What needs to be done to make hair grow faster? Tips & Tricks

what to do to grow hair faster

Every woman dreams of long and thick hair and spends many years to grow it. But not so simple. Doing nothing, but just waiting for time, it is unlikely to get a beautiful and healthy head of hair. Now many factors affect the condition of the hair, which we cannot always avoid. However, it is quite possible to eliminate the consequences of such an impact. In this article we will tell you what to do to make your hair grow faster.

What affects growth rate?

In order to understand what to do next, you first need to identify why it is not possible to grow long curls for a long time. There may be several similar reasons:

  • hair falls out in large quantities;
  • the ends of the hair are split and broken;
  • dry hair
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

so that hair grows fast thick

What needs to be done to make hair grow faster?

There are many ways to increase hair length. In a broad sense, they can be divided into two categories:

  • unprofessional;
  • professional.

The first category includes methods that we can easily use on our own at home. Professional methods to increase the speed of hair growth are used in beauty salons.

How to make hair grow faster at home?

  1. Include foods such as greens, beans, salmon and other fatty fish, dairy products, carrots, poultry, and eggs in your diet.
  2. Start taking vitamins (D, E, C). Hair can grow poorly due to the lack of nutrients in the body.
  3. To make your hair grow thick quickly, do a head massage more often. No special tools are required for this. A regular massage comb is suitable . Use it several times a day for 10-15 minutes. There is also a trichological head massage.
  4. Use special cosmetics for hair growth. Give preference to those that do not need to be washed off.
  5. Make hair masks at least once a week. Both self-prepared and ready-made ones will do well. Apply a surely moisturizing composition that strengthens and activates hair growth. Use mustard, garlic, horseradish, essential oils.

What needs to be done to make hair grow faster? Professional methods

how to make hair grow faster


This method consists in introducing a special solution rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the subcutaneous layer. The hair follicles are saturated as much as possible and the hair growth process is accelerated.

Ampoules for hair growth

Effective when in a short time you need to grow a long hair. The composition that is used for therapy is prescribed only by a trichologist.

Laser hair combing

This method is absolutely painless. The laser stimulates blood microcirculation on the scalp and at the same time strengthens the hair. You can use this “comb” both at home (you can get it in a trichological clinic), and in a beauty salon.

So, in order for hair to grow thick faster, an integrated approach is needed. In addition to the fact that you need to take care of them daily, make masks, use specialized means to strengthen them, it is also necessary to eat properly and periodically trim the ends. In this article, we examined what needs to be done to make hair grow faster. We hope that this information will be helpful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C44997/

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