Synonym for the word "failure" and interpretation of the concept

Many want to meet with luck, but no one wants to meet with its opposite. Let's talk today about what are the synonyms for the word "failure." But synonyms without meaning are like Romeo without Juliet. Therefore, we start with the meaning of the definition.


synonym for the word failure

The reader is well aware that the explanatory dictionary usually helps us out, but this time the irreplaceable book failed, because it did not give an intelligible answer to the question posed. The dictionary says that failure is the lack of success, luck. For those who are not afraid of tautology, let's say: according to the explanatory dictionary, failure is a lack of luck. Paradoxically, huh? Therefore, we will have to start the search for synonyms for the word “failure” with the definition of “luck”. In order to know what is at stake.

Luck is “the desired and desired outcome of the matter.” Why such vague definitions? Because humanity still does not know what luck really is.

Someone believes in fate, someone in God, but in the end people agree that there is some kind of power that rules the world. You can, of course, refer to the case, but such an interpretation does not explain anything. In other words, luck is a certain invisible and unknowable element of reality, which makes the arrangement of events profitable for one person. When the latter is lucky, he recalls luck. If a person is not lucky, he thinks of the opposite concept - failure. But yes, in general terms, everything can be explained as a dictionary does. However, in fact, the topic is mystical. Why are some lucky and others not smiling at Fortune? Unanswered question. But the following is interesting: the one who crashes is more inclined to think about synonyms for the word “failure”, and the one who is accompanied by success, simply enjoys the course of his personal story.


synonyms of failure

Therefore, for everyone who is sad or just looking for an answer, we offer replacement words for the object of study. Here is the list:

  • misfortune;
  • crash;
  • crash
  • bad luck;
  • mismatch
  • misfire;
  • error;
  • defeat;
  • failure;
  • loss;
  • puncture;
  • disruption;
  • fiasco.

As we see, looking at the list, misfortune is many-sided, but luck, success have approximately the same characteristics in each individual case. Involuntarily recalls the first line of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina." Of course, we will not bring her here, she is too well known to everyone. One way or another, but all the afflicted, wishing to learn synonyms for "failure", satisfied their need.

How to make friends with luck?

This question excites people. And there are many stories in the world that a man made friends with luck. And then it turns out: all these successes were not without reason. For example, in the film “Devil’s Advocate” it is very clearly shown that luck accompanies those who, in the words of M.A. Bulgakova, "known with evil spirits."

But is it possible to somehow become successful without infernal intervention? Yes, only two points:

  1. Never give up.
  2. To work a lot.

If you observe the two above conditions, Fortune will definitely help, she has hardworking favorites.

We hope that when the reader is suddenly asked to find synonyms for the word “failure”, he does not save, because he has everything he needs to answer the tricky question.


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