How to get rid of fears and anxieties that prevent us from living like this?

Fear is a natural human emotion. It is closely linked to a sense of self-preservation. It is through fear that we survive in many difficult situations. But sometimes fear develops into something more, fueled by constant anxieties, and begins to interfere with living a full life. Then the question arises: how to get rid of fears?

In psychological practice, this is one of the most exciting human problems. Sometimes it can be solved only in each case, working individually. And yet, you can give some recommendations, advise a couple of ways, how to get rid of fears?

The most common fears of a modern person are: fear of the dark, fear of loneliness, fear of losing a job, fear of public transport, fear of flights. You can also highlight fears depending on the age of the person. A growing person is afraid of responsibility, faced with such serious problems as a lack of funds to pay bills. To take the same mortgage - it’s kind of good, but how much “horror is catching up” ... An elderly man is left alone with death, which, of course, causes great fear due to the unknown.

In the last statement, by the way, lies the path to the fight against fear. All fears arise because of a sense of suspense, because of a lack of information, or because of negative experiences in the past. Accordingly, the reason should look for the answer to the question that concerns us.

First, we’ll look at how to get rid of fears arising from a sense of suspense. A vivid example of this is the fear of losing a job. Imagine that the worst thing that you are afraid of has already happened. So what? Is it really that awful? What can be done to get out of this “terrible” situation? This is what needs to be emphasized: to think what can be done, and not to think about how terrible this situation is. Take the habit of not fearing the worst, but concentrating on solving the problem. Then part of your fears will give way to self-confidence, independence and freedom in decision-making.

How to get rid of fears continuing from childhood? Such fears are most harmless. As a rule, they pass by themselves, because they cease to be relevant to humans. He was afraid of the dark from childhood, and stopped many years later, when he had already moved away from his parents, who turned on his night light, and began to save on electricity, and eventually realized that there was nothing to worry about in the dark, because nothing really happened to him . I wish this happened with each of our fears, but alas ...

And in some situations, when fear develops into a phobia (uncontrolled fear), the question may be more compelling: how to lose fear once and for all? In this case, only psychotherapy can help. The specialist will discover the reason in your past, teach you how to live with this negative experience, put up with what happened and learn not to associate similar situations with the one that scared you so much.

Fear is closely related to another human emotion - anxiety. Many situations are alarming and this is in the order of things, with the modern rhythm of life, the social structure, it is difficult not to worry for many reasons. It is bad if such anxiety ceases to be attached to the situation and begins to manifest itself more and more often, until it develops into a character trait. To avoid this, one should also ask: how to get rid of fear and anxiety? Learn to relieve anxiety instantly before it becomes a habit. Anxiety can be "breathed", as psychologists say. A few deep breaths will clear the mind of disturbing thoughts. A few decisive steps will help get rid of the cause of anxiety.


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