How much canine can get in Moscow and other cities.

The days when anyone was taken to the dog handlers has passed. Now it is imperative to have a secondary specialized education in the specialty "Cynology". And this is the minimum. Preference is given to specialists with higher cynological education.

Everyone can demand. And how much canine can get? How are they paid? This is what we will talk about in the article.

Who is a dog handler?

This is a man who trains dogs. And what, does this require a higher education, someone will be outraged. Yes need. Because you need to know the physiology and psychology of the dog, to understand how to "make" the animal. What is training based on? Who knows the answer? On unconditioned reflexes. With their help, simple conditioned reflexes are developed, then complex ones. And only then is a repertoire of dog behavior formed. All this is taught at universities, where there is a specialty "Cynology".

Dog handler is a vocation

What is his responsibility?

How much do the dog handlers get in the police? Before giving an answer to this question, let’s talk about their responsibilities.

The dog trainer is fully responsible for the dog attached to it. What does “attached” mean? When the interns enter the service, they are given a dog with whom they will become partners in the future. With the same dog, the trainee is sent to study at the canine school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This is either Rostov-on-Don, or Ufa.

So, on the shoulders of the "dog teacher" lies the responsibility of training, caring and feeding the pet. But not only one of his dogs, no. During his shift, the instructor walks, feeds and cares for all dogs in the kennel.

Seems to be easy? When a dozen barking dogs sit in the enclosure, wanting to walk and eat, the service will not seem easy. And you need to remember that there are such dogs that walk alone, because they can not tolerate relatives. While you walk all on a special platform, while you feed and conduct an inspection of animals, you will forget about easy service. And nobody canceled field trips.

How much does the dog handler get for his service? We proceed smoothly to the answer to this question.

Salary of employees by region

So we went to the main thing - the price of the issue. What is the salary of dog handlers-cops? And for those who work for themselves? Let's consider.

The average salary of dog handlers in Russia is thirty thousand rubles. How much canine can get in Moscow and St. Petersburg? These regions are the most paid: in St. Petersburg, the "dog counselor" receives about thirty-seven thousand. Moscow takes the second place, here the earnings of dog handlers is in the region of thirty-five thousand.

Murmansk specialists have good salaries, according to statistics. A little bit does not reach Moscow: thirty-two thousand rubles. The fourth place is occupied by Novosibirsk, where the dog handler earns twenty-nine thousand rubles. And closes our TOP-5 salaries of police dog handlers Karelia. There, the salary of a specialist will be twenty-six thousand rubles.

As for other cities, the salary does not rise above twenty-five thousand. For example, in Yaroslavl, a dog handler receives twenty-twenty-one thousand. In some regions of Russia, the payment of such labor is about fifteen thousand.

Now we have an idea of ​​how much dog handlers in Russia receive in the police.

The person involved

If you work for yourself

If you are far from the cynological world, then do not believe those who claim that breeders of thoroughbred dogs have one hundred thousand rubles a month.

Of course, if you keep a nursery of 10-15 bitches, which are knitted twice a year, that is, in each estrus, this can be real. But how much will you have to invest in nursery advertising? This refers to dog shows. We also add here the costs of feed, veterinary services, mating.

Those who believe in such a salary are in a hurry to disappoint. Not so profitable - breeding dogs. More is invested in the nutrition of a pregnant bitch and the maintenance of puppies than is ultimately obtained. And how much you need to invest in an advertisement for a future mother long before the birth of the puppies is scary to imagine.

Heavy breeder share

How much per month does a dog handler who is engaged in private training receive? In different ways, it all depends on the region and the name of the professional. If he is known in cynological circles, he can take for training one and a half to two thousand rubles at least. But you need to grow to that level. Starting point - five hundred rubles for one lesson in obedience.

The defendants have lower salaries. One training session costs about a thousand and a half thousand rubles.

Handlers can count on thirty to fifty thousand a month during the season. These are the spring and summer months when dog shows begin. But these are well-established handlers in the cynological world. The newcomer is unlikely to earn ten thousand for the entire season.

Handler exhibits dogs

How much a private canine dog gets, we now know.


The main purpose of the article is to tell the reader about the salaries of dog handlers and police officers in different regions of Russia. Most pay in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Private dog trainers, defendants and handlers earn differently. It all depends on the skill level of the dog handler and on how well he is known in the canine world.

The goal is achieved, we know how much the dog handler gets.


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