Cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod): reviews

In Nizhny Novgorod there are many entertainment venues and restaurants, and one of these options is the San Remo cafe. This is a great place to relax - the location of the institution is convenient, because it is easy to get there. Cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod), the photo of which is presented in this material, opens the door for all its visitors, offering a cozy atmosphere, an interesting vacation and excellent cuisine.

What is worth knowing about the interior?

If you decide to visit the cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod), first consider the interior of this institution. The building has three floors, which have an interesting and bright design, allow you to spend absolutely any holidays, despite the number of invited people and the complexity of the event.

Cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod)

The halls are spectacularly decorated - canopies, beautiful tablecloths on the tables, chair covers. There is a hall that is fully made in red. A bar counter and original furniture design stand out against its background. If desired, guests of the cafe can order a table with a sofa, especially if the number of visitors is large.

The place is suitable for corporate events, birthday parties, professional holidays and any other important event.

What services does the institution offer?

Cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod) offers not only excellent cuisine to all its visitors, because there are several areas of work:

  1. Providing a business menu.
  2. Classic relaxation in a cafe.
  3. Catering for customers.

The business menu is valid at certain hours, for which lunch is served in many organizations. Standard dishes are available to all visitors to the cafe, the prices are reasonable. Catering is made to order, starting from the budget of the event, as well as the distance at which the customer is from the cafe.

"San Remo" (cafe; Nizhny Novgorod)

Considering the menu, we note that the institution offers visitors a wide range of various dishes. So here is:

  1. Cold assorted.
  2. Original snacks.
  3. Beer menu.
  4. A wide selection of salads.
  5. Soups
  6. Dishes on the grill.
  7. Specialty of the house.
  8. Hot dish (both regular and quick serve).
  9. Ice cream.

Note that the institution also has a good wine list. Prices here are in an affordable segment, so even people with an average income can afford a vacation. โ€œSan Remoโ€ (cafe; Nizhny Novgorod) is always waiting for its visitors, therefore it additionally organizes a variety of entertainment programs. It can be either theme parties or incendiary programs with live music and performances by the best vocalists of the city.

Employees of the institution always monitor both the freshness of the products and the assortment, as well as the delivery time. Thanks to this, the cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod) has become popular among residents not only of this city, but also of nearby territories.

Who are the visitors to the establishment?

Considering the "San Remo" (cafe, Nizhny Novgorod), we can safely say that its visitors are people aged 18 to 60 years. Working in several directions, the owners of the establishment are ready to provide excellent rest to each guest. For youth, stylized costume parties and celebrations of various events are held here. They are accompanied by masquerades, thematic music, modern tubers hits.

Cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod): reviews

You can track the organization of events on the official website of the institution. Older visitors, visiting โ€œSan Remoโ€ (Nizhny Novgorod, cafe, Pokrovskaya street), can guarantee themselves a comfortable and quiet stay, pleasant live music, excellent dishes and fine drinks. The budget of events is easy to determine, because both dishes and alcoholic beverages are presented here in a fairly wide price range.

Considering that depending on the day and event, the cafe has a professional photographer, a visit to the institution becomes more enjoyable and interesting, because the evening will be reminded of the photos for a long time, which afterwards can be viewed with friends for a long time.

What do the reviews indicate?

Before visiting a place, many people want to know what visitors say about it. Cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod), reviews of which are more positive, is no exception.

"San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod; cafe; Pokrovskaya)

Clients of the institution leave diverse reviews, but there are no sharply negative ones. Of the 5 points, the cafe deserves a solid four. Many people remain satisfied after visiting this institution, because the cuisine here is distinguished by sophistication and a variety of dishes. Visitors also note the quality service: the waiters quickly come to the guest who arrived, the order does not have to wait long, the dishes are always fresh, they look good, they taste great. Especially positive reviews can be found about the organization of large-scale events, banquets, corporate parties, New Year's celebrations.

Negative reviews are found regarding organizational issues. For example, the electricity was turned off, the administration could not timely solve this problem. There were complaints about the disappearance of expensive items from the dressing rooms, although the owners of the establishment always warn their visitors not to leave money and phones in the pockets of their coats and fur coats.

There were no other comments regarding the service in the cafe, which undoubtedly plays into the hands of the owners of the institution.

Other benefits

Often in cafes organize various competitions. The winner can either receive a free meal or visit a cafe with payment from the institution. There is an additional organization of holidays and flash mobs, which can be agreed on with the administration.

Cafe "San Remo" (Nizhny Novgorod): photos

Cafe programs are distinguished by their originality and originality. At the "global" events (New Year, March 8, Valentine's Day), entertainment programs are organized. Naturally, there is the possibility of early redemption of tickets.

Additional Information

Additionally, the cafe offers a reservation service so that you can get confidence in the possibility of visiting the cafe. Practice shows that it is better to carry out an order in advance so that the place is definitely there, because the restaurant is popular and a considerable number of residents of Nizhny Novgorod tend to get there.

By the way, you can visit San Remo every day (from Monday to Thursday - from 12 noon to 2 nights, Friday - from 12 to 6 in the morning, Saturday - from 13 to 6, Sunday - from 13 to midnight) at the following address: Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street, house number 44b. For communication, you can use the phone number posted on the official website of the project.

Bon appetit and good mood!


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