How to increase concentration: the choice of method, special techniques and regularity of exercises, drugs and doctor's advice

Concentration is not an empty phrase, but a large amount of effort, time and hard work. You can improve your concentration of attention all your life, this is not a matter of a week or two. However, there are techniques to increase attention, concentration and memory quite efficiently and in the shortest possible time. If you notice problems with concentration, it’s time to start with the following techniques, which, if performed regularly, will certainly help develop this skill.

Method No. 1. Make quick decisions

Take a piece of paper or set aside separate pages in the diary in order to catch yourself in those moments when you are in full defocus. Divide the leaflet into three sectors: morning, day, night, and every time you feel that your thoughts are not here somewhere, make a note in the corresponding sector. After a certain amount of time, you will understand what part of the day you are most productive in, and thoughts will cease to float somewhere in the clouds. And all this is only due to the banal calculation.

The same method applies the need to always be aware of the problem. This helps keep track of every time you lose concentration. Only an understanding of what and how you are doing will help improve attention without some unthinkable effort. Thus, you will be able to determine the most “vulnerable” part of the day when you are distracted by everything. For example, in the morning it is always difficult for you to concentrate, but by lunch you turn into a real workaholic. Even a corny full sleep and proper nutrition can increase concentration.

concentration of attention

Method No. 2. Free time

You can increase the concentration and attention of an adult in the most usual way - to allocate time during the day and allow yourself to dwell in the clouds. Yes, yes, it didn’t seem to you, the best way to improve concentration is to let it evaporate for a while. As practice shows, even specially designated free time enhances concentration during the day. The simplest example is that you will work harder from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., knowing that from 3 to 5 you can do what your heart desires. And also with more power take up work after 5, as the brain will be ready for increased concentration of attention. If you notice that you are distracted during the time intended for work, remind yourself that a break is waiting for you soon, and concentrate as much as possible on the task.

Method No. 3. The supply of oxygen to the brain

What carries oxygen in our body? Right, blood. However, in ordinary life, most of the oxygen in the body is in the lower part of the body, while the brain may suffer from a shortage. To provide your body and, first of all, the brain with a sufficient portion of oxygen, get up, walk, perform trivial physical exercises more often. You can do it even at work, sitting in a chair. Also do not forget to give the brain a break, long hours of concentration contribute to the deterioration of brain activity. As a result, that same concentration and attention is reduced. Take breaks and don't overload yourself.

focus on information

Method No. 4. Do not put off until later and finish to the end

Psychologists do not advise starting a new project without finishing the old one. So you tell your brain that it’s the norm to switch from one thing to another. As a result, complete defocusing occurs. To improve concentration, you need to complete one task and only after that start a new one. This even applies to everyday trivia such as reading a book. It is not recommended to start a new one when the old one is not finished. This technique will help to increase the concentration of attention in a child.

Method No. 5. Everything has its place and time

Any work needs to be done at the table, not in bed or on the couch. A bed is a place to sleep, let it remain so. The table is precisely the workplace, here we will learn how to increase concentration. Everything is simple here, our mind is a mysterious thing. As soon as we go to bed with a laptop, associations arise in the brain: bed is a place to sleep, how can we concentrate here? Remember, you need to work only in a specially designated place, otherwise there will be no trace of concentration.

workplace organization

Method No. 6. Five more

Such a rule is as simple and old as the world. And its essence is as follows: every time you are a second away from closing your laptop and postponing work, tell yourself: “Five more.” It doesn’t matter, minutes, pages, math problems, sentences in the report. Just grab and do five more. The energy is hidden deep inside, but it will certainly break out and give you the strength to do five more things that you are busy with.

Concentration assistants

In addition to the above methods, there are hundreds more, but they all do not make sense if you do not follow the simplest rules:

  • If you want to sleep, then with concentration it will definitely be hard. That is why a full sleep is above all.
  • Create a cozy and calm atmosphere at your desk, this will certainly help to increase concentration.
  • Divide your day into concentration time and relaxation time. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by trifles and reward yourself for successfully completed tasks.
  • Even the mood plays an important role, if it is not there, then most likely you will waste time. So tune in to work.
  • Whenever self-confidence leaves you, think about your past achievements.
  • Do not force yourself, everything should be in moderation.
  • There are even products that increase concentration: blueberries, green tea, avocados, nuts, dark chocolate, water and so on.

