Is it possible to fry in olive oil

Now on the shelves of grocery stores appeared unfamiliar to us products that no one had even heard of. There has been so much vegetable oil alone lately that choosing one for a salad or frying can sometimes become a real problem. Here, the usual sunflower, and corn, and olive, and sea buckthorn, and even burdock oil. Each of these products, of course, has exceptionally beneficial qualities. All of them differ significantly from each other, including price. But what to choose, if we are talking about simple fried potatoes? Or did you want to please your native patties? Let's see this time, is it possible to fry in olive oil?

This product has already established itself as extremely useful and dietary. Salads with this oil become not only tasty, but also saturated vitamins and useful fatty acids. But usually not a word is said about frying. How is it that a product is useful? It’s impossible, or is it still possible? It is worth frying in olive oil only if you have its special variety on hand. Yes, as you can see, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. Even one type of oil can have several quality categories that differ in properties. Let's look at what kind of varieties of this product can be found on our shelves.

  1. Extra Virgin. Such an inscription on the bottle indicates that it is olive oil of direct or cold pressing. It is most useful, since it preserves many substances useful to the human body. Fatty acids in it are minimal and, consequently, the energy value is reduced. The production of such a product is the most difficult, therefore this variety is the most expensive. Is it possible to fry in olive oil of this category? Better not worth it. It is more useful to add it to the salad, since during the heat treatment, most of such valuable vitamins simply collapse. And such oil will start to smoke already at 121 degrees Celsius.
  2. Virgin This category indicates that there are already slightly more acids in the oil than in the previous form - about 2%. In the manufacture of such a product, cold technology is also used, but it is already somewhat simpler. Its cost will already be lower, but not by much. Frying in olive oil in this category is also undesirable, as it is still too unstable to high temperatures.
  3. Olive Oil is the third kind of olive oil. It is prepared from a mixture of the first type and refined product. In taste, this oil is inferior to the first two categories, but it is already more suitable for frying. And the cost of this product is much more democratic, if you compare the price tags.
  4. Olive Oil (Refined). This name has refined olive oil. It is already significantly cheaper than the previous categories, but ideal in order to fry something on it. As a salad dressing, it will not be as pleasant as the first two types.

There is also a fifth variety. It is called Pomace Olive Oil, but you will not find it in stores. This is the lowest quality category used exclusively for production purposes (cosmetics, as well as the food industry).

So is it possible to fry in olive oil? As you can see, the answer to this question entirely depends on which bottle you will get in the store. And this is further evidence that the high price is not necessarily an indicator of universal benefit. What is perfect for cold dishes can be completely unsuitable for everyone else. Arm yourself with these tips when you think again about whether it is possible to fry in olive oil.


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