How the browser works: types, device and principle of operation

The operating principle of the Tor browser or any other program that provides the user with Internet access is quite complicated and interesting. This article will attempt to describe this algorithm as briefly as possible, but, nevertheless, as detailed and informative as possible. Also, here will be considered several reasons for quite relevant problems that arise when working with programs for accessing the Internet.

How is the page built?

Figure 5 HTML programmer

Learning the basics of the browser should begin with the so-called "composition" of the page that the user observes. In this case, we mean a set of tools that perform such functions:

  • creating important blocks with code;
  • register interactive elements on the page;
  • gives the created browser an appearance;
  • allows you to implement such important components as comment fields;
  • Displays animated materials.

Let us consider in more detail each of the tools that will help to understand how the browser works:

  • Java programming language. It is he who is responsible for creating universal blocks of code on future pages. They do not depend on the type of operating system, which allows you to implement programs in the future browser that are compatible with any devices that have Internet access and support working with programs of this type.
One of the options for the JavaScript logo
  • One of the varieties of the Java programming language is JavaScript. Another important component in exploring how the browser works. This tool allows you to create interactive elements on the proposed page.

Examples include options such as:

  • dynamic menu drop-down menu;
  • various pop-up forms;
CSS logo

CSS or cascading style sheets. They are used to implement the design of the future page: font and text size, various colors, and so on.

PHP code is most often used in the development of modern sites. The most popular and relevant when it is necessary to create forms or a block of comments.

Flash is one of the main elements that make it possible to understand how the Internet browser works. He is responsible for displaying animated materials on the page. One of the most striking examples of the use of this tool is advertising banners or the banal display of videos on YouTube. It is also worth noting that Flash plays a significant role in the development of online games located on the pages of an Internet browser.

The next important step in understanding and verifying the operation of the Internet browser is loading pages. Let us consider in detail its six main stages.

Stage 1

It begins at the stage when the user interacts with the search bar. As soon as the letters and, subsequently, the words begin to be asked, the prompt algorithm works, offering the user the previously entered, most relevant or already used by the user options text request.

It can also give hints not only in the form of keywords, but also familiar or best-known virtual addresses.

Let's move on to the next step of how the browser works.

Stage 2

At this level, a check is made for the presence of the requested address in the browser cache, which is stored on the local disk of the used personal computer or any other device. This function is directly related to the browser action specified earlier, since the cache is often used by it to save and subsequently remove and cite the addresses of pages that the user visited often enough. When you start a previously saved address, data is also adjusted in accordance with page updates.

Stage 3

The next step in learning how the browser works. With the help of the Hosts file located on the hard disk of the personal computer, the presence of the page requested by the user is checked. As planned, Hosts saves the ip-addresses in which the addresses of the sites are located.

Stage 4

The next step is performed if the desired page was not found in the previously specified file. In this situation, the browser will search for the ip address of the desired page. This is done through the domain name system (more commonly known as DNS). They store all the information on sites on the network that are accessible to the user.

Stage 5

The following important information in the instructions on how the browser works. Now, through a chain of servers, the browser will establish a connection with the page that the user is looking for. Typically, this approach allows you to reduce the level of load on the desired site. This is quite relevant for resources with high popularity and attendance.

Stage 6

The very last step that the browser performs. Earlier, we already analyzed what the page consists of, which the user sees on the Internet. So, at this stage, all parts of the code are collected, which are the final result that opens to the user in a browser window.

So, you figured out what the page consists of and how it is searched and opened. Further, in order to understand how the browser works, it is necessary to understand the issue of forming the startup page startup speed and the subsequent search process.

What determines the speed of each individual Internet browser?

Browsers are written to work with completely different devices.

Next, we will consider several important components that affect the speed at which the browser start page will start, and will also search for pages. The following is a list of them:

  • Browser engine. A kind of processor in any electronic device. He is responsible for the formation of the page structure, in accordance with the HTML code, for the display of content using cascading style sheets and executes the code recorded in the built-in scripts. The fastest engine today is the one used in the Chrome browser, however its contents are a trade secret of the manufacturer.
HTML 5 logo
  • Various additional functions that allow the user to quickly navigate between pages. For example, the preload algorithm. It consists in caching links that allow you to go from the current page to any other. Thus, when you click on the link, the new site will load somewhat faster. In the same way, this algorithm works with pages that host various multimedia content.
  • The caching procedure also affects the speed of loading pages in an Internet browser. The problem is that due to the storage of a large number of results on the hard disk, the free space on the computer's hard disk is clogged. This, in turn, leads to a general decrease in the performance of the operating system of the computer used.
  • Compression procedure. It is performed to reduce the traffic that is transmitted over the network, while not losing the performance of the device used.

How to explain the difference in page loading speed in the same browser?

The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple and quite short. Most often, you can notice the difference in the speed of loading tabs when you open a resource with dynamically generated pages. As an example, you can recall online shopping. In order to offer a product suitable for you, he needs to save your preferences after each visit and send a large number of requests to the database. As a result, the overall loading speed of this page is markedly reduced compared to other tabs.

Common browser issues

Caricature of computer malfunctions

Next, we consider several fairly common cases of malfunctions in programs for accessing the Internet, as well as the most popular ways to fix them:

  • There is no access to some pages or the browser completely. Most often, such a malfunction helps either disabling the antivirus, or adding the program to the list of exceptions, or completely removing and reinstalling the browser.
  • The disappearance of the buttons for opening a new tab or the complete shift of all keys. In this situation, it is worth checking the scale of the displayed pages. Perhaps it has been changed. You can correct the situation by combining Ctrl + 0.
  • 504 Gateway Timeout. It can also occur in the form of a message stating that the server has stopped responding. In this case, it is necessary to check the browser and make sure that the computer is connected to the Internet or try to get to the site using the anonymizer program.
Program for checking connection speed

Prolonged loading of any page or launching the browser too long. In the first case, it is worth checking the Internet connection. Perhaps you do not have enough speed for the normal operation of applications. In the second option, you need to check the status of the computer’s hard drive or clear the cache.


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