How do trams and trolleybuses turn?

Even in early childhood, many of us wondered: how do trams and trolleybuses turn? To children, this action often seemed to be some strange miracle created by a wizard engineer. However, if it still remains a mystery to you, then it's time to figure out how trams turn on rails.

riding tram

About the mechanism of movement of trolleybuses

In order to set the car in motion in the direction necessary for a given route, it is required to move both rods in the same direction, on which the movement of the trolleybus depends. To perform a given function, use the arrow that controls the direction. To make a left turn of the machine, the driver should go through the arrow with the engine on.

two trolley buses

As for the right turn, this process occurs under the influence of return springs. The mechanism of movement of the trolleybus is much simpler than the mechanism of movement of the tram, so now we need to dive into the study of a more complex issue, namely: how do trams turn?

About tram mechanisms for trams

The arrow of the transport in question has an electronic and remote traffic control system. Inside the mechanism is a double electric drive. The mechanism is brought into operation thanks to the contact network, which is under an electric voltage of about 600 volts.

The first of the electric drives enters the electric circuit by a connection consistent in the direction of movement and is located inside the control arrow box on the right side relative to the tram movement, the other electric drive is on the left.

the tram turns

On the contact wire, at a distance of about 17 meters in front of the arrow, there are air contacts lowering the arc, which acts as a tram electric current receiver, slowly and without abrupt movements interrupting the connection with the contact wire. At a distance of about 2.5 tens of meters after the arrow, on the left side in the direction of travel, next to the contact wire are other air contacts.

If, according to the route, the movement must be continued in the right direction, then the driver conducts the machine under the air contacts that are up to the arrow, while turning off the engine. Thus, the arrow remains in the right direction for the implementation of the rotation. If the driver must turn to the left side, then he needs to start the engine. At that moment, when the tram passes under air contacts with the engines turned on, an electrical circuit occurs. For this reason, the arrow changes direction so that the driver can steer the train to the left.

Now you should pay attention to the air contacts located after the arrow in order to understand exactly how the trams turn. At this interval of the path, another electric circuit arises. Thanks to this contact, the arrow returns to its original state, so that another operator could do the same manipulations. Thus, we answered the question of how the tram turns at the fork.


This topic may turn out to be incomprehensible and complicated at first, but believe me that if you delve into it well, then you can easily figure it out. We hope you can now explain to other people how trams turn. I wish you success in your further development and self-education!


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