Grain deep processing: technologies, equipment and prospects

Multistage processing technologies in the agrotechnical industry are actively developing today, allowing us to offer a high-quality product to the end user. In Russia, such directions are only just being formed, but there are already certain successes. One of the most promising segments of agricultural production can be called deep processing of grain with an orientation on biotechnological products with added value.

Technology Overview

The main goal of deep processing is to obtain high-quality and more efficient in terms of production of grain components. In the process of processing operations, a kind of separation is performed, in which the release of gluten, starch and other side elements occurs. In addition to the fact that the performer of this technology gets the opportunity to manufacture a higher quality product, he also has a number of competitive advantages. In particular, the deep processing of wheat provides for the regulation of output at different stages of production. In practice, this facilitates the adaptation of the production process to current market conditions and increases economic efficiency.

Technological stages of processing

Sending corn for deep processing

The set of operations may vary, since the technique allows the inclusion of auxiliary processes and modifications of production. The following technological process is considered optimal at the moment:

  • Reception of grain, primary cleaning and storage.
  • Basic cleaning. Separation in elevators or mills. Grain sieving can be used, eliminating small and coarse impurities.
  • Grinding The first processing operation with a significant reduction in the proportion of husk. Also included is a crushing process with varying degrees of grinding of raw materials.
  • Size classification. On some production lines, deep processing of grain is carried out with the sorting of the harvested product into fractions.
  • Granulation. A finer procedure for screening and sorting grain particles into small fractions.
  • Operations with the finished product. As a rule, quality control, weight distribution, dosage and evaluation of color properties.
  • Additional production procedures. Transportation, mixing with other procurement products and packaging.

Applied Equipment

Grain deep processing process

The equipment of production conveyors is carried out in a complex format or modularly - by including individual functional units, which will eventually form a complete cycle line. In both cases, the technological process will include the following equipment for deep processing of grain:

  • Magnetic drum unit for initial cleaning. It removes grain from husks and other foreign inclusions. The most developed models support the self-cleaning function.
  • Hammer crusher. Carries out grinding of grain and is more often used for mixed and componentwise grinding.
  • Grinding grain machine. It is used to ensure the yield of finished chopped wheat grain. In addition to removing layers of the shell, it can cleanse small flour impregnations.
  • Firewood sieve. It performs the separation and sorting of products using filtering devices with different cells from a large industrial to a fine flour mill fraction.
  • Sampler. It is used for critical control procedures with sampling, which are subsequently evaluated for compliance with suitability requirements.
  • Screw conveyor. Performs the movement, dosing and mixing of the individual components of the crushed grain.

Production Automation Tools

Grain grinder

By integrating automated production control systems, work operations can be optimized while minimizing manual labor. Special modules with ergonomic interfaces and extensive diagnostic systems are offered for such tasks. The operator controls the production through graphic panels with the display of the necessary performance indicators, recorded through sensors and touch devices. The most advanced automation systems control the deep processing of grain at the program level. The user only needs to enter the algorithms for the production mode and start the workflow.

Final grain processing products

The basis of the finished products in this segment are high-value grains that have undergone fine cleaning and multi-stage sorting. Various crops can be processed, including wheat, corn, rye, barley, pea, sorghum and even rice. Having properly designed grinding, sorting and moving aggregates, one can obtain combined finished products in different combinations. At a basic level, grains are divided into three fractions - protein, starch and cellulose. The finer the cleaning, the more expensive the final product. But today, deep processing of grain with the production of native and modified components is becoming increasingly popular. A wide range of products such as glucose, amino acids, syrups, sweeteners, gluten and bioethanol are produced at such plants.

The state of deep processing technologies in Russia

Grain Processing

The methods of deep processing in the domestic agricultural industry have been talked about since 2000, when a new round of growth in the export of grain, especially barley and wheat, began. However, to this day no significant progress has been made towards the development of technology. The country still retains one of the leading positions in the grain industry market, but this applies exclusively to the supply of unprocessed cheap product. Moreover, in the current format of deliveries of agricultural technology, they rest against limited production capacities of 30 million tons. At the same time, deep grain processing in Russia has favorable conditions for implementation. Firstly, the abundance of a renewable resource base can be noted. Secondly, there are ample opportunities for the technical modernization of agricultural complexes.

Deep Grain Processing Enterprises in Russia

Processed Grain Content

In Russia, there are still a small number of plants that are engaged in deep processing of crops. The bulk of them processes corn, while the share of wheat raw materials in the total amount of grain harvested is about 60%. One of the few plants for the deep processing of grain at domestic facilities is Efremovsky. This plant produces glucose and syrup products from wheat. It is also planned to open a large enterprise in the Rostov Region - Donbiotech LLC, which will also be involved in wheat processing with the subsequent production of amino acids. Since the beginning of 2017, the Tyumen AminoSib plant has been operating in full cycle mode, one of its workshops is engaged in the production of lysine sulfate from grain crops.

Prospects for the development of technology in Russia

The experts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation are counting on the rise of new areas of deep processing associated with the production of syrups, starch and gluten. These products are in demand today both in the domestic market and as export goods. The allocated subsidies for these industries are planned to be deducted not by volume, but only on planned products with confirmation of their sale. Traditionally, the compound feed segment remains in high demand. For many years now, such enterprises of deep processing of grain as Prioskolye, Raiffeisen Agro and Miratorg have been working in this direction. Food and feed are considered promising products against the background of support for domestic livestock. Improving the quality of feed and premixes directly affects the growth of meat production without increasing the basic capacity for grain turnover.

Technology Investment Attraction

Grain deep processing

Over the past 20 years, more than a dozen projects have been launched in Russia, to varying degrees, related to the methods of deep processing of corn, wheat and other crops. But only a few of them reached full realization, and the deficit of investments became the limiting factors. For example, the deep processing of corn grain is characterized by high capital intensity of the construction of the agricultural complex. Payback is about 5 years in case of successful integration of all project components. Also, the low level of overall technological development of target sites, not to mention the shortage of qualified personnel, often becomes a constraining factor, regardless of the direction of implementation of deep processing projects. It turns out that this area of โ€‹โ€‹production at this stage can be attractive only for the state itself as a tool for creating additional jobs and a way to stimulate food independence.

Problems of technologies for deep grain processing

As a measure of improving the current situation of agriculture with increasing technical production capacities and increasing economic indicators, new sectors themselves provide significant advantages. But, as experts say, the technology for the deep processing of wheat grain can justify expectations only in the case of a limited intake of excess raw materials remaining after domestic consumption expenditures. Multilevel grain cleaning is beneficial for processing enterprises, which can remain profitable only if they maintain a wide range of products or in the manufacture of large volumes of one high-tech product. And in both cases, the organization of large production capacities can harm the main raw material base, which can be reduced by the production of value-added products that are less in demand on the domestic market.


Obtaining a biological product from processed grain

Nevertheless, a comprehensive analysis of the economic feasibility of introducing the methods of deep processing of wheat and other crops is impossible without a broad view of the possibilities of this technology. For example, the largest agricultural enterprises in the world, in principle, consider methods of multi-stage cleaning of grain crops as a natural step on the way to obtaining a variety of environmentally friendly biological products. Moreover, today, clothes, various coatings, disposable tableware and food packaging are made from the acids of grain starch. Therefore, even in the form of a narrow segment, the deep grain processing industry can become quite a promising tool for existing areas of industry.


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