Shiatsu massage pillow: description, properties, reviews

Shiatsu massage pillow is designed with the principles of Japanese acupuncture and ancient Chinese medicine. The small size allows it to be used for kneading different parts of the body. There are many models from different manufacturers on the market, they all work on a single principle and have similar functions.

Description and purpose

This home massager is a pillow with rotating balls inside. When moving, they imitate the rubbing, kneading and pressing actions that a specialist performs during the procedure. The operation of some devices is based on vibration, rotation of the heads and heating by infrared radiation. The movement of the rollers located inside is carried out in accordance with the movements of the same name oriental massage.

shiatsu massage pillow reviews

Shiatsu massage pillow is designed to create the following effect:

  • relaxation and improvement of well-being;
  • reduction of pain and swelling in the back and lower back;
  • muscle toning;
  • getting rid of problem areas (flabbiness, body fat);
  • improved blood circulation.

The properties

The pillow massager has several modes. When you turn on the head begin to rotate in a given direction with a certain pressure on the skin and muscle layer. In addition, the model is equipped with a heating function. It additionally processes the muscles during the session, as a result, the maximum relaxing effect is achieved. The pillow is covered with a tactilely pleasant fabric that provides comfortable use. The device works from the network and from the cigarette lighter in the car, which allows you to get relaxation even in the car.

pillows massagers


Shiatsu massage pillow can be used by everyone. However, first of all, its use is recommended for people with a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, students and those who suffer from certain diseases to improve their well-being.

Benefit for health

You can use the massager at home, at work and in the car. The main condition is the presence of support for the back and neck. Since the device is multi-purpose, its use is recommended for such areas:

  • backs;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • neck and nape;
  • legs, feet;
  • hips;
  • hands.

Before starting use, it is necessary to take a comfortable position, while the pillow should be pressed between the massed part of the body and a solid surface - the back of the chair, floor, armrest, bed.

Already at the first application it is important to choose for yourself the most comfortable pressure of the rotating heads. If they cause pain, the emphasis on the stretched part of the body must be reduced, for example, wrapping the device with a towel. If the position of the body is selected correctly and the massage is relaxing, during the following procedures the pressure is gradually increased.

The duration of one session should not exceed 15-20 minutes. Most devices turn off automatically after this time. Massage of one part of the body is not recommended more than two times a day.

Who needs a pillow?

Shiatsu massage pillow for the neck, back and other parts of the body is recommended as a means of complex therapy, prevention and during the recovery period. For example, during an exacerbation of lumbar pain, a heated device can significantly alleviate the resulting syndrome.

shiatsu massage pillow Price

The device produces the following effect:

  1. Relieving muscle tension after active physical exertion as a result of labor, sports, etc.
  2. Relieving psychoemotional stress.
  3. General relaxation at the end of the day or at bedtime.
  4. The fight and prevention of cellulite in the buttocks.
  5. Improving the blood supply to tissues.
  6. Acceleration of the metabolism.
  7. Anesthesia and relieving inflammation.

In some cases, regular use of the massager before bedtime can relieve calf cramps in the morning. The device has no serious contraindications. However, in the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult a specialist before use.


Shiatsu massage pillow is a useful device with a number of positive characteristics:

  • high-quality product with the possibility of application in different conditions;
  • It is characterized by mobility and light weight, so it can be taken with you even on long trips;
  • convenient and versatile;
  • with proper use and care guarantees a long service life;
  • practical;
  • multifunctional;
  • has a modern appearance;
  • pleasant to the touch surface;
  • easy to care for and store;
  • affordable cost;
  • carefully thought out design;
  • many positive reviews from real buyers.

The price of a Shiatsu massage pillow is from 1,150 to 5,800 rubles, depending on the model and feature set.

Consumer opinion

Elderly people who used the massager daily noted a decrease in pain in the back and legs. Blood supply to tissues, muscles and joints improves, due to which motor activity increases. In addition, the device purchased or donated to one person, in most cases, begin to use all family members.

Shiatsu massage pillow for neck

Numerous reviews about the Shiatsu massage pillow note the high effectiveness of the muscle relaxation device. Regular study of the collar zone significantly reduces headaches and reduces the frequency of their occurrence. People who purchased a device for massage of the lumbar and back are satisfied with its versatility and are happy to use it to relieve stress from their legs and knead their feet.

According to users who are actively involved in sports, the use of a device with the function of warming up muscles before training can reduce the time for warm-up, and after physical exertion it is effective to relieve stress.

Not without negative reviews. For some buyers, the design of the pillow massager caused inconvenience associated with a long period of addiction. In the reviews, they focus on the fact that the effect of the procedure is very tough, and sometimes painful sensations even appeared in the neck and shoulders. Although the soft case successfully solves the problem.


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