When you want to give up, remember that the greatest people would not have achieved anything in their lives if they had not been able to concentrate.

increase in concentration

Practical Tips for Improving Concentration

To work more productively, you need to learn how to concentrate. Many methods have been invented for this, there are even drugs that increase concentration. These are "Glycine", "Piracetam", "Nootropil", "Aminalon", "Intellan". But it is better to use drugs after consulting a doctor. And we will not analyze the medical, but the physical and moral aspect of the ability to concentrate. So, how to increase concentration and memory?

Analyze your behavior

Each person has a weak concentration manifests itself in different ways. We are all individual, someone does not know how to listen carefully, and therefore meetings or lectures at the university are empty for him, others quickly lose the essence of the conversation or the main thread of mental work, some are distracted even by the smallest sound. Begin your work by concentrating with an analysis of yourself, determine what prevents you from concentrating. This will allow you to find out not only the essence of the problem, but also find a way to solve it. This is especially true of how to increase attention and concentration in the student.

how to be careful

Create a glass jar and gather your thoughts

If noise, people prevent you from concentrating, you need to learn how to visualize the “glass cover”, that is, to isolate yourself from any source of noise. In the modern world this is difficult, but try to find a place that will help you stay at least a few hours in complete silence. Full concentration is impossible not only without external, but also without inner calm. No quiet place will help if you do not collect your thoughts and relax. Plan how you will perform this or that task and calmly proceed with the work.

Train and motivate yourself

You think how to increase concentration of attention? Learn to train your memory. If she’s well trained, you don’t have to waste a lot of time remembering something important. You can easily operate with the information that is stored in your head. Every little step towards improving memory is also a step in developing attention span. Motivation must not be overlooked. If the task is to our liking, we quickly and easily deal with it. But the situation changes dramatically when we need a push to complete the task. Try in any situation to find benefits and benefits for yourself, even if the upcoming work you do not like at all.

how to do it right

Complete tasks here and now

If you came up with an interesting idea or you are appointed as a performer of a cool project, do not put off the matter until later, when the enthusiasm leaves you, get to work here and now. It is often the hardest thing to take the first step, but as soon as it is left behind, you will already get a taste, so do not delay.

Say no to overwork

When planning your day, always correctly calculate your strengths and do not try to jump above your own head. Usually, when we add more tasks to the list of tasks than we can physically complete, at the end of the day we get upset that not every line has a check mark. Carefully plan your day, and most importantly - rationally. Only enter on the list what you can really accomplish, and if you manage to do more, you can only applaud yourself.

concentration on study

Find your strengths

We create ourselves. If you repeat to yourself every day that you do not know how to concentrate, then in the end it will be so. This leads to doubts in ourselves, and subsequently we are afraid to take a step forward, do not achieve our goals, become depressed. Start telling yourself: “I can do everything!”. Success is achieved only by those who believe in themselves. The same goes for concentration.

Set your goals

It is impossible to achieve anything in life unless you have a goal. Anyone who does any work without a goal is wasting his energy and wasting attention. Each task in your diary should be designed to fulfill a goal. They can be short-term and long-term. For example, before the lunch break, write a report to the authorities or buy a car by the end of the year. Each goal, no matter whether it is large or small, requires maximum concentration.

And nowhere without self-control!

Our thoughts are free, they are difficult to control, and sometimes they spin in the head without our desire. But one thing is certain: we can influence their course, direction. When you notice that thoughts begin to move away from the main task, just "talk to yourself." Say “stop” to yourself and return to the task you are busy with. This also applies to problems, if our head is clogged with them, then there can be no talk of any concentration. To avoid this, you must either solve all the problems, or change the idea of ​​them. Here visualization comes to the rescue.

And remember that everything is in your hands

Of course, it is impossible to be constantly focused on the maximum, there are reasons and circumstances that do not allow you to concentrate. However, learn to take concentration seriously and remember that it depends on a number of factors. Even from how much you slept and how tightly ate. Perseverance, patience, consistency - these are the three pillars on which the process of achieving the goal rests.


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