There is no time for a salon: how to make wavy hair at home?

What is usually associated with a light wave on the hair? Of course, with femininity, romance, tenderness. Girls, of course, know this very well and skillfully use it to seduce the opposite sex. To the wavy hair, our imagination immediately draws the rest of the image: a dress, feminine heels and a shy smile. Therefore, if you want to impress an attractive man, think about the hairstyle first. Sometimes there is neither time nor extra money to visit the salon, so it will be useful to know how to make wavy hair at home. They do not have to be long, although the wave will look more spectacular on long hair. There are simple rules that you should first familiarize yourself with if we want to keep our hair healthy and shiny.

how to make wavy hair at home

Hair Health Tricks

So, you are thinking about how to make wavy hair at home. Curlers immediately come to mind. However, this is not the only option, besides not the fastest. If your choice fell on curlers, it is important to wind them only on slightly wet hair and allow them to dry completely. This method will create lush wavy hair. Instead of curlers, you can use technical devices - curling irons. Make sure that your curling iron has a ceramic surface that will protect the curls from the negative effects. For the most magnificent styling, you should use a nozzle in the form of a spiral, twisting thin strands of hair onto it. And by the way, about winding up. This is best done from the roots to the ends, which is most effective. Also protect our hair will help the regime of cold air in the hair dryer. This will protect the curls from drying out, and we will get beautiful wavy hair. Styling, as we know, begins with cleanliness, so before the procedures, thoroughly wash your hair.

fluffy wavy hair

Laying methods: from simple to complex

Before you make wavy hair at home, determine the type of your hair. If they already have a natural wave, it will be enough to give them the desired shape using styling products (gels, mousses).

wavy hair styling
Also, a natural braid will give hair a regular braid. Apply styling agent to the washed hair and, until it is dry, braid the spikelet. Such a braid will allow hair to acquire a beautiful large wave, which begins almost from the very roots. You can dry the braid with a hairdryer, then braid and shake gently. Do not comb. In order to create large waves on the hair in a short time, use a hair curler. While such curlers are warming up, a styling agent is applied to the hair and divided into strands. Then wind the hair onto warm curlers, fix and allow to cool. You can wind the hair on a curling iron, previously having processed it with a heat-protective agent.

Now we know how to make wavy hair at home, and we can repeat it in a short time. At the end of any procedure, do not forget to apply varnish to fix the result.


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