A wife does not want a husband: reasons. Why does a pregnant wife not want a husband?

In modern life, a large number of married couples do not withstand common life, resulting in a divorce. And this happens, as a rule, due to the lack of tenderness, affectionate phrases. Mutual understanding also disappears over time, everyone tries to defend his point of view, no matter what it costs him. And over time, love fades.

If this situation has affected your family, then in no case can you ignore this issue. Indeed, as a rule, in this case, there may be a betrayal on the side. And in the circumstances, most couples go the easier way - they decide to divorce. Indeed, to save a family is much harder. But this is possible, for which it will only be necessary to resolve existing problems and re-ignite a dying passion. Intimate issues probably do not already stand at one of the first places in family life, although they are very important for maintaining the family. It is not in vain that, in fulfilling their conjugal duty, the couple thereby shows love in relation to each other.

wife does not want a husband reasons

Why it happens?

Situations are completely different. But in most cases, sexual relations are absent due to the tiredness of the wife, her headache, which in the end leads to such consequences.

And then the question arises: "Why does the wife not want a husband?" The reasons can be completely different. And each case must be considered individually. For example, a wife gets tired at work, decides all domestic issues at home, and in the evening she dreams only of rest and a good night's sleep. In this case, trouble can be helped by partially sharing household chores so that both have strength and desire to have sex.


In addition to fatigue, a very frequent reason for the lack of intimate relationships is resentment. After all, a woman is by nature very vulnerable. And sometimes even an inappropriately abandoned phrase becomes the whole fault. In this case, the wife, refusing her husband sex, tries to take revenge. But this approach is absolutely wrong. In order that harmony always reigned in the family, it is not necessary to combine intimate life with everyday issues. In any case, this is not a solution to the problem, but the atmosphere. And in the situation that has arisen, it is necessary to identify and eliminate those problems due to which the wife does not want her husband.

The psychologist explains the reasons as follows: even if there was a quarrel between the spouses, they should still sleep together. Otherwise, a gradual alienation and, as a result, cooling of feelings occurs. The husband is strongly discouraged from humiliating and insulting his wife, tearing off his negative emotions on her. Otherwise, this same offense will arise.

why the wife does not want her husband reasons

Not satisfied spouse

There are situations when a spouse does not satisfy her beloved during sex, so over time, the wife does not want a husband. The reasons for this may be the following. Very often women are silent about their secret desires. Accordingly, they do not receive satisfaction and subsequently completely abandon intimate relationships. Moreover, they are offended by their husband that he did not guess in time about his wifeโ€™s fantasies.

In order for partners to get satisfaction from sex, one must not be silent, but, conversely, talk and find out why this happens in life, why a wife does not want a husband. Having identified the reasons, everything can be quite simply fixed. Try to get out of this situation with the best results. You need to pay as much attention to your wife as possible, make compliments, and also invite you to a romantic date, try to treat each other as best as possible. And then, you will see, relations will not only improve, but will also move to a new stage of development. Having solved this issue, it will be possible to get rid forever of such situations when a wife does not want a husband. After all, the reasons may lie even in the smallest amount, and eliminating them will not be difficult.


wife does not want a husband psychologist reasons

According to sexologists, if the coupleโ€™s health is in good condition and there are no contraindications, then, on the contrary, you cannot deprive yourself of these happy moments. Intimate life requires variety, so experiment, add something new to love games, and then you will no longer need to deal with these problems. Since sex life is an important component of a happy marriage.

why a pregnant wife does not want a husband reasons

Awaiting baby

Why does a pregnant wife not want a husband? The reasons may be exactly the same as in the cases described above. But some women are afraid to harm the unborn child, because of this, denying her husband intimacy.

If a beloved man has ceased to monitor himself, walks unshaven for weeks, it can also negatively affect sexual relations. Men who do not want to provide for their family financially may find themselves in a similar situation. Pregnant women are most sensitive to what is happening around. Therefore, it is necessary for the husband to become more tender, attentive to his wife, to pay attention to all sorts of little things, because life consists of them. The husbandโ€™s attention can be expressed as follows: an invitation to spend a pleasant time together or to purchase various gifts and souvenirs. And then the question will not arise that the wife does not want a husband. Causes of concern about this will dissolve by themselves.

pregnant wife does not want a husband reasons

Lack of attention

Some men believe that a wife is already a property that will not go anywhere, and will always follow these principles. They think that it is no longer necessary to take care of her, to speak pleasant words, to confess her love. There is no wonder that in such situations a pregnant wife does not want a husband. These reasons are understandable, but which of the men would like to abandon their ingrained views? Every woman wants as much warmth, love, trust as possible. And all this she can give only a loving man, and then the wife is unlikely to seek a relationship on the side. It is precisely because of the lack of attention on the part of the spouse that women begin to fill this niche by watching love TV shows and romantic paintings.


Therefore, to avoid this issue, always take care of yourself, pay attention to your wife, on occasion and without giving gifts! And then the relationship in the family between the spouses will improve much!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44953/

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