Banks with revoked licenses: list, reasons for the ban on banking operations, bankruptcy and liquidation

If the bank does not fulfill financial obligations to depositors, it may face revocation of the license. Annually, about 80 commercial banks go bankrupt. The consequences for customers who have placed a deposit with such an institution or have taken a loan are negative. But depositors do not always have an idea of ​​how things are with the bank to which they have entrusted their savings. The list of banks with revoked licenses allows you to find out who became bankrupt and what to do with loans and deposits.

Why can they revoke a license?

There are several reasons why financial organizations may lose their license to carry out activities. But the main reason is the non-compliance with the law of the Russian Federation "On banking activities". In 8 out of 10 cases, the violation is associated with low liquidity of assets due to risky credit policy. In other words, the bank gives out loans more than it can afford. What next?

Minimum loan failures attract new borrowers. But often, a lender who issues consumer loans to almost everyone is approached by customers with poor credit history. Granting loans to unreliable customers in 7 out of 10 cases leads to an increase in arrears.

So. Irrational credit policy is one of the main reasons for the deprivation of a license by the Central Bank. But often the matter is not only in it. The bank management is always aware of what is happening with the company. But not in all cases, top managers and executives try to take measures to reorganize the bank. On the contrary, in 78% of bankruptcy cases, large-scale transfers of bank funds abroad were revealed.

list of banks with revoked license

Such transactions indicate the withdrawal of assets. This adversely affects obligations to creditors and customers, and often serves as a reason for accelerated license revocation. Conclusions of assets abroad were seen among the management of Vnesheconombank, MezhTopEnergobank, Probusinessbank. Based on the results of the investigations, some leaders were charged with fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Prospects for revocation of license by the Central Bank

The media and the Internet help citizens find out if their lender has financial problems. Banks, as a rule, do not advertise serious difficulties until the moment when they become known to reporters. Otherwise, this will lead to a rapid mass withdrawal of assets (as was the case with MezhTopEnergobank), which will further aggravate the financial situation.

The lender may be included in the list of banks with a revoked license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation if the offices have begun to delay payments or refuse to accept them for a day or more. Long delays are unlikely to be related to a technical malfunction. If financial obligations are not fulfilled, the Central Bank forces the lender to stop accepting payments, including when paying online. Therefore, the refusal to accept payments is one of the messengers of financial difficulties.

A sign that the company may be included in the list of banks whose licenses may be revoked is the lack of funds in ATMs. This is not about a temporary devastation of devices, but about a prolonged lack of cash in several ATMs at the same time.

60 banks will revoke the license list

If you can’t get money from the bank cards for 3 days or more, you should contact your office with a passport. The issuance of limited amounts, for example, not more than 5,000 rubles per client, should also be cautious.

Which banks may lose their licenses in the future?

It is almost impossible to predict whether a bank license will be revoked. Contrary to the opinion of customers, the Central Bank is taking active measures to reorganize the financial organizations that the Russian economy needs. But for the preservation of the company, the interest of management in its future is no less important.

In 2019, three large well-known lenders appeared to suspect bankruptcy - Promsvyazbank, Otkrytie and Binbank.

Rehabilitation of Promsvyazbank

Since 2017, Promsvyazbank has been included in the list of banks that may be revoked. Once a leader in the industrial sector. He was one of the top 10 banks in the Russian Federation in terms of assets (according to the results of 2018). But in December 2017, the media reported that the Central Bank was taking measures to financially improve the lender.

After 2 months, Promsvyazbank appointed an interim leadership. This is one of the measures of rehabilitation. It partially avoids bankruptcy. The amount of financial support provided by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation amounted to more than 88 billion rubles.

revoked licenses from banks today

Experts associate the financial problems of Promsvyazbank with irrational credit policy. In addition, the company management was not interested in the reorganization of the lender. On the contrary, in 2017, cases of the withdrawal of assets abroad in the amount of more than 280 billion rubles were revealed.

Now the financial situation in the bank cannot be unambiguously called stable. Most economists agree that Promsvyazbank will not be included in the list of banks with revoked licenses in 2019. But customers were apprehensive about the situation after being published in the media, as a result of which, in 2018, the liquidity of the bank's assets fell sharply. Due to the massive withdrawal of deposits and cash from accounts.

What happened to Binbank?

In 2017, another influential unit of the Russian banking sector, Binbank, began to have financial difficulties. Possible problems were foreshadowed by technical failures in programs that periodically occurred in mid-2017. But the employees of Binbank assured customers that all this had nothing to do with the bank’s assets and was purely technical in nature.

However, on September 20, 2017, the management of Binbank requested a reorganization from the Central Bank. Support was supposed to ensure the activities of the financial organization at the breakeven level and restore the trust of customers.

central bank revoked licenses

The reasons for the financial problems of Binbank differ from other cases. Here the situation is connected with the reorganization "Growth of the bank", which was carried out at the expense of credit funds of "Binbank". The Bank Growth assets were low-grade, and as a result of the rehabilitation, the creditor bank received even larger financial “holes” than it had before the recovery.

Regulator financial support

To avoid bankruptcy, Binbank was forced to request support from the state regulator, the Central Bank. This practice is not always applied by Russian creditors, and in vain. Almost 1 trillion financial support received on time. rubles allowed the bank to stay afloat. And fulfill obligations to creditors.

