How to clean moonshine from fusel oils? Four ways

Alcohol in our lives is not the last place. What holiday goes without wine, champagne or vodka? And while the store shelves are bursting with a variety of alcoholic beverages, alcoholic drinks prepared at home do not lose their popularity. It is so nice to treat guests with homemade liquor or tincture, prepared according to their own recipes! Often it’s cheaper to produce alcohol for your own consumption than to buy it in a store. In addition, many are afraid to run into falsification and therefore prefer home-made moonshine.

how to clean moonshine from fusel oils
But it should be borne in mind that if improperly distilled, moonshine can be much more toxic than poor-quality vodka. And the thing is that it contains a fairly large number of fusel oils. Their presence in homemade vodka can be determined by an unpleasant odor and taste. If the moonshine is ignited, then after all the alcohol has burned out, a liquid, apparently oily in appearance, remains at the bottom of the spoon - these are the same fusel oils.

Fusel oils are a by-product of alcoholic fermentation. It is very easy to poison them.

In this article, we will talk about how to clean moonshine from fusel oils and impurities, so that this product would please its taste, and in the morning the head was bright and clear.

Homemade vodka is made from wheat, barley, sugar and other sugar-containing products. The highest quality moonshine is obtained from sugar, it contains the least amount of dangerous impurities.

The question of how to clean moonshine from fusel oils is of interest to everyone who prepares this product.

how to clean moonshine from fusel oils

There are many ways to improve the smell and taste of homemade vodka.

The first way. How to clean moonshine from fusel oils with activated carbon

To do this, you need about 50 g of charcoal (activated) charcoal per 1 liter of drink. Pour the coal into a bottle of moonshine and leave for three weeks, periodically shaking the contents. After the specified period, strain the product through cotton or gauze.

The second way. How to clean moonshine from fusel oils with milk

To use this method, you will need 1 liter of milk, this amount is enough for 5 liters of moonshine. There are several cleaning options. First: pour unboiled milk into the moonshine. Wait until it coagulates, then strain the drink through cheesecloth. The second option: mix moonshine with milk and slowly overtake the mash.

The third way. How to clean moonshine from fusel oils with manganese

Pour a little (3-5 g) of potassium permanganate into the moonshine (the liquid should turn out

how to clean moonshine from fusel oils and impurities
pale pink), let stand for a week. After a dark precipitate appears at the bottom, carefully drain the vodka.

The fourth way. How to clean moonshine from fusel oils with the help of frost and spices

Another effective way is to freeze the product. With this cleaning, all harmful impurities freeze to the walls of the vessel and do not enter the product.

You can also improve the quality of the purified product using spices.

Take one teaspoon of vanillin, cinnamon and black peppercorns; 2 teaspoons of natural ground coffee and two tablespoons of sugar. Add all these ingredients to moonshine (4 liters). The drink is infused for two to three weeks.

All of these methods will help to improve the taste of your products. Just do not forget that alcohol abuse is fraught with health problems!  


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