Are handymen unpromising hard workers or people with a good career start?

One of the most requested vacancies for many employers, regardless of the vector of the company’s activity, is a handyman. This is a fairly universal position. The area of ​​responsibility of a person who occupies it can be very diverse. What will have to do the laborer in the service, what is his income, and who can apply for this place - details in the article.

handymen this

Job responsibilities of a handyman

Handymen are employees of an enterprise or organization that perform unskilled, auxiliary work. The list of their job responsibilities is usually prescribed by special instructions and directly depends on the field in which the employer trades. So, laborers-general workers are obliged to deal with the movement of goods or manufactured products, raw materials between warehouses or workshops, to implement the process of loading / unloading products for their subsequent transportation.

A laborer at construction sites is work requiring certain qualities from the person who is busy with it. First of all - physical strength, responsibility and efficiency. At the workplace, he will have to do the most difficult work, provide qualified craftsmen with material and tools, do cleaning and other management tasks.

handyman payment

Huge misconception

There is an opinion that handymen are only young people, mostly guys and men under forty. In fact, women and people of age can apply for this position. The main thing is that they possess the strength, endurance and health to carry out their duties. Far from always rough work is identified with hard physical labor. Many enterprises equip their workplaces with special equipment - lifts, loaders, electric cars, which will be manageable for both women and men.

In addition, there are vacancies such as handyman technicians. This is a position that is often registered in office centers, government agencies, hospitals, schools and other organizations that are not involved in the production or sale of products. A laborer working there is charged with performing feasible tasks of a very different nature - cleaning, simple repairs (including plumbing), replacing bulbs, watering fresh flowers, messenger services, etc.

loaders handymen

Bread and butter and caviar?

Many readers are probably interested in the question of how much does the handyman earn? Paying for his work in Russia on average amounts to 25 thousand rubles a month, provided that he is employed full time. Interestingly, people in the same position, but in other countries, can boast a much higher income. So, in the countries of Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Poland) the handyman earns about 1.5 thousand dollars. In the western part of the continent (Germany, Great Britain), their labor is estimated at another 500-600 dollars higher.

Very often unskilled specialists have to work on a piece-rate basis, when the employer pays off with his employee after he has completed a certain amount of work. Another calculation option is to receive wages at the end of each working day. This is a mutually beneficial agreement that helps the employer and his subordinate minimize the risks associated with unscrupulous job seekers. Handymen with daily pay are most often people working in construction sites, agricultural enterprises, movers in the markets.

daily laborer


With due diligence, a responsible attitude to his duties and determination, the handyman will be able to achieve great success and take a better position in his enterprise. The main task for an unskilled employee is to obtain a profession, its successful development, as well as the subsequent implementation of new tasks for itself.

Many employers strive to teach their employees the basics of work. Thus, workers begin their career growth from the bottom, comprehending the wisdom of the production business from “A” to “Z”. In the future, this will bring considerable benefits, because the employee knows and understands all the mechanisms of interaction between different departments and divisions in the enterprise or organization.

Cons of work

The advantages of being a laborer are many. The pluses include the ability to work without education and experience. Such an occupation can bring quite substantial income. In addition, such an employee usually does not have excessively difficult tasks, so he is unlikely to work in emergency situations and subject himself to stressful situations.

However, there is a negative in unskilled work. The peak of the maximum demand for laborers falls on the spring-summer season, while winter, as a rule, is a period of calm or minimal employment. Accordingly, the income of a laborer is seasonal and unstable, only if it is not included in the permanent staff of a particular enterprise. The working conditions also cause a share of complaints - most often you need to work in unheated, damp rooms or on the street.


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