Business idea: tire recycling

Each of us knows that a vehicle cannot do without tires. However, not everyone thinks about where the worn rubber goes. There are two ways: either the tire goes to a landfill and thereby pollutes the environment, or goes for recycling. It is safe to say that rubber is a dangerous pollutant, so they always try to dispose of it. For this simple reason, there are all prerequisites for creating your own small plant, where tires will be processed.

tire recycling

What everyone should know

The number of cars on the road increases by about 5-10% annually. Based on this, the volume of worn-out rubber increases by about 1 million tons. In many countries, the issue of disposal is very acute. This problem can be partially solved if you set up your own small production. You have several business development options. For example, it can be the processing of car tires into fuel oil or chips. If you want to receive fuel, you will have to spend a little more money, since the production line is quite serious. Pay attention also to the fact that you can work not only with tires, but also with plastic products, which will slightly increase the profitability of the enterprise. This business has several undeniable advantages, now we will consider each of them.

First, you don’t need to inject a lot of money into the purchase of raw materials. This is due to the fact that worn rubber is thrown away. Local authorities, if they, of course, worry about the ecology of their city, will deliver everything to you. But this is not all, as the municipality is ready to pay for the fact that your company will process tires. You must agree that getting a practically free raw material and making profit from the fact that you are doing this business is not bad at all. Of course, this does not end there, since our main goal is not only to save the environment, but also to make a net profit. Fixed assets will come from the sale of all the same fuel oil, which is an extremely popular type of fuel in agriculture. By the way, you can get free raw materials at tire fitting points, which are more than enough in big cities. The thing is that employees of service stations, etc. pay extra funds for the removal of old tires and their disposal.

Rubber tire recycling: pros and cons

One can not say a few words about the fact that this niche is not yet completely filled. The number of entrepreneurs in this area is relatively small, about 20% of the optimal indicator. This means that only a fifth of the worn rubber is disposed of and recycled, everything else goes to landfill. You must understand that 1,000 kilograms of burnt tires is 450 kg of various toxic gases, as well as 250-270 kilograms of soot. But if the same amount of rubber is properly disposed of, then from mining you can get about 700 kilograms of full-fledged rubber, which can be used to make fuel and rubber products. It hardly makes sense to talk about the industrial scale of the enterprise, but it’s very possible to establish a small tire processing plant.

tire recycling
The complex itself is relatively small, but its size directly depends on the volume of production. So, for processing 5 tons per day, you need a room of 18 squares and 10 meters in height. There should be a warehouse on the site where you will store tires, plastic, etc. There must be a site for the preliminary preparation of raw materials (cleaning, cutting rubber). Do not do without a room for storage of finished products. In this case, it all depends on what exactly you get. It can be carbon black, fuel, and so on. For example, for fuel oil, you will need to purchase several large-capacity tanks. They do not have to be new, it’s even better to buy a used one, it’s much cheaper. Please note that recycling rubber tires is a difficult and dangerous business. Therefore, the technology must be carefully observed. Let's talk in more detail about this.

Technological process

In fact, there is nothing complicated, however, it is necessary to control the process at all stages of production. At the very beginning you have to do the collection of tires. Next, you must take them to your company’s warehouse for further processing. In order not to damage the scissors, which, incidentally, are not cheap, it is necessary to inspect all raw materials for the presence of metal objects, such as discs or rings. As for the cutting tool, ideally it should be hydraulics scissors, but this is not necessary at all, we will talk about this a bit later. Then the crushed rubber is sent to the reactor - a special tire processing plant that operates at a given temperature, most often it is 450 degrees Celsius. Decomposition leads to the fact that we get several semi-finished products, such as gas, steel cord, fuel fraction.

tire processing technology

The same gas is used to maintain combustion in the furnace as a secondary fuel. Its waste is released into the environment. This cannot be called a good solution, but the emission resembles the exhaust gases of a truck. As for the remaining mass, it passes through a magnetic separator, in simple words, it is sifted through a sieve. Metal elements are screened out and sent to the warehouse. Fuel oil is conveyed by conveyor to tanks in which fuel will be stored until dispatch. It should be noted that the installation for processing tires, which allows you to get pyrolysis fuel, is quite expensive - about 2 million rubles. Its productivity is about 5 thousand tons of raw materials per day, which is a lot.

