Probably there is no such person who would be delighted with barbs and criticism. This article will focus on the caustic verb "reproach". You often find this word in a speech. We will reveal its interpretation, as well as indicate synonyms.

Word interpretation

"Reproach" - a perfect verb that answers the question "what to do." Accordingly, there is an imperfective verb - "reproach".

In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov, the meaning of the word "reproach" is indicated: to reproach.

Blame the guy

That is, it means expressing dissatisfaction to someone, recalling past misconduct, and showing disapproval. For example, often parents reproach their children for disobedience, bad notes in the diary. Here are some examples of sentences:

  • That’s what you cannot do, is to reproach me for my origin, because no one chooses which family he needs to be born into.
  • I reproach myself for missing wonderful opportunities.

A few similar words

We proceed to the selection of a synonym. To "reproach" can be appropriate to such words that are similar in meaning:

  • Reproach. No need to reproach a person for no reason; perhaps he is not at all to blame.
  • Condemn. The habit of condemning people who are at least slightly different from you, speaks of intemperance and intolerant attitude towards one's neighbor.
  • Prick. And then the leader began to prick with such tricky questions that the invited celebrity did not know what to answer.
  • Blame. Remember that you must censure the child so that he realizes his guilt, and does not mistake you for your worst enemy.
Rebuke child
  • Run into (this synonym for the verb "reproach" is a common word). I do not like it when people come running over me for no reason.
  • Scold. Parents can scold us for misconduct, but they do it solely for good reason, so that we do not make such mistakes in the future.
  • Speak. The cleaning lady began to reprimand me for throwing a candy wrapper on the floor.
  • To Kore. Do not dare to reproach me for the past, you are not judges and not gods.
  • Reproach. Vasily Petrovich loved to reproach everyone so much, although he himself was far from an angel.

You can use such synonyms instead of the verb "reproach". These words are used in various contexts.


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