Green wine: description and photo

Green wine (Portugal - the birthplace of the drink) is otherwise called Vinho Verde. This is a kind of country card. And all because the green drink is made only in Portugal.

Drink history

There is no exact date when green wine appeared in Portugal. Mention of him begins in the 1st century. BC e. The philosopher Seneca first wrote about the green drink . According to numerous sources, the order of monks actively contributed to the development of wine production. In 1172, the first taxes appeared for producers of green drinks. Such a decree was given by the Portuguese king Athos Enriques.

green wine

In those days, the land was densely populated, and people sought to grow potatoes and other vegetables. Vines twisted around the perimeters of the plots, instead of fences. Moreover, grapes grew in the most unproductive areas. Often the vine planted near the trees and eventually wrapped around its trunk. But even one grape branch gave a good harvest. But the quality of the berries was poor.

Over time, winemaking appeared. Drinks were made from grapes. And this business increasingly turned into a good source of income for the population. The first alcoholic beverage, which was exported from Portugal to Germany and England, was called green wine.

Where did the name come from?

Green wine is named after one Portuguese region. It is located in the northwest of the country. There are two old provinces of Douro Litoral and Minu. The slopes on which the grapes grow form a natural amphitheater. The region where green wine is made has clear boundaries and occupies 21 thousand hectares.

wine green

What color is green wine?

Wine, called "green", in reality does not have that color. The name of the drink means youth, in other words - a short aging period. The color of the wine can be white, pink and red. Sometimes drinks have a straw or lemon tint. The green color of the wine seems so because of the bluish glass of the bottles into which the drink is bottled. It takes on different shades for two reasons:

  • different grape varieties;
  • vinification method.

Red green wines are for everybody. They have a dense purple color. The drinks are tart and somewhat hard. And they should only drink from glasses similar to bowls. For a wide range of consumers, mainly sparkling and rosé green wines are produced.

green wine portugal

Modern wine production

In modern times, green wine is produced using high technology. During the cultivation of grapes, it is tied to pegs in a special way. The berry does not creep on the ground, but hangs over it. Due to the coolness and shade in the grapes, excess sugar is not concentrated, and a sour tone prevails. In green, not yet ripened berries, there are no aromatic and coloring substances.

Over time, the color of the grapes changes. It increases sugar content. And at some point the grapes are harvested. In this case, the berries should be free of external defects. Therefore, grapes with damaged skin are not used for wine. Wineries are located in dry places with low temperature and good air quality. And also away from any place that has at least the slightest unpleasant odor.

To taste, the drink resembles champagne. Wine is made as a sparkling drink. Gas in wine appears naturally, due to malolactic fermentation. But because of this, drinks often become cloudy. Therefore, manufacturers are increasingly adding carbon dioxide.

But not all green wine producers agree with that name. According to some, it is confusing for buyers who think that the drink is made from unripe grapes. Therefore, some manufacturers come up with alternative names. For example: Vinho Regional do Minho.

But it’s even more misleading when varietal wines from Alvarinho are classified as “green”. Firstly, the difference is great even in the taste of drinks. And if a real bottle of green wine costs only from 2 to 4 euros, then its analogues from Alvarinho are sometimes sold at a price of 18 to 20 conventional units.

green wine bottle

The third difference: true green wines are drunk only in the first year of life. And drinks from Alvarinho are well kept for years. And with a long exposure, they even acquire additional nutty and honey shades, which are not found in real green wines.

How to drink green wine?

Real green wine with a fruity taste and quenches thirst well. The drink goes well with salads, seafood and white meat. Before serving, the wine should be cooled to 10 degrees. Green wines should be drunk young. They can not be stored for a long time, especially with the lid open.

Interesting Facts

In ancient times, in Portugal there was a dish with the interesting name “Tired Horse Soup”. It was often the main food of ordinary people. Green wine was poured into the bowl, in which he simply dipped and then ate bread. Vinegar, Bagaseira alcoholic beverage and wine spirit are made from the drink.


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