What is tissue density?

In order to choose a good, long-lasting thing from the fabric, from underwear to curtains, you must have at least a minimum amount of information about the quality characteristics of the material of the purchased purchase.

The main of these indicators are the composition and density of tissues, we will consider them in more detail in this article.

tissue density

Separation of tissues according to the origin of composite fibers

This moment is one of the main in determining the quality of the fabric, its operational and consumer properties.

Before we begin to consider the density of tissues, we will devote some time to their composition, which plays one of the essential roles in the strength and quality of tissue products.

According to the composition of the raw materials from which the fabrics are made, they can be divided into:

  • natural (linen, cotton, wool);
  • synthetic (polyester, polyamide, acetate, acrylic);
  • mixed.

Polyamide fibers

Let us consider synthetic polyamide fibers of fabrics in more detail ; they include such popular worldwide as nylon or nylon (these fibers were called in the USSR). Materials from such fibers have good physical and chemical properties: high strength, uniformity, excellent dyeability, low weight, wear resistance. But the low density of threads in the fabric makes it thin.

Polyamide occupies a leading position in the use for the manufacture of various threads.

But along with such positive characteristics, this material has two significant drawbacks:

  • afraid of sunlight (or rather, loses its strength from direct exposure);
  • when wet it stretches very much.

Polyester fiber

Polyester fibers (polyester) give the fabric lightness, low coefficient of moisture absorption, and at the same time, such fabrics do not stretch, are resistant to ultraviolet rays, have high strength.

fabric density g m2

The density of fabrics made of polyester fibers is higher than that of capron.

They also have disadvantages and are as follows: rigidity, a high degree of combustibility and electrification.

It is best to add a small percentage of synthetic fibers to natural fibers to better maintain the shape of the fabric.

The mechanical properties of tissues

In addition to the composition on the product label, you need to pay attention to a number of density indicators, which in their combination and combination form the mechanical properties of the paintings.

These characteristics are mainly affected by the structure and density of the fabric (g / m2 square).

The structure of the fabric is a way of weaving threads in its fabric.

The density of the tissue (g / m2) refers to the main indicators of its structure. Density affects mass, breathability, stiffness, heat-shielding properties, drape of fabrics. And all these characteristics already affect the finished thing, whether it is a cloak, umbrella or tablecloth.

what tissue density

The density of the fabric is measured as the number of warp and weft threads that are ten centimeters of canvas.

The weft density and warp density are separated and separately calculated.

Depending on the ratio of these two densities, the materials are divided into equally dense and non-dense.

There are also absolute, maximum and relative tissue densities.

Absolute density

Absolute - density, which refers to the actual number of threads per one centimeter of material. This indicator varies within wide limits, for fabrics with different compositions it is very different. For example, in coarse linen fabrics it is within fifty threads per centimeter of fabric, in silk fabrics - one thousand threads in the same one centimeter.

tissue density g m

This indicator does not make it clear how close the threads are to each other. For example, in a piece of fabric with an area of ​​one centimeter there can be a lot of thin threads, but they can be located at a great distance from each other. But thick threads can be few, but they can touch or crush each other, tightly clinging to each other.

Maximum density

In order to compare the density of materials that are made of threads of different thicknesses, the concepts of maximum and relative density were introduced.

The maximum density of the canvas is the maximum possible number of threads that fit into a fabric with an area of ​​one centimeter square, provided that all these threads have the same diameter, are located without shifting and wrinkling at the same distance from each other.

surface tissue density

Relative density

Linear (relative) tissue density is the ratio of the actual and maximum density, which is determined by percent.

In the case when the maximum density is equal to the actual, then the surface is 100%, the threads in such a material are arranged without wrinkling and shear, they touch each other with the same distance.

But when the relative density is over one hundred percent, the filaments will shift, contract or flatten.

And if this figure is below one hundred percent, then the threads are at a small distance from each other.

The linear fill or relative density can vary from 25 to 150 percent.

The higher the linear filling index, the higher the characteristics, such as strength, stiffness, wind resistance, elasticity, wear resistance. The surface density of the tissue also increases.

But along with this, indicators such as vapor tightness, airtightness and elongation fall.

The canvases, which have an index of linear filling of more than one hundred percent, are almost not deformed, poorly succumb to wet and heat treatment. Therefore, things from such materials are difficult to wash and iron, they are also hard and draped poorly.

Surface tissue density

Another important indicator of the strength of the material is its surface density, which shows how many grams of fabric per square centimeter of its area, it determines the material consumption of fabric products.

This indicator depends on the linear density and type, structure and nature of the finishing of threads and fabrics.

For textile materials, the density indicator is regulated by GOST. The density of the fabric is characterized by considerable diversity for specific types of clothing, and therefore it affects the choice of material for a particular product.

The surface density of the tissue is determined by weighing a piece of fabric and further calculation by the formula: P = m / L * B, where:

  • m is the actual mass;
  • L * B - tissue area (length multiplied by the width of the piece of fabric).

In order to make the indicators as close to real as possible, the materials are kept under normal conditions for two days before weighing. This is due to the fact that materials for clothes have the ability to absorb moisture, thus acquiring a large mass and changing some of their properties.

The heaviest materials are used for sewing coats, and the lightest - for clothes such as light dresses and scarves.

What fabric density is suitable for bedding?

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying bed linen is the composition and density.

density of bedding

The durability and durability of bed linen depend on these two indicators.

If we consider the strength, then there are two indicators that affect the density of bed tissues: linear and surface density.

Below is a list of fabrics and their linear density:

  • cambric (has a low rate of only 20-30 threads per 100 mm of material);
  • calico (has a density below average - 35-40 threads);
  • flax (average linear density - 50-55 threads);
  • ranfors (this indicator for tissue is above average and is about 70 threads);
  • poplin and satin (high linear density - from 85 to 120 threads per 100 mm of material);
  • jacquard and percale (champions in linear density, which is in the range from 130 to 280 threads per 100 mm of material).

As bedding, an important role is also played not only by the number of threads per area, but also by their grammage, that is, the twisting of the threads, their tightness, and the weaving method.

The most common and traditional fabric for bedding in the countries of the former Soviet Union is calico, which consists of 100% cotton (according to GOST in Russia), has a cross weave of fairly thick threads.

gost tissue density

When choosing a bed from this type of material, you need to pay attention to surface density. The higher it is, the higher the quality of the canvas. An example of the best and most popular tissue density is an indicator ranging from 130 to 160 grams per fabric area.

Calico bedding sets have the perfect balance of quality and price. This fabric is ideal for those who love naturalness and do not pay attention to softness and elasticity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44972/

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