Klopovka (berry): medicinal properties and reviews

Dye berry (klopovka) is a perennial plant that grows easily even under adverse conditions (in the wild). It is common in the Primorsky Territory, in Kamchatka, in Khabarovsk, as well as in the Kuril Islands and in Japan. This little red berry is extremely healthy. Let's talk about it in more detail.



Klopovka is a plant with branching shoots. His buds develop right on the shoots located near the ground. This structure helps the plant survive in the most adverse conditions.

In winter, the shoots are covered with snow. In the summer from the strong sun they are covered by dead remains. Leaves change color several times during the season, from light green to purplish red.

Klopovka is a berry that prefers marshes, slopes of spruce and fir forests and deciduous forests with mosses. On Sakhalin, it begins to bloom in the middle of summer with pink bells. Berries are bright red with a characteristic odor.

Planting and reproduction

To grow in the garden, they pick up the perfect place. The site should be illuminated by direct sunlight and at the same time have shading. The plant should be constantly watered. If there is no such place, then it is planted at partial shade. Klopovka is a berry that loves acidic light soil. Better yet, prepare peat with sand and place this composition per square meter, where they will then plant the cotton. The exact composition is selected depending on the type of soil available on the site.

cottonseed berry medicinal properties
The berry is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. In the first case, the seeds are cleaned, left in cold water for half a day, and then cleaned in the refrigerator. The fruit contains up to 34 seeds. It is advisable to plant them in the near future, since with prolonged storage, the chances of germination are sharply reduced.

In the vegetative method, the place where the cottonseed (berry) grows is cut out with a shovel and, together with the ground, is placed on a selected piece of land in the garden, after preparing it and fertilizing it.


Klopovka does not like stagnant water at the roots. Therefore, watering the plant is not enough. It is necessary to periodically weed the soil and pour peat into it. This fertilizer, among other things, helps to control weeds. It is better to pour it in the fall. In spring and during flowering, they are fed with other fertilizers (containing potassium and nitrogen).

Klopovka berry on Sakhalin also grows in other places with a harsh climate, it is not afraid of frost if it is covered with snow. But if it is not there, even at low subzero temperatures, the shoots run the risk of being damaged. Therefore, when grown in areas with other weather conditions, the plant is sheltered.


krasovka berry

The berry klopovka, the photo of which is presented in the article, is slowly growing. She will need seven years to reach eight centimeters. It begins to bloom at 5-6 years old, in May and June. On a small shrub with branches located near the ground, there are tassels with 2-3 flowers: pink bells with yellowish corollas. From mid-summer, berries appear under umbrellas. In appearance, they resemble cranberries. But the taste is peculiar. At first the berries seem to be sweet. Then a sour taste is felt. But after the berry is chewed, a bitter-salty taste remains on the tongue.

In mid-summer, you should be especially careful, since at this time a fungus damaging the plant appears on the leaves and branches. If this is found, then the affected areas are removed to avoid further spread of the disease.

In addition to being a berry, the medicinal properties of which are highly valued, it is a beautiful plant. Therefore, the efforts are worth it to grow on its site.

Berry krasnika (klopovka): useful properties


The berry is endowed with many beneficial properties. It contains many flavonoids - substances that help strengthen blood vessels. Due to this, a decongestant, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect is provided.

It is rich in cotton and ascorbic acid, which accounts for up to 100 mg per 100 grams of berries. This amount is many times greater even in comparison with the famous citrus fruits, well-known suppliers of vitamin C to the body. Given that in the mountainous regions of the Far East there is a clear lack of vitamins, this berry becomes a salvation.

Due to the high content of tannins and benzoic acid, it is able to be stored for a long time without treatment. Thanks to these components, the berry has a restorative, antipyretic and diuretic effect. A particularly strong healing effect is achieved with inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Most of the vitamins and trace elements in the cottonseed when it reaches full maturity. The berries hang on the bush for a long time. However, in overripe form, as well as in green, they have much less biologically active substances in comparison with mature and ripe ones.

berry cotton on sakhalin


Klopovka is a berry that is consumed with sugar. With its use, digestion improves, colds disappear, a tonic and immunostimulating effect is achieved, and blood pressure decreases. Therefore, with a hypertensive crisis, it literally saves a person.
For medicinal purposes, it is useful to consume fresh juice in a tablespoon. Useful are not only berries, but also the leaves of the fruit.

Breeders are much interested in burglar. Cultivation of the plant has already begun. And in private areas they have been trying to grow it for a long time, and in some cases successfully.

Application in traditional medicine

The plant is widely known in folk medicine. In addition to fruits, seeds and leaves are used. Decoction, infusions and other dosage forms are prepared from klopovka. Using it treat:

  • female diseases;
  • impotence;
  • prostatic hypertrophy;
  • fever
  • paralysis;
  • dropsy;
  • gout.

Here is a way to make a decoction. One tablespoon of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and put in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Then they insist for another thirty minutes and take a tablespoon three times a day, before meals. It helps with female and male diseases.

The infusion is prepared as follows. Two tablespoons of dry grass is poured 0.7 liters of boiling water, covered with a lid, wrapped in a blanket and left for two hours. Then they drink half a glass three times a day, one third of an hour before meals. It helps with prostatic hypertrophy.

It is known to use seed powder inside and use fresh grass externally, for example to get rid of warts.

berry krasovka cottonseed beneficial properties


Enthusiastic reviews about this berry are left by users, speaking about its medicinal possibilities, about decorative properties. Residents of central Russia strive to grow it on their plots. Who doesn’t want to have such a healthy and beautiful berry grown independently?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44961/

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