Rubber crumb making

And here is another interesting enough idea that has not received proper distribution to date. The essence of this business is that you will sell crushed and processed rubber, which can be used for different purposes. In order for you to roughly understand what it is about, you need to give general indicators in numbers. So, a ton of rubber crumb on the Russian market will cost no more than 20,000 rubles. As for the main consumers, these are construction companies, manufacturers of rubber products, roofing materials, coatings for building and sports tools, etc. In principle, a point of sale is quite simple to find.

tire recycling

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that approximately 700-800 thousand tons of worn tires are thrown out on the territory of the Russian Federation every year. Approximately 20-25% should be disposed of properly, everything else is either simply dumped in landfills or incinerated. So, processing tires into crumbs can bring 5-8 billion, but this is already an industrial scale. If you will be engaged in just such recycling at your factory, then you will need a mechanical crusher. The cutting tool will have to be changed very often, which leads to high costs. Another minus of this idea is that it consumes a lot of electricity, about 500 kilowatts per ton of finished products. Nevertheless, recycling auto tires in this way will be beneficial. But only if you receive appropriate support from the state.

Tire Recycling Equipment

Separately, we need to talk about what our production line will consist of. In principle, there is not much equipment, and it’s not complicated at all. Nevertheless, the price "bites." The main unit is a tire processing plant (reactor), 10 meters high, 3.5 meters wide, 5 meters long. This unit needs to be installed only in an open area, that is, in the open. You, as a future entrepreneur, must understand that you have to pay quite a lot of money for electricity. The reactor itself consumes about 6 kW per hour. In addition, there are also scissors - 7-8 kW / h. In principle, this is practically all the equipment that is necessary to start production. What else is needed is a few crucibles for unloading the resulting material.

As noted above, the reactor has a capacity of about 5 tons per day. But of this mass, approximately 40% will be liquid fuel. The fact is that as a result of decomposition you get gas (about a ton) and somewhere around 0.5 tons of steel cord. Do not forget about the solid residue (carbon-containing materials), this is approximately 30% of the total output. It is worth paying your attention to the fact that the processing of old tires in the reactor is carried out continuously. All that is required of you is to add tires. Combustion is supported by the gas produced inside the furnace. The reactor must be serviced by two specially trained specialists. In principle, training courses can be completed quite quickly. Now let's go ahead and look at some more important points.

tire processing equipment

How much money do you need to start?

This is one of the main aspects that interests all beginners. Big expenses are not necessary here. If you intend to purchase used equipment (reactor, scissors), you can save up to 20% of the total. Whether or not to take such a step is up to you. There is no guarantee that a used reactor will not fail after the first melting. In this case, no one will indemnify you. One million rubles should be enough for everything about everything. This includes the cost of a reactor with a capacity of 5 tons / day, as well as scissors. In addition, you will need to purchase several tanks (60 tons). If it will be used tanks, then apiece will have to pay somewhere 25,000 rubles. How many pieces you need, think for yourself, but do not limit yourself to one or two tanks. The fact is that the processing of tires into fuel is a seasonal business.

In a period of decline in fuel prices, it is better not to sell it, but only to accumulate. When the period of increase comes, and this will necessarily happen, you can get a good income by selling all fuel oil at once. Such tactics work and are considered quite effective. But this does not mean that you should completely freeze sales, it is enough to reduce them by 50-75%. You still have to pay employees. Four specialists will cost about 60,000 rubles a month, and tools and protective clothing - another 50 thousand. There are also regular monthly costs: electricity, taxes, rent, etc.

