Hidden cornice in a stretch ceiling: installation features, interesting ideas and reviews

Stretch ceiling is a unique design, which has an attractive appearance. But with such a design, it is important to choose the right decor. There are many different nuances, but one of the most important is the cornice. This issue must be approached with all responsibility. The best option here is to install a hidden cornice for a stretch ceiling. With it, you can hide the shortcomings, and the tensile structure itself will be harmoniously emphasized in the overall interior of the room. Of course, there is another version of the cornice - wall, but the first will undoubtedly look more original. In this article we will talk about how to make a hidden ledge with a stretch ceiling.

What is a hidden ledge

A hidden curtain rod for curtains in a stretch ceiling is an excellent installation option, where the cornice itself is not visible, and for its placement there is a special niche in the gap between the wall and the stretch ceiling (the stretch ceiling is not brought to the wall by about 20 cm). The appearance of the structure is quite interesting and non-standard. It seems as if the curtains and tulle are floating in the air or attached to the ceiling itself. Such a design solution is perfect for a low room, since the curtains, directed upwards, visually increase the height of the ceiling.

concealed cornice in stretch ceiling

A stretch ceiling with a hidden cornice is an interesting solution in any room, whether it be a house, apartment, public office, stylish lounge or hotel room. In a word, such a ceiling can be installed wherever there are curtains.

Materials of which cornices are made

Modern cornices vary in type of construction and in the material from which they are made. The price also depends on this.

The following cornices are considered the most popular:

  • Wooden . It is expensive, massive and quite heavy, but at the same time the most attractive.
  • Steel . It withstands a heavy load, is strong and original with a pleasant appearance.
  • Aluminum Lightweight and fairly sturdy, but expensive.
  • Plastic. It is the cheapest cornice, strong enough and durable with a simple type of design.

stretch ceiling with hidden cornice

Regardless of the material, you can choose a convenient and beautiful design that emphasizes the beauty of the stretch ceiling and allows you to hold the curtains. Now you need to deal with the type of cornice construction.

Type of eaves structure

The market assortment of curtain rods is quite wide. There are various subspecies and divisions, but the main indicator, along with the material of construction, is the type of fastening - wall or ceiling. Wall cornice has its advantages over the ceiling. First of all, it is its low cost, and installation here is easier than with a ceiling structure.

But such a cornice stands out against the background of the ceiling, and far from always carries visual beauty and grace. Of course, if you wish, you can search for a truly beautiful wall baguette, but this takes time. Do not forget that a hidden curtain rod in a stretch ceiling will not spoil the general idea when equipping a room with curtains.

concealed curtain rail in stretch ceiling

This design is divided not only into visible and invisible, but also has a different purpose. For example, the cornice can be installed specifically for lighting or any kind of pendants. But its main purpose today is to fasten curtains. And while this design is the main one on the market.

Hidden cornice in stretch ceiling: design advantages

The high cost of such a cornice is, of course, a drawback, which is probably the only one. There are much more pluses, and here are the main ones:

  • with this design, the curtains literally fall from the surface of the ceiling, while providing an attractive appearance of the room;
  • communications are easily carried out under a niche in the built-in ledge, for example various kinds of wires;
  • with the help of such an interesting design creates a unique atmosphere in the whole room;
  • the installation of such a cornice is not limited to the height and area of ​​the room;
  • the hidden ceiling cornice and stretch ceiling look very beautiful and unusual;
  • makes it possible to create multi-level and multi-zone structures.

concealed ceiling cornice and suspended ceiling
With all this, a hidden cornice in a stretch ceiling is more difficult to install than a wall design, but if you follow the instructions, the installation takes place without complications.

Installation of a hidden cornice

Of course, it is best to call specialists to install the ceiling cornice , but you can do it yourself. The main thing is to stock up with patience, responsibility and necessary tools. Typically, the cornice design comes complete with the necessary parts, so the purchase of additional elements is not necessary. As a rule, there is installation instructions in the same place.

Tip: to increase the rigidity of the baguette, the trims of the profile are fastened with glue.

Concealed cornice mount

Of course, cornices are not fixed to the stretch ceiling itself, since it cannot withstand such a load. For this, a wooden block is pre-installed under the tension sheet. Concealed ceiling cornice is the perfect solution to create an attractive and elegant atmosphere. To install a hidden cornice in a stretch ceiling, you need a niche. The design itself is attached to the base plate, but when choosing a location, you need to take into account that the curtains do not touch the window, wall and heating system. According to a special building level, markings should be applied to the wall, then a baguette bar must be placed on it. A stretch ceiling should be installed on the frame. The canvas itself must be inserted into the profile, so the curtain holder will be hidden in a niche. There, a beam is installed, previously treated with a protective agent against corrosion.

installation of a hidden cornice for a stretch ceiling

After that, the cornice itself is screwed onto the floor slab. This will require dowels and screws. Holes are drilled in the bar and slab. Now the baguette needs to be attached to the beam, and that mount on the plate. After installing the hidden cornice, you can hang the curtains.

Open cornice mount

First you need to mark all the marks and already set the bar on them using the level, ruler and corner. The beam is also processed before installation. Then you need to fix it with bolts or screws. Put the canvas on top of the timber. This sets the ceiling cornice over the stretch ceiling.

Useful installation tips

For the installation to be successful, certain knowledge in this area is required. Therefore, before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • Before you buy a curtain rod, you need to think about the design of the curtains. If this is not done, then the canvas for the finished structure will be more difficult to pick up.
  • Installation should take place away from batteries (at least a few centimeters), otherwise hot appliances can ruin the fabric.
  • To visually increase the space, you can install a cornice in the entire wall. This contributes to the expansion of the room.
  • When buying a cornice, you should pay attention to its components. The operation of the loops should be silent and should not cling to the structure.

hidden curtain rods reviews

Replacing a ceiling cornice in a stretch ceiling

As mentioned above, the ceiling cornice can be installed externally or in a hidden way. If it was installed before the ceiling system, it means that they are not interconnected, and there is the possibility of replacement. With the external method of installing the cornice, it goes together with a stretch ceiling. Mounting here takes place on a special embedded part under the tension web. It is then that the cornice itself is attached to it. The whole mechanism is mounted on self-tapping screws, the holes for which are carefully burned. It is not recommended to change such a cornice on your own, so as not to spoil the canvas, so it is better to call specialists.

The cost of installing a ceiling cornice

The money issue when installing such structures plays an important role, but we can immediately say that the price directly depends on the complexity of installation. The cost of the cornice itself is not too high if you take the product not from the most expensive material. Installation of curtain rods together with the ceiling to the embedded bars is the most expensive. Moreover, this work requires special experience, and if it is not there, then it is better to entrust the installation to professionals.

how to make a hidden ledge with a stretch ceiling

When installing a hidden cornice, it will be quite possible to save, moreover, such work can be done independently. And possible errors will be covered by a cornice and the curtain itself. Another plus of installing a hidden cornice - it is easy to clean and change.

Hidden cornice in stretch ceiling: reviews

Those who, when installing the stretch ceiling, made a ceiling cornice, note that it turned out beautifully. As a rule, people turn to specialists who do their work quickly and efficiently for help. Some self-taught masters install the eaves on their own after installing the stretch ceiling. This way you can save a decent amount of money. Of course, you have to work hard, but it turns out much cheaper. Today, increasingly, designers recommend installing hidden cornices. So the room looks fashionable and modern.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44942/

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