Protein: harmful or not for athletes and those involved in fitness?

protein is harmful or not

Questions about whether protein should be contained in the diet of a person who adheres to a regular active lifestyle is harmful or not for the health of the latter, and if not, in what dosages to take it, concern all those who somehow seek to maintain their health for many years. Before answering them, you should understand what protein is, and what role it plays in life, if not an athlete, then at least an ordinary fitness lover. So, many β€œexperts” in the field of dietetics claim that a protein is unhealthy if its concentration in food exceeds a certain threshold. Is it really?

Science has proved that in order to maintain a normal body weight and maintain muscle tissue of skeletal muscles and internal organs, a healthy person needs to take about 1.5 grams of this substance per kilogram of its own weight daily, if it is a man, and about 1-1.2 grams, if it is a woman. The question of whether a protein is useful or harmful can be considered in terms of its amino acid composition. Of course, a complete protein molecule should include all 22 links of this complex. Otherwise, the protein will not be harmful, but its benefits will really decrease.

protein is unhealthy

The fact is that among amino acids there are both interchangeable forms, that is, those that are capable of transforming one into another, as well as essential ones that the body is not able to synthesize from others. It is the latter that should be included in the right amount in protein molecules, if the question of what the composition of the protein should be , whether it is harmful or not to be taken in an inferior form, should be resolved in a positive way. As for the dosages, there is no consensus. Someone claims that protein is only useful in the aforementioned portion, someone says that protein should be taken 3-4 grams per kilogram of body weight, and someone - that it should not be used by humans at all.

For many reasons of modern medical science, the last statement may not even be considered because of its incompetence. From the same point of view, the use of large doses of protein is detrimental to many internal organs. However, in fact, questions about whether it is possible to take a non-standard amount of a substance such as protein, whether it is harmful or not in "sports" portions, sometimes have a positive answer. An example of this is bodybuilders. Their organisms consist of such a volume of muscle tissue that is several times higher than that of an ordinary person. Naturally, to support muscles of this quality, giant, in the opinion of the average person, dosages of protein are needed.

useful or harmful protein

For example, one of the current bodybuilding champions, when asked by a journalist about whether it is possible to take protein in huge portions, is this method harmful in its consequences, answered that not to use it in such quantities would mean getting rid of your muscles earned over years. In addition, a body with similar parameters, like a sponge, absorbs nutrients, not at all leaving them in the cavities of internal organs, where they could undergo organic decomposition and lead to the development of negative factors.


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