How to take "Mesomorph" (pre-workout)

Mesomorph is one of the most famous pre-workout complexes. Currently, it is considered the most powerful of all such products available on the international market of sports nutrition.

mesomorph pre workout

Mesomorph is a pre-workout that differs from other drugs in dosages of components that are significantly underestimated in formulations competing with Mesomorph. So, each component in the complex is in a full, balanced dosage. It is believed that it is component saturation that allows Mesomorph to outperform its competitors in the pre-workout market. However, many experts still come to the conclusion that most of the effect of the product falls on geranium (DMAA), which is not present in other precursors.

Amino acids and acids in Mesomorph

mesomorph pre workout reviews

The composition of this product from a number of amino acids includes:

  1. Beta Alanine An essential amino acid whose high dosages allow the muscles to stay under load longer. It reduces muscle fatigue, due to which it is part of most pre-workout complexes.
  2. L-Citruline DL-Malate. The amino acid from which arginine is formed is the main nitrogen donor that allows you to achieve a pump feeling during exercise. In addition, the amino acid increases the body's energy abilities, allowing you to extend your workout.
  3. Dicreatin Malate. A mixture of creatine and malic acid. Creatine alone increases stamina, allowing you to do more reps, as well as increase the number of sets during a training session. Creatine is also able to add up to 10% of body weight, increasing strength results. Creatine Malate is a new form of this supplement. It is believed that this compound can reduce the negative effect of creatine on the digestive tract. In addition, malic acid increases stamina, increasing the positive effects of creatine on performance.


mesomorph pre workout side effects

To achieve excellent results, the following additives are introduced in Mesomorph (pre-workout), the composition of which is quite extensive:

  1. Creatine Nitrate. Studies have shown that this form of supplement combines the functions of creatine and NO booster.
  2. Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate. Another component that affects the feeling of a training pump. It also slightly increases muscle energy.
  3. Vitamin C. Regulates the transport of hydrogen ions, is an antioxidant. It has a positive effect on the body’s immune system.
  4. Naringenin. An antioxidant that can affect the enzymatic system of the liver, increasing the effectiveness of other components of the predator.
  5. Pentoxifylline. Increases the tone of the respiratory muscles, expanding blood vessels.
  6. Geranium oil extract . The main component of the supplement. It affects the functioning of the central nervous system, increasing strength, endurance, performance, improving concentration and concentration in training. Outside of a workout, it improves mood, provoking a surge of energy.

Exchange regulators as part of Mesomorph

This pre-workout complex also includes the following metabolic regulators:

  1. L-Taurine. Another component that indirectly increases stamina. L-Taurine optimizes energy and metabolic processes. Also has the property of an anticonvulsant drug.
  2. Creatinol. O-Phosphate. A component that allows you to delay muscle failure by maintaining glycolysis even with an excess of lactic acid.
  3. Glucoronolactone. A component that improves concentration and enhances glycogen production.
  4. Methylxanthin is anhydrous. It allows you to increase the intensity of training, stimulating the central nervous system.
  5. Agmantine sulfate. A component that reduces the production of lactic acid, which, in turn, reduces muscle performance, and also does not allow the muscles to fully recover after a workout. Improves the sensation of pampas, dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure.

Why and who needs Mesomorph

mesomorph pre workout composition

From the composition of the product, it becomes clear that “Mesomorph” is a pre-train of powerful action. Therefore, it should be purchased in the following cases:

  • after a hard working day there is no energy left for a productive training;
  • lack of motivation to plow at full strength during class;
  • recovery too long after exercise ;
  • if a “plateau” is reached and there is no way to move on;
  • if you want to try something new, refreshing your training process;
  • the drug is a good replacement and an improved version of the old Jack3d for those who took it.

Mesomorph Action

"Mesomorph" is a pre-workout that starts the nervous system to work at full capacity, and the geranium contained in its composition allows you to enhance its standard effect on the central nervous system.

mesomorph pre-workout contraindications

After 25-30 minutes after using the complex, energy is significantly increased, there is a desire to act, train and take large weights. Moreover, the desired coincides with the possibilities, since the energy ability of the muscles increases in proportion to the "promotion" of the central nervous system, which allows you to increase workloads and the number of approaches and repetitions.

Also, the effect of the drug makes it possible to get and maximize the sensation of a “pump”, extend classes, and also leave tired, but happy from the audience instead of cursing the whole world after a hard workout.

Mesomorph - Pre-Workout: How to Take

Dosage Mesomorph is a very individual concept, highly dependent on the condition of the athlete and the side effects of the complex in each case.

General recommendations for admission - 15 grams (1 scoop) 25-30 minutes before training. Depending on the well-being after the specified dose, it is worth reducing or increasing the amount of the drug taken.

APS Pre-Workout Mesomorph You can buy at a low price in the online store

Side effects of the drug

Like any drug, it has "Mesomorph" -predtrenik side effects. They are associated with the work of the nervous system, as well as with an overdose of the complex. Many athletes using it show weakness 3-4 hours after ingestion, as well as problems with sleep if the training was carried out in the afternoon.

In addition, some buyers note tingling in various parts of the body, as well as the absence of the main effect of the pre-workout complex if the dose of the Mesomorph pre-workout was too high.

Reviews suggest that in this regard it is extremely careful to approach a possible overdose. At first, you should not use more than 10-15 g of "Mesomorph", as this is fraught with disrupted training. However, usually to a light, almost imperceptible tingling surge of strength is added, which allows you to plow for 3-4 hours after taking the remedy. After another 3-4 hours, a sharp surge of energy is replaced by weakness and a feeling of exhaustion. This is the main side effect of the supplement.

Mesomorph - Pre-Workout: Contraindications

mesomorph pre-workout how to take

Before taking the drug, you should definitely study the contraindications that make it impossible to use the complex. The list of them is as follows:

  • Problems with blood pressure (high or low), arrhythmia, increased heart rate.
  • Any problems with the heart and liver. Prostatitis, enlarged prostate.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding - for women.
  • Anxiety, depression, problems with the central nervous system.

Conclusion: an interesting fact

Interestingly, the main component of the supplement - geranium - has been banned from sale in the United States since 2009. As a result, no longer sells the Mesomorph Pre-Trainer for this country’s main sports nutrition resource.

At the same time, in the countries of the Eurasian Union, as well as in many post-Soviet entities, geranium is legal, and therefore the supplement is not yet banned for sale and is available in most domestic sports nutrition stores.


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