How to cook pea porridge with vegetables in a slow cooker

Cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker is quite easy. But to make it really tasty and satisfying, you need to add lightly fried vegetables and sausage to it.

how to cook pea porridge
How to cook delicious pea porridge using a modern kitchen appliance

Essential Ingredients:

  • butter - 55 g;
  • halves of peas - 2.6 cups;
  • small table salt - a teaspoon;
  • fresh branches of dill and parsley - a little;
  • smoked sausage - 100 g;
  • ground pepper - a few pinches;
  • small fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sweet onions - 2 pcs.;
  • purified drinking water - 2-3 glasses.

The process of processing the main ingredient

Before you cook pea porridge, you should carefully process the bean product. To do this, you need to take 2.6 cups of half peas, it is good to sort it out and put in a colander. After this, the main ingredient must be washed first under a warm, and then under a cool stream. In order for the peas to be processed in the slow cooker for the minimum time, it is recommended to soak it in advance in ordinary drinking water (for 6-15 hours). But if you don’t have time for this, then this product can be used like that.

cook pea porridge in a slow cooker
The process of processing sausages and vegetables

To understand how to cook pea porridge, there is no need to be an experienced chef. After all, such a dish requires a minimum of products, time and effort. However, a more delicious and satisfying option for cooking this dinner involves the use of sausages and vegetables. Thus, you should take smoked sausage, peel it from an artificial or natural shell, and then chop with a thin straw. After that, it is necessary to chop the sweet onions into medium half rings, and grate a small fresh carrot.

Roasting vegetables and sausages

Before you cook pea porridge, in a slow cooker you need to slightly fry onions, smoked sausage and carrots. To do this, all the ingredients must be placed in a bowl with butter, close it tightly and put into baking mode for 16-18 minutes. Next, the fried foods must be laid out on a plate and proceed to cooking porridge.

Bean Heat Treatment

how to cook tasty pea porridge
How to cook pea porridge? Almost every housewife knows the answer to this question. Indeed, in such a preparation there is nothing complicated. Soaked or just thoroughly washed half peas must be put in a bowl, salt, seasoned with black pepper, and then pour with drinking water so that it covers the bean product by about 2 cm. Next, the kitchen appliance should be put into milk porridge (if available) or stewing for 30 minutes.

After the dish of peas is fully cooked, it is necessary to add onions fried in butter, onions, sausage and carrots, as well as chopped branches of parsley and dill.

Proper serving

Pea porridge with sautéed vegetables and smoked sausage should be served hot for lunch along with wheat bread and vegetable salad.


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