The best varieties of pears in Belarus: review, agricultural technology, zoning

The geographical position of the country cannot be called ideal for cultivating the queen of orchards - pears. Breeders are working to improve existing plants and develop new ones. Varieties of pears in Belarus, as well as everywhere, differ in terms of ripening, fruit quality and other characteristics. Zoning allows you to achieve the best yield in a particular area.


Mention of a pear can be found in Old Russian chronicles dated to the twelfth century. Today, several thousand varieties of this fruit tree are cultivated around the world. Each has its own characteristics, which are due to the characteristics of the terrain, climate, soil, rainfall. The thermophilicity of a pear is a well-known fact; nevertheless, breeders managed to develop varieties that perfectly took root in cooler climatic conditions.

the best varieties of pears for Belarus

Certain varieties of pears in Belarus (reviews by gardeners and amateur gardeners confirm this), zoned for specific areas of the country, give an excellent harvest. Sweet and tasty fruits have time to ripen and delight garden owners from the last week of July until the end of November.

Pears in Belarus

Over the past 20 years, the best pear varieties for Belarus have been bred by breeders of several scientific institutions. Among them are the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture (Michurinsk), the Belarusian Research Institute of Horticulture, TSHA. At present, dozens of varieties that have successfully passed the tests and are recommended for cultivation in the country's climatic conditions are available to gardeners.

The most popular include:

1. Early years:

  • Lipenskaya.
  • Lada.
  • August dew.
  • Hurry up from Michurinsk.

2. Late summer:

  • Chizhovskaya.
  • Rogneda.
  • Spiritual.
  • Lagodnaya.

3. Autumn:

  • Dressed Efimova.
  • Memory of Zhegalov.
  • Caramel

4. Winter:

  • Belarussian late.
  • Etude Kiev.
  • Kyrgyz winter.
  • November.

varieties of pears in Belarus photo

These trees are much better adapted to the climate of the country, less susceptible to disease than the old varieties - Bessemyanka or Tonkovetka. The popularity of pears is gradually growing, although the lack of information on modern achievements of selection affects. Not all gardeners are aware of the news; there is not always the opportunity to purchase planting material. The assortment of plants is diverse, you can choose the appropriate variety for your area. Productivity, resistance to diseases and good adaptability to external conditions make it possible to talk not only about amateur gardening, but also about the laying of commodity gardens in the northern regions of Belarus.


Scientists classify pears in several ways. The main ones:

1. Use:

  • decorative - great for landscaping parks and gardens, the fruits are not edible, but the appearance is striking in the beauty of foliage;
  • fruit, in turn, can be:
  • technical - used in the food industry for processing;
  • dessert or canteen - eat fresh;
  • universal - suitable for processing, and for fresh consumption.

2. Maturing time:

  • summer or early - harvesting late July - early August;
  • autumn or medium - harvest in September-October;
  • winter or late - the fruits reach removable maturity in mid-autumn.

late pear varieties in Belarus

3. Fetal size:

  • large-fruited - 200-500 grams or more;
  • medium - 80-200 grams;
  • small-fruited - 30-80 grams;

4. The degree of winter hardiness:

  • frost-resistant, do not freeze even at a temperature of -30-35 0 C;
  • not winter hardy;

5. The taste of the fetus:

  • sweet
  • sweet and sour;
  • tartly bitter (this taste is acquired due to the increased content of tannins in the peel).

6. Pollination method:

  • self-fertile - always give a stable crop;
  • not self-pollinated - they need a specific pollinator.

Agricultural technology

Cultivated pear varieties in Belarus require the same care as trees grown in other climatic zones. Agricultural technology includes several points:

1. Landing. The best soil is loamy and clay soil with deep groundwater. Sour lime. The place is chosen sunny and calm. Experts allow spring planting, but recommend autumn - the end of September.

winter pear varieties in Belarus

2. Feeding. Up to 10 kg of rotten manure (compost possible), 50 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium salt are introduced into the planting pit. For the first four years, nitrogen fertilizers are applied under the tree and potash is added once a season. From the fifth year, all fertilizers are sealed in grooves dug around the periphery of the crown.

3. Watering. Young seedlings are watered once a week, one bucket is enough. In hot, dry weather, the rate and frequency of watering are increased.

4. Cropping the crown. It is carried out in spring and autumn, parallel and closely growing branches are removed, too long are shortened. Places of cuts are treated with garden varieties or crushed coal.

In addition, mandatory work is being done on disease prevention, sanitary pruning, tillage, warming (if necessary).

Zoned Varieties

Various varieties of pears in Belarus are grown in many household plots and in commodity gardens. The table of regionalization shows the most popular of them.

Grade name

Recommended growing areas

Belarussian late

All Belarus

Bere Alexander Luke

All Belarus

Bere Loshitskaya

In addition to the Vitebsk region.

Big summer

All Belarus


All Belarus

Dessert Rossoshanskaya

All Belarus


All Belarus

Duchess summer

In addition to the Gomel region.


All Belarus


Gomel, Brest, Grodno region


All Belarus


All Belarus


All Belarus

Dressed Efimova

All Belarus

In memory of Yakovlev

All Belarus

Simply Maria

In addition to the Vitebsk region.