About company income

As you may have noticed, the tire recycling technology is quite simple. There are no additives to the fuel, complex chemical reactions and other points. Moreover, as noted above, raw materials are completely free. Sometimes, even by collecting tires, you can earn some money that will pay off the monthly cost of electricity. If you live in the outback, then you are unlikely to be paid for disposal, but in big cities the situation is completely different. There are many industrial enterprises that pay good money for the disposal of rubber. This is due to the fact that many city landfills refuse to accept such waste. For the processing of tons of tires you can get a different amount, from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

tire processing into fuel
We can say with confidence that even the processing of tires at home will bring a good income. So, consumers are willing to pay 3 thousand rubles per ton of low-quality carbon. Scrap metal is taken at the rate of 4 thousand rubles / ton, and fuel oil - 3-4 thousand rubles per ton, depending on the period. Using simple calculations, you can conclude that in a month you will earn approximately 350,000-400,000 rubles. Approximately 50% must be paid for electricity, paid to workers, etc. With such intensity, the tire recycling line will pay off in six months, which is fast enough. As you can see, the idea is very interesting and promising, but not so simple. In such a business, as, in fact, in any other, there is a mass of pitfalls. Let's see how not to make a mistake.

Problems opening a business

It so happens that simply can not find a free plot of land. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to maintain a safe distance to residential buildings, which is 300 meters. The farther the plant is from the city, the greater the cost of delivering raw materials, do not forget about it. Remember that far from everyone wants tires under their windows to be processed. Responses of ordinary residents will be negative, even if the reactor is located at a distance of 400 meters from residential areas. For this simple reason, look for a place on the production site. Most likely, you will find it, since quite a lot of sites are empty. All that is required of you is to agree directly with the enterprise, as a rule, this is not so difficult. At least, much easier than concluding an agreement with firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Do not forget that you need a license for recycling. Obtaining an authorization document is not difficult, since tires are classified as non-hazardous materials (4th group). But the catch is that your production officially pollutes the atmosphere. Most likely, you will be asked (forcibly) to buy a treatment plant. Its price is usually several times higher than the entire plant. But there are several ways to help you defer a purchase for a specific time. Experts say that it is impractical to open an enterprise for the processing of any one material. Whether it is so or not, decide for yourself. In any case, you can always expand your workshop and melt glass, plastic or metal there. According to statistics, 75% of entrepreneurs are faced with environmentalists who are wary of this type of production.

Some important details

tire recycling reviews

As noted a little above, you will encounter the fact that the item "contingencies" appears in your business plan. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to resolve issues with environmentalists and firefighters. For example, to store fuel oil in new tanks, only a protective shield is needed, but used tanks require additional protection. There are special lines for fuel and gas, and instructions for personnel on fire safety, and much more. In any case, you must have a stock in your budget of several hundred thousand rubles. This will save you a lot of trouble. Cost items are quite large, but we have already reviewed them, and you probably know what you will deal with.

Do not forget that you, as a leader, must not only observe how your employees work, but also perform a number of other equally important tasks. Among these are: the constant development and growth of the boundaries of the enterprise, accounting and tax accounting, as well as the adjustment of goals and plans for the near future. This article did not mention one important point - advertising your product. There are several options. One of them is to create your own thematic site where you can offer fuel oil, etc. No one has canceled ads at poles, stops and stands. Until now, this is a good and effective method of loudly declaring itself. In addition, for a nominal fee, you can rent a billboard and place your advertisement there. By the way, you need to do this wisely. It is important here not to overload with unnecessary information, but also to attract the attention of a potential audience.


So we talked with you about what tire recycling is and how to open such a business. As you can see, everything is quite simple, but there are a lot of important points. Sometimes it happens that it is difficult to find a supplier, or the latter refuses to just give away old tires and requires money for them. In principle, you can find another, more acceptable enterprise, where they will only be glad to get rid of excess garbage, and even give you money for the journey. Sometimes it makes sense to conclude a full-fledged long-term supply contract. So you can eliminate the downtime of your business and increase revenue. But all these points should be discussed directly with the supplier. Remember that it is much more difficult to find a point of sale for tires than a businessman who is ready to buy this garbage. This is due to the fact that in some cities there are no tire processing reactors at all.

If you will get good fuel oil, then aim for city or private boiler rooms. There you will be happy to purchase fuel, which is vital for heating water. , 500 000 . 1 – 90 . , (40 ) , . , 30 , . , 20 . , . , , . , , . – , .


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