How to remove an account from popular services

While working on the Internet, users often have to register on various sites, which they then almost never use. It is not surprising that after a while, notifications, news and offers from many obscure services that people have long forgotten to think about fall asleep. Sooner or later, the moment comes when persistent attention bothers, and the user thinks about how to delete an account on a particular site.

But sometimes this process can be more difficult than originally thought. If registration in most cases is quite easy and simple, then removal from the site may take several days, or even more. And any, even the most simplified process requires time and some effort on the part of the user. Most often, the desire to delete an account relates to a social network. Today, many literally live in such networks, but one day a person suddenly wants to suddenly get rid of his habit.

Just as some people try to quit smoking at once, many users solve the problem of dependence on social networks in no less radical way. It also happens that the user wants to get rid of registration on sites that, in principle, does not use. The methods for deleting your account from some popular social networks and services will be discussed below.

How to delete a gmail-mail account and other company services

Dealing with this task in Google is not difficult at all, especially if you compare the removal process from other services. As you know, you can be registered on several Google services at once. But removal from each, specifically taken, is not needed. It will be enough to do the procedure with the main user account. To do this, go to the service’s home page and select the “Edit” section.

After clicking on the desired item, a page opens, allowing you to abandon one or more services, as well as the account itself. To continue, you will need to highlight unnecessary services and confirm your intentions. Several times during the procedure you will have to enter your password, so please remember it in advance. After confirmation, all selected Google services will be safely deleted.

How to delete a Facebook account

Here the situation is a little more complicated than on similar services. But there is an opportunity to choose from two options of removal that which approaches most of all. You can get rid of registration temporarily - with the possibility of recovery if the user suddenly changes his mind. You can "freeze" your account for an indefinite period. For final and irrevocable deletion, there is also a separate option.

To "freeze" from the user does not require almost any effort. The creators have already taken care of everything in advance. Here a special button is used, which can be found in the settings. It is called a "deactivate account" and looks like a link. It is enough to go through it to make yourself invisible to other users of the service. When the need arises to return the account to an active state, it will take no more effort than when you deactivate it.

To completely delete your account on this social network, you will have to send a request. I must say that the deletion process after sending can take a considerable time. And it's not about a few hours. Your request can be processed for about two weeks. It is important to remember that during this time you will no longer be able to access Facebook. If you neglect this advice and visit the site after sending the letter, then all efforts will be in vain. The fact is that the request to delete the account in this case is automatically canceled, and you have to start all over again.

Delete account from Twitter

The removal process here is also quite simple. The main thing that you need to remember before sending a request to the system is that your data will be blocked forever. And you will not be able to re-register on the service using the email address that was specified during the first registration on Twitter. Also, you will not be able to take the old name and phone. The most reasonable solution in this situation is to change all the information before directly deleting the account.

After that you only need to go into the settings and use the link "Deactivate my account". Only, unlike the previous social network, there will be no possibility of recovery. You should also be aware that user information will not disappear immediately after clicking the link. The service may take considerable time - weeks and even a month. And only after that all references to the account will be eliminated.

How to remove an account from the YouTube service

This step will be very simple if you used Google mail when registering on YouTube. Then he will be removed with her. If not, then the user will first have to answer a few questions before being able to delete the account from the specified service. It will take a little more time, but nothing complicated here either. In the service management section (next to the user menu) there is a “Manage Account” button.

In the section that will then open, among other things, there will be an item for deleting an account (looks like a “Delete Account”). Before you are allowed to do this, you will have to talk about the reasons for this decision. Then a notification will appear regarding the channels and videos to which the user has been subscribed. They will need to be removed manually, as the service will not do this. Well, then you can confirm your data and delete your account from YouTube.


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