All Belarus

Sweet from Mliev

All Belarus

Super year old

Grodno region


All Belarus


All Belarus


Gomel, Brest, Minsk, Grodno region


Summer varieties of pears in Belarus that have proven themselves in the country are:

1. Duchess summer . Like almost all the early varieties of pears in Belarus, a plentiful harvest gives in August. The weight of the fruit is up to 80 grams, it tastes sweet, delicate, poorly stored, no more than two weeks. The flesh is fine-grained, juicy, the matte peel is light yellow. Fruiting begins at 7-8 years, tolerates frosts, resistant to scab.

early pear varieties in Belarus

2. Elegant Efimova . Represents summer-late varieties of pears in Belarus. The result of the cross between Pet Klapp and Tonkovet. Fruits in the eighth year, gives stable high yields in early September. Fruits weighing up to 120 grams, greenish yellow. Most of the pears are covered with a dark red blush. The pulp is sour-sweet, slightly tart, medium juiciness, white. Store for two weeks. Trees withstand frost well, are resistant to scab.


Autumn varieties of pears in Belarus (photo of fruits you can see below) give a harvest from early September to November. They are better stored compared to the summer. The collection is carried out quickly (no more than 6-7 days), before losing a presentable appearance and taste. Common varieties:

1. Chizhovskaya. Fruits in 3-4 years, has a high yield. The mass of fruits is up to 140 grams. The skin is matte smooth, yellow, there is a slight blush. The pear tastes sweet and sour, the flesh is yellowish or white, of medium juiciness. Collected in late August, stored for up to 3 months. The variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions, frost-resistant.

varieties of pears in Belarus

2. Just Maria. Begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year, the yield is stable. Large fruits weighing up to 190 grams with delicate buttery flesh. The skin is light yellow with a slight pink blush. Resistant to pests and diseases, not afraid of frost. Harvested in the fall, the fruits can persist until November.


Winter pear varieties in Belarus are popular with amateur gardeners. A distinctive feature of the fruits of these varieties is their keeping quality (can be stored until spring). Fruits are trying to collect as late as possible, at the same time preventing their shedding. There are several varieties that are most adapted to the climate of the country:

1. Kyrgyz winter. Gives a stable high yield for 6-7 years. Pears begin to be collected in the first week of October, still green, with a slight pink blush. Weight reaches 250 grams. Full ripening occurs in December, the skin becomes yellow, and the blush becomes raspberry. The fruits have a wonderful taste, pleasant aroma, the pulp is white, juicy. The variety calmly tolerates frost and drought, is resistant to scab.

2. Belarussian late. Fruits in the 5th year. The maximum yield, up to 90 kg per tree, gives for the 10th year. Fruits weighing an average of 100 grams, sweet with a refreshing sourness. The pulp is juicy, white, slightly oily. Suitable for use from October to February. They can be stored until May (in refrigerators). The skin is dull, rough, orange-yellow, sometimes covered with raspberry blush. Frost-resistant variety, not affected by scab, is popular in the central and southern regions of the country.

New varieties

Popular and widespread varieties of pears in Belarus are gradually losing their resistance to diseases. In the years with a damp and cool summer, the Slutsk, Oily, and Belorussian late are massively affected by scab. Scientists strive not only to develop new varieties, but also to adapt existing ones to the climatic conditions of the country. The memory of Yakovlev, Chizhovskaya, Severyanka belong to introduced varieties.

In 2005, the following new “pear inhabitants” of Belarus were added:

1. Lagodnaya - a hybrid of 81-13 / 64. Gives a periodic crop for the 4th year. Fruits weighing up to 150 grams ripen in late August, the pulp is juicy, sweet and sour, coarse-grained, with a pleasant delicate aroma. The peel is green with numerous gray dots. Collected in late August, stored for up to 3 weeks.

2. Fun - seedling 5/20. The trees bear fruit for 5-6 years, the yield is quite stable, and increases over the years. The fruits weigh up to 120 grams, the skin is rough, shiny, when shooting in the second half of September, greenish yellow, after ripening (after 3 weeks) - golden yellow. The pulp is tender, sweet and sour, aromatic.


The Belarusian Research Institute for Horticulture offers apple and pear varieties in Belarus that most fully meet the requirements of gardeners and the food industry. During the work (since 1925), specialists studied more than 1000 samples of different varieties.

Pears selected and recommended for regionalization give a decent harvest. Record years were 2006-2007 and 2009-2010, when the gross harvest reached 61,000 tons.


Pears are consumed mostly fresh. Fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. Doctors recommend them as a dietary product with a low calorie and sugar content. Compotes, preserves, jams are cooked from the fruits, dried fruits are harvested. The pear is very widely used in cooking. And these are not only dessert dishes - the fruit goes well with meat products.

apple and pear varieties in Belarus

Wood has a unique quality - it is absolutely not subject to deformation. Architects use rulers made from pear wood. Exquisite home furnishings and furniture made from pear wood treated with black stain look expensive, as if from ebony.


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