Currently, Binbank is not included in the list of banks with revoked licenses. All this is due to the timely assistance of the Central Bank. The company's share in the Russian banking sector in 2008 was 2%. You can not call him a large figure. But the Binbank brand is recognizable among the population, and banking products are in demand among customers.

Discovery Issues

One of the largest private banks in the country, the Otkritie brand, applied for funds from the Central Bank in August 2017. Earlier, in July 2017, more than 617 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank. In August, the extent of the loss of assets only worsened: legal entities withdrew more than 389 billion rubles from the accounts. Later, the bank lost another 138 billion of its own funds.

list of banks with revoked licenses

The reason for such a sharp drop in assets was the unrest that spread among Otkrytie customers after being published in the media. Fearing for their deposits, individuals and legal entities hastened to withdraw funds from accounts and bank cards. As a result, the situation of Otkritie Bank became critical. Otkrytie did not replenish the list of banks with a revoked license. But he was on the verge of serious problems.

Reasons for the crisis at Otkritie Bank

The crisis began due to the unsuccessful recovery of Trust Bank. The creditor represented by Otkrytie did not cope with the reorganization, which led to the first financial difficulties. In addition, the bank was planning to acquire the Rosgosstrakh insurance company. The basis of the activities of Rosgosstrakh was the sale of OSAGO policies. Compulsory motor insurance policies are the most unprofitable part of protection in the Russian Federation.

All this, together with an attack in the media, led to a sharp loss of assets. Otkrytie appealed to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for material support in August 2017. The Central Bank has reorganized and appointed an interim leadership, and now nothing threatens the company's assets.

Unification of Discovery and Binbank

In order not to get into the list of banks whose licenses were revoked, the Central Bank decided to merge 2 brands - Otkritie and Binbank. The concept of "Discovery" will be taken as a basis. The term "Binbank" will not be mentioned in the company name.

In 2018, the Central Bank revoked licenses from banks, the list of which Binbank and Otkrytie did not replenish merely by accident. Therefore, the joint brand should strengthen the position of the lender in the financial market of Russia.

The product line will combine the best offers of both structures. It is planned that this will lead to an increase in market share. Earlier, in 2018, Otkrytie accounted for 3% of all banking assets in the country, and Binbank accounted for 2%.

Legally, the merger of brands took place on January 1, 2019. But in fact, a new lender will not be available on the market until July 2019. The network will include all branches of Binbank, Otkrytie and Trust Bank.

which banks revoked the license

Until March 2019, the details of Binbank will remain unchanged. After customers will have to make transfers on loans to new details. Otkritie Bank's data remains unchanged.

Banks without a license. How to find out about lender problems?

With the implementation of the active policy of the Central Bank to improve the Russian economy, 60-80 banks annually lose their right to engage in financial activities in the Russian Federation. It is known that in 2019 about 60 banks will have their licenses revoked: the list of creditors is kept secret by the Central Bank.

It is not always possible to find out that a company is experiencing difficulties. Bank managers hide information about possible problems from clients. For example, clients of MezhTopEnergobank, which lost their license in July 2017, did not know about the problems until the end of June 2017. The fact that he added to the list of banks with a revoked license, investors learned only at the doors of offices. The site did not have information about bankruptcy until the last day of the institution.

Where can I find a list of bankrupt banks?

If there is any suspicion, for example, after information in the media, it is recommended to check the data on official sources. A bankruptcy message always pops up on the site of the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Central Bank revoked the license

The state organization not only posts information that the Central Bank revoked the license and the list of bankrupt banks, but also reports on the appointment of agents. In agent banks, customers can receive payments on deposits. And pay a loan without commission.

You can also learn about the bankruptcies of the Russian banking sector at a list of revoked licenses is presented with an indication of the reason. This may be a revocation of the license by the Central Bank or liquidation of a credit institution.

Top 45 List of banks that have lost their licenses (based on "" data)

The list includes financial institutions that ceased to operate from June 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019. Banks licenses revoked today (list):

  1. Binbank Digital.
  2. Binbank.
  3. Russobank.
  4. Donkhlebbank.
  5. Runetbank.
  6. Zlatkombank.
  7. "Economics Bank".
  8. CBC Bank.
  9. Globex.
  10. "May Day".
  11. "Russian Mortgage Bank".
  12. UM-Bank.
  13. "Moscow".
  14. "Modern Commercial Innovation Bank".
  15. RosEvroBank.
  16. "Agrosoyuz".
  17. "Bank of Innovation and Development".
  18. "International Bank of St. Petersburg (MBSP)".
  19. "Incarobank".
  20. Uraltransbank.
  21. "Union".
  22. VostSibtranskombank.
  23. Real Credit.
  24. PIR Bank.
  25. KOR.
  26. "Flora-Moscow".
  27. "Trade Finance Bank".
  28. "Grand Invest Bank".
  29. "Mikhailovsky PZHSB".
  30. Axonbank.
  31. "K2 Bank".
  32. "Central European Bank".
  33. Moscow Bill Bank.
  34. "Innovation Settlement Center".
  35. "New Time".
  36. Tagilbank.
  37. "Southern Regional Bank".
  38. Gazbank.
  39. Taatta.
  40. "Soviet".
  41. "Growth Bank".
  42. Rublev.
  43. Mosuralbank.
  44. Voronezh.
  45. RusYugbank.


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