Cities of the Nizhny Novgorod Region - list, history and interesting facts

Russia is not only a large country, but also very picturesque. One of the oldest territories of our state is the Nizhny Novgorod region, which occupies about 77.7 square kilometers. There are 4852 settlements in the region, of which 28 are cities. The total population of the region is 3.5 million.

The borders of the region lie between the Kostroma, Vladimir, Kirov and Ryazan regions. Territories of cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region border on the Mordovian, Chuvash and Tatar republics.

Nizhny Novgorod

The city of regional significance - Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1221 and stands at the confluence of two large rivers - the Volga and the Oka. In those days, it was a stronghold of the southern borders of the state.

Today, the city is important in the economic development of the country. In the XIV century, due to the presence of two water arteries, the city attracted merchants who developed trade in this territory. Already in the XIX century, the Nizhny Novgorod Fair became famous throughout the country. The city survived 17 invasions, after which it quickly revived.

The cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region became famous for Gorodets and Khokhloma painting all over the world. Today, the region boasts not only ancient crafts, but also highly developed industry. The region has its own ship repair and aircraft building plant, the GAZ, Gidromash and Nefteproekt enterprises, numerous research institutes that are constantly working on the development of innovative technologies.

But it is natural that in the region there is not only Nizhny Novgorod, but many beautiful and interesting cities in their own way.

cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region

City Bor

The town of Bor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is geographically located on the opposite bank of the Volga from Nizhny Novgorod. Between the cities rail and road connections are established. Since 2012, even a cable car has opened, which will allow not only to get to the city of Bora and back, but also to admire the local beauties, albeit not for long, only 12 minutes. In the summer, you can get to the city on the ship "Om".

The number of the city is small and does not exceed 80 thousand people.

The first mention of the village was noted in the annals of the XIV century, since 1938 the village was given the status of a city.

The city of Bor of the Nizhny Novgorod region got its name because of the centuries-old pine forest, which "descends" to the very banks of the Volga. The whole city is surrounded by forests and lakes, flood meadows. Not only residents of New Novgorod, but also other regions come to rest in the city itself and its nearest villages.

Of the industrial facilities in the city there is a glass factory, famous for the production of faceted glasses. Although before perestroika, the company produced crystal products. The city has great economic prospects, as it is second on the list of attracting foreign investment in the development of the city and industry after Nizhny Novgorod.

Bor city of Nizhny Novgorod region

Green City

The list of cities in the Nizhny Novgorod region cannot be imagined without the Green City. In fact, it is a resort village located only 15 km from Nizhny Novgorod.

The city was formed in the forest in the XIII century and was a “living” border between the Russian state and Mordovia.

The green city (Nizhny Novgorod region) has many recreation centers, resorts and pensions. On the territory of the village, many public servants have cottages. The city is a balneoclimatic zone with a source of Gorkovskaya mineral water. The climate here is temperate continental, and it is not very cold or hot here.

The green city (Nizhny Novgorod region) is protected at the state level and is assigned to the list of official natural monuments.

green city Nizhny Novgorod region


The village is located in the Starodubyev valley, on the banks of the Oka River, the city is surrounded by multiple ravines and gullies.

The first mention of people living in this territory is in the letters of Ivan the Terrible of the XVI century. The status of the city the village acquired only in 1919.

There are two versions of the name. According to the first version, it is believed that the city was named after the carrier, whom Paul called. According to the second version, the city was previously called Pavlov Ostrog.

Today it is a medium-sized city with a population of 59,000. On the territory there are large factories and 3 technical schools, 2 branches of Nizhny Novgorod higher educational institutions. It is in the city of Pavlovo of the Nizhny Novgorod Region that the well-known "Paziki" appear.

The city cannot boast of famous people, but there are a lot of unusual monuments:

  • monument to a patrol car;
  • the monument to Pavlovsky blacksmith;
  • monument to lemon.

The last memorial sign to the lemon was erected due to the fact that Pavlovtsy inextricably link the history of their city and the appearance of lemon in our country. When merchants of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the 19th century actively entered the world market, exporting their original goods, they once brought cuttings of a tree unusual for our region. The merchants of Karachistov brought the lemon cuttings and handed them over to local breeders. After some time, trees began to grow on the windows of local residents.

On the first weekend of every March, an unusual festival with goose fights is held in the city. All action takes place on the ice, which is still covered by the Oka River. Some competitors went further and introduced roosters into the battle.

the city of Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod region


At the end of the XVII century, Bishop Pitirim decided to gather all the split believers and laid the church on the site of the bazaar. By 1717, construction was completed, this date became the transition of repair to the status of the village. In 1779, the village already received the status of a city.

The city of Semenov of the Nizhny Novgorod region is a lot of preserved buildings of the late XIX - early XX centuries. There are many chopped and wooden buildings, decorated with amazing carvings and with the most ordinary platbands. The city gives a full sense of a merchant’s house, strictly and a little harsh.

It is Semenovsky Krai that is considered the cradle of Khokhloma painting. All traditions of craftsmanship are preserved here for 300 years. Today in the city there is a Khokhloma painting factory, which began its work in 1931. The company still manufactures products, in the assortment of about 200 names. It is here that famous matryoshkas and Semenov toys, known all over the world, are produced.

In June, on the third weekend, travelers can get to the Golden Khokhloma festival. Masters from all over the region come to the celebration. In addition, artists and singers perform here, costumed performances are held. The whole festival lasts 3 days.

Semen city of Nizhny Novgorod region


This is not the whole list of cities of the Nizhny Novgorod region, in the region there are many beautiful and promising settlements. Most importantly, all residents keep Russian traditions and try to preserve the identity of the region, not forgetting about the economic development of the region.


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