How to become more confident in yourself? Psychologist's advice.

Each person strives for some of his own goals and everyone seeks to realize them in his own ways. At the same time, he perfectly understands that he is unlikely to be able to reach some of them alone. Interaction with other people is important at any stage and in order for it to produce fruitful results, a person just needs self-confidence.

What determines self-confidence?

A lot of work has been written about how to become more self-confident, many programs have been developed, and almost all psychologists talk about this. Then why is the problem still relevant and acute enough? Let's try to consider the main types of human behavior; today, psychologists distinguish three:

  • Aggressive
  • Passive;
  • Sure.

You do not need to be seven spans in your forehead in order to understand that the first two types of behavior create a lot of problems for a person in terms of communication with other people.

Basic principles of human behavior in society

A passive person, because of his weak character, is forced to constantly yield to others, as a result of which his own interests are infringed. Because of this, he almost constantly experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction with himself, awkwardness, helplessness and mental pain. As a rule, such a person does not achieve his own goals, for the reason that he constantly gives others the opportunity to make decisions for themselves. If a passive person does not find a solution for himself in time, how to become more confident in himself, the problem can lead to more serious consequences, such as drug addiction, alcoholism, suicide. An aggressive person, in turn, humiliates and infringes the interests of other people, and therefore very often loses their location. This fact also reduces the quality of his life and complicates the process of communication with friends and relatives. A self-confident person honestly and openly expresses his feelings, but does so not in an offensive manner. He sets goals and achieves them without humiliating other people and without compromising his own principles. That is why most of the time he lives in a state of comfort and inner harmony.

What prevents a person from being confident?

Many psychologists writing about how to become more self-confident declare with one voice - you need to work on yourself. First of all, you need to figure out what prevents a person from being self-confident and self-reliant. These may be traits such as:

  • dependence on other people's opinions;
  • passive attitude to life;
  • low self-esteem ;
  • fear of manifestation of feelings and emotions in people;
  • fear of criticism;
  • fear of communication;
  • excessive shyness;
  • inability to express one’s point of view in a general conversation.

How to gain self-confidence?

In order to understand how to be more confident in yourself, you can learn to do something better than others. For example, show magic tricks, do parkour or dance, or learn unusual weightlifting tricks. Everything that a person knows how to do better than others attracts the attention of others and, as a result, gives a person confidence in his abilities. Appearance also plays a large role in the self-affirmation of a person, it must be treated with due attention, but without excessive fanaticism.

Psychologists advise in the first place to develop a solid look and impeccable diction. You can do this in front of the mirror, write a meaningful text and make a speech, carefully watching your intonation. When communicating with other people, do not apologize too often, such behavior is often a sign of self-doubt. Do not be afraid of your fears. Fears are a kind of reaction of the body aimed at protecting it, and therefore you need to treat them philosophically.

Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question: "How to become more confident in yourself?" Each person should have his own individual approach, which will allow him to reveal his personality and achieve his goal. Nevertheless, you must always work on yourself and then the result will exceed even the wildest expectations.


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